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Toke Makinwa at COP28 stirs social media storm

In the heart of Dubai, where world leaders, climate activists, and industry titans converge to discuss the critical issue of climate change, a familiar face has caught the attention of social media users in Nigeria – none other than renowned media personality Toke Makinwa.

Her attendance at the COP28 Climate Summit has sparked a lively debate online, with reactions.

Makinwa, known for her outspoken nature and social media savvy, took to Twitter to express her enthusiasm about being part of the COP28 gathering.

“When world leaders, Royalty, Climate change advocates and industry game changers gather to meet in Dubai to discuss how to save the planet, #Cop28 May your name be what the whole country decides to trend. (Amen),” she wrote, signing off as “Item number 7.”

Her lighthearted tweet, however, did not go unnoticed by some netizens, who questioned her presence at the event and her qualifications to contribute to the discussions.

“Can Toke give us the data on how her business has been employing Sustainability practices in their dealings?” asked one Twitter user. At the same time, another wondered, “Do they have data on their Carbon footprint?”

Read also COP28: Many on Nigeria’s delegation are idle hands- Peter Obi

The skepticism surrounding Makinwa’s involvement at COP28 stems from her background as a media personality and entrepreneur with no apparent expertise in climate science or environmental policy. Some critics have suggested that her presence may serve more as a publicity stunt than a meaningful contribution to the summit’s objectives.

Despite the online chatter, Makinwa has remained unfazed, continuing to share her experiences from COP28 and engaging with her followers. She has also acknowledged the concerns some netizens raised, emphasising her interest in environmental issues and her desire to learn from the experts gathered at the summit.

As the COP28 Climate Summit draws close, the debate surrounding Toke Makinwa’s presence will likely continue. While her qualifications for participation may be debatable, her ability to generate online buzz and stir conversations around climate change is undeniable.

Whether her involvement is seen as a welcome addition or an unnecessary distraction, one thing is certain – Toke Makinwa has left an indelible mark on the social media landscape of COP28.