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Tigerwit unveils Arole as brand ambassador, restates commitment to transparency

Tigerwit unveils Arole as brand ambassador, restates commitment to transparency

A renowned financial technology and brokerage firm headquartered in the UK, Tigerwit has unveiled Woli Arole, as its brand ambassador for Nigeria.

Woli Arole, whose real name is Oluwatoyin Bayegun, is a popular MC, actor, international stand-up comedian, viral skit maker and a “prophet” all rolled into one, who has built a national brand for himself.

This is also as Tigerwit said it is not only committed to growing the number of Nigerians trading on the platform but also ensuring that their transactions are protected, secured, immutable.

Speaking during a press conference to unveil its brand ambassador, David Onaolapo, head of Africa Business for Tigerwit Africa, said the choice of Woli Arole as brand ambassador was deliberate as Arole’s values align with the company’s values.

“Arole has been making a platform for himself to reach the world and reach so many people, that’s the best way to put it. In terms of the commercial value, he is one of the most commercially accepted across Nigeria. People across the region find him accessible because of his character and he has been a very long- lasting brand across Africa.

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“We want a coessential representation. We want somebody who embodies the brand itself, it’s not just about the brand calling itself different or client-focused, we wanted someone who mirrors exactly what we do,” Onaolapo added.

He acknowledged that people are concerned about the level of manipulations and fraudulent practices in the financial industry but assured that Tigerwit creates a level ground that fosters transparency and accountability which prioritises access to the financial market and everybody is treated equally irrespective of the number of transactions made.

“We have a platform that is built on a secure blockchain system where every transaction made is protected, secured, immutable that cannot be changed or altered,” he said.

Also speaking at the press conference, Woli Arole disclosed that Tigerwit reached out to him at a point when some of his friends were talking to him about how, when and where to invest.

Arole said Tigerwit has a track record of being accountable and transparent, adding that with the firm’s partnership with Liverpool, they have great deals for Nigerians.

“I checked how TigerWit works and I think it’s a brilliant one. It separates them from the rest. People are convinced when you are transparent and you have track records. So when people ask me questions about Tigerwit, I tell them to go to the website. I am trading with Tigerwit myself. As an influencer, I am giving the authenticity and predictability of the brand. If it’s not Tigerwit, it’s nothing.