• Saturday, July 27, 2024
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BusinessDay Grow pledges to get 10,000 SMEs online


In Nigeria there are over 37 million small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), many of whom have no online presence. On the other hand, their prospective customers are online and searching for the best solution to their problems. SMEs need to be where their customers are. To address this gap, West Africa’s number one Business daily, headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria has launched BusinessDay Grow for SMEs in Nigeria.


BusinessDay Grow is a platform designed to simplify business growth in Nigeria. It allows SMEs to manage their entire online identity in one space. Time and able people are precious resources for SMEs. With BusinessDay Grow, SMEs can build and manage their website, optimize it for search, Update Google My Business, identify potential new customers, and so much more. All from one place.

 Demonstration of BusinessDay Grow

Alongside technology partners, Omnibiz, BusinessDay Grow pledges to reach 10,000 Businesses. Speaking on the importance of BusinessDay Grow, BusinessDay’s Publisher Frank Aigbogun said, “This kind of ambition underscores our belief in SMEs, our confidence in the fact that they are pillars of the Nigerian economy, and our desire to help them realise their full growth potential.” Deepankar, while demonstrating the user interface, said “one of my favourite tools allows any business owner to better capture their customer and transaction data. This can make them more viable candidates to receive loans which can further help their business.”


BusinessDay grow is available at grow.businessday.ng. Small business owners with one or multiple branches can sign up immediately. BusinessDay is committed to being an active growth catalyst within the SME community in Nigeria.


BusinessDay is West Africa’s leading provider of business intelligence and information on diversified media platforms. Businessday.ng provides access to opportunity, publishing across social media, App, and mobile and desktop sites. The traditional newspaper is published every week-day, the newspaper is based in Lagos and Accra, with exclusive West Africa syndication of the Financial Times, The Economist and Harvard Business Review.


Omnibiz is a one-stop business hub for SMEs across sub-Saharan Africa. The platform empowers businesses with tools that they can use to enhance their reliability, visibility and financial capability. Omnibiz aims to facilitate the growth journey of SMEs on the continent by preparing them for the funding processes of various investment institutions. Data has shown that the lack of visibility and credibility have been crucial factors for companies in Africa in the case of accessing funding. This has led to millions of SMEs going out of business within a few months after beginning operations, as highlighted by the London Stock Exchange Africa advisory group.