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WIMBIZ calls for gender balance in Nigeria

WIMBIZ calls for gender balance in Nigeria

Chairperson, Women in Management, Business and Public Service (WIMBIZ), Olubunmi Aboderin-Talabi has called for gender balancing in every sector of the economy to enable women to attain the peak of their careers.

Speaking at the 15th annual lecture of WIMBIZ in Lagos, recently Talabi also explained that when there is a gender imbalance, women may not make a difference in their chosen fields.

“The race is on for the gender-balanced boardroom, a gender-balanced government, gender-balanced media coverage, gender-balanced employees, more gender-balance in wealth, sports coverage, among others.

READ ALSO: Wimbiz Equips Women with Winning Strategies to Shape the Future

“Everyone has a part to play all the time, everywhere, from grassroots to activism to worldwide action; we are entering an exciting period of history where the world expects balance. Balance drives a better working world, collective action and shared responsibility for driving a gender-balanced world is key”,   Aboderin-Talabi noted.

However, she advised that women should be focused, adding, “When you have a dream and a vision in your heart, just keep on going, don’t let the fact that you are a woman hold you back or the fact that the society is not supporting, you just keep on pushing’’.

On the other hand, she lauded all female candidates at all levels that participated in the just concluded 2019 general election.

“The Board of Trustees and Executive Council of WIMBIZ commend their passion and commitment towards national growth and development which has propelled them to serve the nation through participation in the electoral process of Nigeria.

READ ALSO: WIMBIZ Annual Conference to hold November 7th – 8th

“WIMBIZ congratulates all who were successful at the elections and all who participated from the expression of interest, nomination, all the way to the election victory. The 2019 election is considered remarkable owing to the increase in participation and victory of women across various levels”, she added.

While speaking on the theme of the lecture, ‘Balance for Better’, Founder, Chief Executive Officer, Terra Kulture and BAP Productions, Bolanle Austen-Peters stated that there was never a right time to make a change and that women should not let the fear of failure hold them down.

Bolanle opined that it was better to try and fail than not try at all, saying that she refused to allow the negativity from failure to get to her.

 “You will fail, but when you fail, dust yourself off and keep trying because every time you fail you have learnt something new. As long as you are on the side-lines, you can’t make a difference,” she said

READ ALSO: WIMBIZ advocates for more women in political position

In conclusion, Bolanle Austen-Peters shared some key guidelines that would help every woman to achieve success in their various endeavours.

According to her, the keys include persistence, consistency, innovation, and allowing one’s dreams to evolve.

However, she encouraged every woman to keep thinking and innovating.

In her words: “Women should enter into more partnership opportunities; hold on to their beliefs; stand for something and be consistent with it.”

She stated that the most authentic validation is one which would come without having to pay for it.

WIMBIZ currently has a contributory associate pool of over 679 accomplished women in management, business and public service and over 9,700 women in its database.

 It collaborates with domestic and international organisations to deliver programmes, which have influenced over 107,465 women since inception.

Ngozi Okpalakunne