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Movie Review: Acrimony


It’s been such a very long time, since I last saw a fantastic well written sorrowful, yet exciting story.


This movie had loads of lessons to pass across; one that words couldn’t really explain except you saw the movie yourself. There were mixed feelings in the cinema that night and in all my years of watching movies, I had never seen a movie like this that made strangers argue and debate who was right and wrong, who was wicked and fair, even while the movie went on, some felt the man should have stayed and begged her more, for me I wondered for how long, and for others argued that Melinda whose real name is “Taraji P.Henson” should have being more patient with her man.


The million dollar question that  kept cropping up in my head all through this move was, how long does a partner need to wait and cope with another who has beautiful dreams with no job and no money? What exactly would be tagged as adequate patience in marriage? After all she had waited 18 years of her life for this man to succeed and yet he didn’t, till she got fed up and asked for a divorce. Life as most people would say isn’t always fair on all of us, and Melinda felt the wrath of this unfairness, or so she taught. As her husband who she had tagged a failure, loser and good for nothing, finally met his million dollar breakthrough through his rechargeable battery “G force wind sample”. These batteries as it were, could charge themselves, making the noble idea worth millions dollar in the market. The movie was fun, exciting, complicated and caught 100% of everyone attention, it was so difficult to predict the end as Melinda just couldn’t control her anger.


Tyler Perry who was the director and the writer, had a well thought out story, one that would leave you thinking even weeks after the movie, wondering what would have happened differently, if it didn’t have this twist. Although some people didn’t quite understand and like the movie, for great movie thinkers, it was a story that left so many sides untold, one would have wished it didn’t end the way it did. The location chosen weren’t a lot but ideal, the cast and costumes chosen were also okay. They was also a nice blend between switching roles, from when they much younger to when they became older.

Melinda was a very pretty young girl in collage, she had three sisters and her mum, who took good care of them, they were a very happy family as they loved each so much, and were always out to have the back of one another. One day as Melinda was running out in the rain she mistakenly bumped into Robert, was so angry, insulted him and ran away, little did she know, he had her papers and she had his. This was the beginning of their long term romantic relationship. Robert was from a very poor background, with no parents, he struggled to pay his fees from school loans and scholarship and lived in a Caravan on his uncle’s driveway. Everything totally changed when he met Melinda, who loved him with all heart, body and soul, she gave him everything he ever wanted. Melinda’s mum passed away and Robert was there for her, but he unknowingly took advantage of the love she had for him, her mother left her an inheritance of $350,000 and a house. She spent all the money and mortgaged the house all for Robert. She paid Roberts fees, bought him a car, and worked two jobs just to keep the house running because Robert couldn’t work and study at the same time, while also working on his big idea, so he said.

When she thought that things were going to get better after he graduated, it was just a nightmare as all the companies turned him down, because of the bad record he had when he was 15 and he never told his wife, so this meant he could never get a good job. Melinda continued until one day her sisters brought the purse of a woman in the truck they worked with, and who was it, it was that of the girl she had caught him cheating with 18 years ago, where in the rage of her own anger drove into the caravan and lost her womb, which meant she couldn’t have any children of her own.

All her dreams and aspirations were chattered that faithful day, when she concluded she wanted a divorce due to the pressure of her sisters, who were actually unhappy in their homes, which she found out later. The end of this movie was the intriguing part as Robert begged and begged and Melinda adamantly refused and she signed the divorce papers. Three months down the line, Robert’s idea makes a mega hit with $75,000,000 dollars, he comes back and pays her $10m dollars for all the stress, buys her mothers home back and moves on with Diana. This was when all hell broke lose from Melinda, she wanted him back and she didn’t want any woman to take her abandoned place, she felt Robert owed her his life, but did he? I don’t think so at all.


Watch the trailer:

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Cast: Taraji P. Henson, Lyriq Bent, Jazmyn Simon, Antonio Madison, Nelson Estevez, Ptosha Storey, Bresha Webb, Kendrick Cross, Crystle Stewart, Ajiona Alexus, Danielle Nicolet

Genre: Mystery & Suspense

Director: Tyler Perry

Ratings: R (for some violence, sexual content, language )

Written by: Tyler Perry

Runtime: 120 mins

Studio: lionsgate


To my verdict, I would score this movie 8.5/10, I really did enjoy the story and twist in this movie, the end was even more heart breaking and sad, at how one could let anger, bitterness and pain control the best of her reasoning to the point not forgiving and letting everything go, just to get revenge. A good recommendation for those still single and even those already married make your decisions wisely and when you do, you must always learn to forgive and let go.

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Linda Ochugbua
