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Return of Eastern Ports: How MAN, NPA plan to revive Port Harcourt Port

Hadiza Bala-Usman

As attention returns to eastern ports, the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN) and the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, have perfected plans to make the Rivers port bounce back to global reckoning.

A strategic meeting has already taken place at the Glass House (NPA’s administrative headquarters at the port in Port Harcourt) when the MAN leadership in Rivers/Bayelsa chapter led by the Opobo-born industrialist, the senator, Adawari Michael Pepple on Thursday, September 26, 2019. The delegation was received by Yunusa Ibrahim Anji, the new Port manager, and his team.

Urgent industrialisation

Pepple, who led Uba Obasi (executive director, manufacturing, ALCON) and Emma Dorgbaa (executive secretary of MAN) to the meeting, made it clear that the eastern region and south-south would no longer tarry on the urgent issue of industrialisation, saying it is the veritable tool to fight and end kidnapping, cultism and general insecurity.

He said MAN is willing to work with the NPA to revive the PH Port for job creation, saying industrialisation is way to go to save the region, now. He said agriculture is also important. “With manufacturing, we can kill kidnapping, cultism, and general violence because the youths will be engaged in worthwhile ventures and incomes. Collaboration between MAN and important government agencies will go a long way. That is why we are here.”

He went on: “MAN is the focal point for manufacturing and measure of the economy, and leads on policy formulation and advocacy to the FG. The objective is to lead in industrialisation drive of the nation.

“Ports are an integral part of manufacturing because it is either involved in import of equipment, raw material and parts, or in the export of finished products. Our passion is about the economy of Nigeria, because we as manufacturers rise or sink with the economy.”

Requests: “We came here to request to collaborate with the NPA to make PH a port of choice. We want to see Ph Port become the top class port of our time. This will start by maintaining the berths.”

Insecurity: “We wish to support in efforts to crash insecurity to the barest minimum, once and for all. We think that insecurity is also overblown in this region. We thus want to support the fight and we can press for action. We note that nowhere is fully free from insecurity. And, if agencies of government do their work, there would be not much insecurity. Already, it is not much anymore. Besides, the Gulf of Guinea is prone to insecurity in the maritime sector; so, it’s not about PH port.”

Liaison: “We seek a desk for manufacturers by appointing someone to liaise with MAN so that issues can be fast trashed faster. There is need to prepare for AfCFTA (African Continental Free Trade Agreement) era by helping in shipping in eastern ports. If western states produce same thing for export with us in the east but get cheaper and faster access to the ports, we here would not get into the African market on fair grounds. That way, our region would lag behind in the coming dispensation. The ports in the east must be beefed up, now.

“I did an experiment by routing a 40ft container through the PH Port recently, and things went very well. Maybe there would some extra $1500 or less but you will not compare this with huge experiences of demurrage in Lagos, two weeks to bring a container and two weeks to take it back, plus haulage from Lagos to Port Harcourt. First, let the channel to PH Port be dredged.”

House of Reps visitation: “The Ad-Hoc Committee created by the Federal House of Representatives (headed by Yusuf Buba Yacub) which visited the eastern ports has made it a task to ensure that eastern ports are given attention and support to bounce back.

“PH Port used to be cynosure of industrial eyes many decades ago. The shipping lines and forwarding companies were the job centres and attractions, not oil companies. There is much to gain by reviving the eastern ports. If this is done, industries will spring back, jobs will spill out, and insecurity will go down.

“PTOL is investing and rebuilding Berth A. This shows the faith they have in the port. We want all sections of the port including BUA section to be back in operation.”

Port Manager: Port Harcourt Port to wear new look

Anji poured out great enthusiasm on the matter at hand. He said: “This is a great move by MAN to go to regulators and agencies of Government to collaborate for better service delivery. You (Pepple) have enormous knowledge which you demonstrated during the visit of the House of Reps last week. You have the passion, the belief and the speech to make your point. You have shown passion for the development of region and Nigeria. It will bring the needed change. It is also for others because you have made it. You can afford to stay aloof.

“Manufacturing is bedrock of port success. We are very prepared to partner with you to ensure success. We must create a collaborative mechanism to sustain this level of dialogue.

“Yes, insecurity is not much anymore. I have not witnessed anyone yet in my three months here. I have always wondered why importers in the east prefer to import through Lagos. We will create avenue to frequently meet with MAN in the region so that all their imports would pass through PH Port. This is safe.

“We strive to comply with the Executive Order One (EO) on fast passage of goods at the port. Yes, we want to deepen the channel so bigger vessels can call. The MD of the NPA, Hdiza Usman, is coming next week Monday. She wants the PH Port to be made better than it was. Every important thing should be tabled for her attention when he comes next week.

“Turning bay in the port is to be dredged. PH Port should have a new face. The entrance should be edifying to show one is beholding a port. Design is being done to be presented to headquarters. We also want to boost the image of the port. The media would partner with us in this to let people know what we have here; to create the right image for the port. Re-branding is the new focus.

‘You can see that Berth A is being improved upon. It’s the first place I paid attention. Serious work is going on there. A lot of vessels want to come to PH now. Space is the issue. So, we contacted Ibeto Jetty to help out and berth vessels. The objective is to make turnaround time faster. PH has already been commended on this at the national level.

“BUA Berths: We are working hard to resolve matters and get that place working again. There would be moves to get the matter out of court (Arbitration in London). The urgent moves are ongoing”.


NPA MD has already pointed to insecurity, low draft, and bad access roads as drawbacks to PH Port and other eastern ports, revealing that consultants were working to come up with solutions. It will be seen what the stakeholders forum in PH on Monday is to achieve towards the task as consultants are already on it.


Ignatius Chukwu