• Friday, July 26, 2024
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Cleansing from the years of the locust

UK general election: British democracy puts Nigerian ineptocracy to shame

By Obiotika Wilfred

Confucius, the ancient Greek philosopher, said, “Lust is the sin of youth, while avarice is the sin of old age.” The youths and octogenarians who had ruled Nigeria since 1960 could not exempt themselves from the two sins. Both the old and young leaders alike amass wealth and live a life of profligacy. The failure of the state and collapse of governance in Nigeria signal that there should be cleansing in the country. The reign and culture of impunity keep getting stronger every day. The government’s rash, insensitive, and injudicious actions culminate in the suffering, agony, and death of many citizens. Exemplary roles are lacking both in the church, society, institutions, industries, companies, and schools.

Read also: Nigeria’s agric growth slows to 0.18% in Q1 despite declaring emergency on food

The majority of the citizens would prefer to be in exile than remain in a locust-infested country like Nigeria. Our generation thrives on power—from the roadside mechanic to the military, police, customs officers, and manufacturers. One could see nothing but a marmalade of ugly red clouds. There’s no vision for Nigeria and no future for the youth. The abuse of power and total disregard for the rule of law have been on the increase. The Landmark Beach and Resort was built in six years but destroyed within six hours. The landmark property, worth over $200 million, accommodates more than 80 businesses and directly sustains over 4,000 jobs. Additionally, the company claims it contributes more than N2 billion in taxes each year. Whoever comes to power in Nigeria surrounds himself with stooges and cronies who will assist him or her in impoverishing the people, increasing suffering, and oppressing the masses.

Financial institutions in Europe and America are a beehive for funds that would have been used for infrastructural developments in Nigeria. Walter Rodney, in his book ‘How Europe Underdeveloped Africa’, describes how Africa was exploited and underdeveloped by European colonial regimes. Hospitals are not equipped, but leaders travel for medical tourism abroad. Do we still have to blame the colonial masters for Nigeria’s woes after 63 years? The 1999 Constitutional immunity clause and the Land Use Act of 1978 guaranteed every political leader the right to demolish homes, houses, and industries without any replacement or commensurate compensation. In Lagos State alone, some households were given 2 hours of notice before the demolition of their home. In Enugu State, individuals were given 72 hours to vacate their premises. El-Rufia was before the Senate in the past few years to testify that he came from a family of wicked and heartless beings while the demolition went on in Abuja. Nyesom Wike took the imitation as a frenzy. The government at any level has never built low-cost houses for citizens. The only tribe that engages in mortgage payment and sporadic development in the country are the Igbos.

 “Our generation thrives on power—from the roadside mechanic to the military, police, customs officers, and manufacturers.”

To cultivate an acre of land by manual labour would cost more than N100,000 in a developing country. The National Bureau of Statistics has reported that under just one year of Tinubu, Garri rose from N500 to N3,500; beans from N600 to N2000; tomatoes from N400 to N1000; yam from N400 to N1,500; 5 kg of gas from N4,600 to N7000; and 12.5 kg of gas from N10,300 to N17,800. Nigeria’s crude oil, which is one of the best in the world, is a curse to Nigerians.

In the words of Prophet Odumeje, “Nobody can claim to be educated in a country with no roads or good hospitals.” Professors rig elections for a chicken change. “As far as Nigeria is not moving forward, everybody in the country is illiterate,” he opined. The Northern Hausas believe that Nigeria is their birthright, and they share it with whomever they like. The Nigerian judiciary is another piece of rotten wood.

Read also: One year after, Nigeria not working under Tinubu Atiku

As Nigerians gear up to celebrate one year in hell, it is crucial to remind the citizens that fire will be added in the preceding years, for there are no laid-out plans to fix the country. Cleansing and purgative remedies can salvage the country. In the olden days, the appearance of locusts was greeted with fanfare in the hope of a new season of farming. Locusts in present-day Nigeria have destroyed whatever the citizens have built and laboured for over the years. It doesn’t just call for restoration but a complete cleansing to avoid repetition. Terrorism, banditry, and kidnapping are daily occurrences in Nigeria. Millions of hard-earned dollars are wasted, and blood is shed. The system of leadership in Nigeria is anthropomorphic because cattle, houses, land, and money have more value than human beings. The housing deficit in Nigeria for 2018 is 20 million, but the executive keeps destroying the sweat and hard work of suffering Nigerians.

Religion is used to cage the minds of progressive citizens. The only investment ongoing in and outside Nigeria is church planting and new parishes. Nigeria is drowning in religion mixed with politics. In any case, it must always turn bad before it gets better. The best news we can get from Nigeria could be: “The war is over.” ‘It’s time to go home.’ A great war is raging in Nigeria—a war of attrition, bitterness, hatred, rancour, tribalism, occultism, oppression, and wickedness. Non-state actors connive with the agencies of the state to put tears in the eyes of the masses, making the majority of the citizens heartless.


Obiotika Wilfred Toochukwu, Awka.