• Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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Voter apathy, late arrival of INEC officials, materials hallmark FCT council polls

That INEC may succeed in 2023

The Federal Capital Territory Area Council polls got off to a slow start Saturday morning amidst several challenges, as election did not start until about 10am.

Many people are however going about their activities, following the decision by the FCT Police to relax movement restrictions.

BusinessDay checks revealed that election materials and polling officials of the Independent National Electoral Commission INEC did not get to the polling units until at about 9.30am, at Kuje, the capital if Kuje Area Council.

This is despite the fact that voters had turned out as early as 7.30am at the various polling units waiting for officials of INEC at the units.

An official of the electoral body who spoke to Businessday at the Kuje INEC office however blamed the development on the delay by members of the National Union of Road Transport Workers NURTW , to transport the materials to the various units.

The official who did not want his name in print, disclosed that their efforts to ensure a hitch free election was being frustrated by the members of NURTW, despite haven been settled.

It took the quick interventions of the officials from the INEC headquarters supervising Kuje and Gwagwalada Area Councils, led by Baba Bila to prevail on the transporters before materials were dispatched to the polling units.

Read also: Why FCT Area Council poll is a litmus test for INEC

One of the NURTW officials coordinating the movement of electoral Materials and INEC personnel who identified himself simply as Usman, told Businessday that some of the transporters had safety concerns, but added that they have been addressed.

“We had issues with those going into the interior villages, but we have been assured that security arrangements are in place to guarantee safety of everyone.

Voting however, took off at the Agwan tiv and Agwan Egan and Agwan Kaduna polling units at about 10am