• Monday, June 17, 2024
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Covid-19: Kougar donates artificial intelligence machine to FCTA

Edo govt urges strict compliance to COVID-19 protocols amid electioneering campaign

Kougar Solutions and Allied Services Limited, in partnership with Hikvision, has donated a thermal and artificial intelligence machine to the Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) to curb the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in the nation’s capital.

Presenting the machine to the FCTA in Abuja, the Group Managing Director of Kougar Solutions and Allied Services, Rony Melhem, said the artificial intelligence system detects normal and abnormal temperature of an individual when he or she walks through it.

He explained that the thermal and facial recognition features that come with the machine captures the facial image of the person as well as detects those not wearing facial masks and also detect the temperature.

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Melhem said that “anyone with high fever passing through the machine or not wearing a face mask, there is a prompter pointing out those defects, thus making detection of symptoms of COVID-19 earlier than required.

“As the Covid-19 pandemic has become a global challenge, we all should be allies in this battle against the pandemic. There is need for all to partner to end the disease, and to defeat the virus the solidarity and cooperation are the most potent weapon needed.

“Covid-19 should be seen as a joint battle that requires all of us to come together to fight, in the spirit of cooperation and brotherhood to overcome the pandemic.”

He expressed appreciation to the rapid response of the federal government, the Presidential Task Force (PTF), professional efforts of medical personnel and other frontline workers, stressing that their efforts had contributed to the recovery of many patients of the COVID-19.

Receiving the machine on behalf of the FCT Administration, FCT Minister of State, Ramatu Aliyu, thanked the firm for donating the artificial intelligence system to assist FCTA to contain the spread of the virus.

Aliyu said the machine would in no small measure assist the Administration to detect the number of people that need to be tested for coronavirus, stressing that all hands must be on deck in the battle against the killer disease.