• Sunday, June 16, 2024
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The Church must take the lead in uniting the nation – Primate Udofia  

Primate Udofia

His Eminence, Emmanuel Josiah Udofia, primate of The African Church in this interview with SEYI JOHN SALAU spoke on the electioneering process and the role the church should play in bringing the country back as one in the face of the division currently bedeviling the country. He also called on the Christian community in Nigeria to be Christlike during and after the lent season. Excerpts:


What role should the church in the post-election healing process of the country?

Number one, the church should thank God for what the lord has done so far, because the peace we are enjoying now based on the tension before the election, everybody would see that there is a great calm in the country has compared to what people were prophesying and what people were saying before the election. We want to thank God for divine intervention and the church now should preach peace and reconciliation. As a church now we are calling on Nigeria’s president – although we still have the governorship and state assembly election, but the presidential and national assembly election have been concluded. So, those who have won should show love to those who contested with them, and also those who are not winning should also show sportsmanship since it was not a do-or-die affair. They should congratulate those who have failed this time around because maybe next time might be their own turn, and should appreciate what God has done and call those who have won to appreciate them. Then on the whole, the church is asking Nigerian public that whenever anybody might have said anything against the other; where he or she ought not to have done; then there is need to forgive one another, and there is need to be reconcile with one another, and there is need for Nigerians to show love to one another because wherever there is love, there is forgiveness; wherever there is love there is unity. Now that we have seen those we have won, let Nigerians begin to work together because together we stand – without togetherness nothing will ever work. So, the position of the church as I said now is that the church is asking Nigerians to show love to one another; to forgive one another and be reconciled with one another and appreciate one another.

The south-south geopolitical zone of the country seems to be at the forefront of electoral violence with the number of deaths recorded; why is this so?

Well, I don’t know but from the record we have the south-south as a PDP dominating area. Only God knows why the violence is so much recorded in the south-south but since I was not there I cannot say for sure. But, I want to say it seems people are not patient enough to wait for their own time; because if people are not patient, they can do anything to get what they want. So, as a result of that, it might result to violence and crises.

As we look forward to the final stage of the electioneering process; being the gubernatorial and state assembly elections, what advice do you have for politicians seeing the election is more localised?

Now, by the grace of God we are looking forward to having the state elections, Nigerians should know that there would be no development in any area where there is violence; and where there is no peace there can never be any development. And again, I want to appeal to all that election will come and go but our state, community will still remain. So, nobody should do anything that will make his own environment to be unconducive for others to stay or to live. So we should make sure we so everything possible to avoid violence and allow peace to reign so that we can have a peaceful environment after the elections.

As we get into the lent season; what will be your admonition to Christian faithful in Nigeria?

I thank God once again that this year’s lent period comes after our election and I think God has so much loved us, because I believed the lent season is a time we humble ourselves before God; although it is not only in times of lent, every child of God must be an embodiment of humility, and children of God must not wait for lent season before they can show remorse; before knowing what to do that is right.  But, since it is a church tradition it is a time that people humble themselves and seek the face of the lord; repent of their sins. Like I said, this is so timely for Nigerians – whatever they might have done during the election, by the grace of God confessing them before the Lord, asking for forgiveness – the God of mercy will forgive them and will restore them. And, by restoring them, he will restore Nigeria and by restoring our nation, it means the blessings of God will multiply on the nation. So, every Christian and Nigerian who is looking forward to this period of lent should show soberness and should be praying earnestly to God.

Easter characterises the sacrificial example of Christ for His church; is the church in Nigeria keeping up to this example?


Yes, during Lenten season which is generally characterised by generous act of giving and remembering of the poor, is generally observed by Christians in our country today?  Most of our Churches took it upon themselves to visit motherless babies home, prisons, hospitals to associate with the poor and the needy.  It is not about how many chickens but the number of souls we will bring to the kingdom through our charitable acts.

Finally, would you support Christians going into politics?

Christians are not in any way forbidden to hold any political office, it is clearly stated in the bible that leaders are appointed by God.  God will always appoint us Christian as the head as we are likened to the light and salt of the world.  The only thing I will say is that Christians in politics must show good example and a true character of a good Christian; with this, I mean we must not join the multitude to do evil.

Christians are fellow Nigerians and if they do not involve in politics how can they provide leadership to Nigerians. Christians as citizens of this country have equal right to provide good leadership and be God –fearing in the discharge of their leadership responsibilities. Matt.5:13-16.