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IPOB leader, Nnamdi Kanu, re-arrested, extradited to Nigeria

Nnamdi Kanu promises to end insecurity in S/East if released from detention

Nigeria’s Attorney General and Minister of Justice Abubakar Malami on Tuesday confirmed the arrest of Nnamdi Kanu, leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB).

At a joint press briefing with the State Security Service (SSS) in Abuja, Malami said Kanu was rearrested and returned to Nigeria on Sunday.

He did not, however, give details of where Kanu was arrested and the diplomatic collaborations that may have been involved in the operation but only said the IPOB leader was arrested through “collaborative efforts of Nigerian intelligence and security services”.

Kanu, who is being prosecuted on charges of treasonable felony, was thereafter arraigned at the Federal High Court in Abuja. It was his first court appearance since he fled Nigeria in September 2017 after an invasion of his home by the military in Afara-Ukwu, near Umuahia, Abia State, South-East Nigeria.

Magaji Labaran, the prosecuting counsel, during Tuesday’s proceedings moved an ex parte application urging the court to remand Kanu in the SSS custody in Abuja.

The request was anchored on the grounds that Kanu violated the conditions of the bail earlier granted him by the court.

Read also: Buhari’s next level; If you are Igbo, you are IPOB

But Kanu, when he got the trial judge’s permission to speak, denied the allegation that his fleeing the country in September 2017 amounts to him jumping bail. He said he only escaped to safety after the military invaded his house.

“I did not jump bail, my lord,” he said.

Binta Nyako, the trial judge, ordered that Kanu be detained in the SSS custody.

Nyako also granted an accelerated hearing in the trial involving charges of treasonable felony filed against Kanu.

In view of this, the judge brought forward the case to July 26 and 27, 2021 from the earlier scheduled date of October 20.

Kanu founded IPOB in 2012 to agitate for the restoration of the Republic of Biafra through an independence referendum. He was initially arrested on October 14, 2015 on an 11-count charge bordering on treasonable felony, publication of defamatory matter, illegal possession of firearms, among others.

After he was detained without trial for over a year, he was arraigned on November 8, 2016 but was eventually granted bail in April 2017 on health concerns. He was, however, barred from granting interviews, meeting in groups larger than 10 individuals, and organizing and attending rallies or social functions.

While on bail, Kanu fled Nigeria in September 2017 after a military invasion of his home in Abia State.

The Federal Government thereafter proscribed IPOB and labelled it a terrorist organization.

On March 28, 2019, Kanu’s bail condition was revoked.