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Melaye reveals document to back Ekweremadu

Ekweremadu vs Omo-Agege 

Dino Melaye, former member of the Nigerian Senate has backed Ike Ekweremadu, the embattled former Senator, over his travail at the hands of the British police.

Melaye shared, via Twitter, a document he said clears Ekweremadu’s name.

“Sen. Ike Ekweremadu notified the British authorities on his trip with the said boy. I stand with Ike,” he tweeted.

The letter was a medical visa application directed to the Visa Section of the British High Commission in Abuja.

The content of the letter showed that the embattled Senator Ekweremadu had officially applied for a medical visa application for a kidney donation to Ms. Sonia Ekweremadu.

Document from Dino Melaye
Document from Dino Melaye

Peter Obi, presidential candidate of the Labour Party, also spoke in support of the arrested lawmaker.

“My family and I are with the Ekweremadu’s over their travail. We join all men of goodwill in praying for the healing of their daughter and commit them into God’s hand for justice to be done. –PO, ” the presidential candidate tweeted.

Read also: What to know about Ike Ekweremadu’s case

Ekweremadu is currently being held by the London Police. If found culpable of illegal organ transplant, he could face a maximum of life sentence or a fine or both, based on a summary conviction under the United Kingdom’s Modern Slavery Act 2015.

According to the International Labor Organization (ILO) report published in 2018, it asserted that about 40 million people were victims of human trafficking—roughly the population of Iraq today. The organisation reported that 10 percent of the 40 million people who were victims of human trafficking were lumped together in the “organ removal” cases.