• Saturday, June 15, 2024
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House adjourns plenary midway over Shiites protest

Shiites protest

The House of Representatives Wednesday adjourned plenary midway following the protest by Members of the Shiite Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN) to the National Assembly.

The adjournment was sequel to the observation by the Deputy Speaker of the House, Yusuf Lasun who was presiding over other Committee of the whole which was considering some reports that the protesting Shiites members crashed into the first gate of the National Assembly.

Lasun asked the Sergeant at Arms to step out of the Chambers and ascertain the situation and report to the House and the House hurriedly adjourned.

It adjourned after considering: “Report of the Committee on Tertiary Education and Services on a Bill for an Act to Provide for Establishment of Federal University of Technology, Ogoja and a Bill for an Act to Amend the Ahmadu Bello University (Transitional Provisions) Act, 2004 to Specify the Minimum Qualification of the Chairman of the Governing Council, Ownership of Intellectual Property and to Provide for Pre-Action Notice to the University Authority”.

Members of Shiites regularly carry out protests to demand the release of their leader Ibrahim El-Zakzaky who was arrested by the Federal Government since December 2015.

El-Zakzaky, was arrested along with his wife after soldiers killed hundreds of Shiites Members in Zaria, Kaduna State, between December 12 and 15, 2015 including El-Zakzaky’s children.


James Kwen, Abuja