• Sunday, June 16, 2024
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Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, historic inauguration, all shades of awesomeness!


I was in America when President Obama became the President of America. I couldn’t sleep a day before…the anxiety was thick! There is just something about America that is endearing…it is like a spirit that overwhelms you when it has to do with their celebrations or successes, especially the swearing in of a new President.

The fact that he was going to be the first black president of America didn’t make my anxiety less overwhelming, in fact it increased.

I watched with tears at how a country that had been around for so long celebrated a great leap.

It was a similar experience for me watching the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. More for Kamala being the first African American Vice President in the history of US, first South Asian American VP in the history of US and topping it all, the first female VP in the US history. Some women break glass ceilings, others shatter it and automatically ignite the reset button, now history can begin to count again, Kamala just did!.

It has been a nerve-wracking season for the US with the ever increasing figures in death rates, no thanks to the attention seeking virus: COVID-19!

It was however refreshing to see that despite all the challenges they recently went through because of the incident at Capitol Hill, they could enjoy a sigh of relief as they hope for change with the new administration. So much work for Joe and Kamala but with the support of Americans, they will rise above it all.

I need to share my highlights with you. Capitol Hill certainly looked different yet stunning. I could not believe that the same place which was attacked a few days earlier had become a beauty to behold. It had all the panache of an inauguration. Flags flying, music blasting, instruments chiming, performers ready…name it, everything was in place.

One after the other, dignitaries walked with grace down the hall way, to the venue and then to their seats.

Senator Amy Klobuchar, who was the inaugural co-chair was such a mood. She kept smiling from ear to ear right from the beginning of the programme to the end. You could easily tell that her joy was flowing from a place of gratitude and fulfillment. She did an amazing job.

I was thrilled to see Eugene Goodman, the Capitol Police officer who diverted the mob during the riot, escort Harris. Because of his act of bravery, he was promoted to serve as the No. 2 security official in the Senate for the inaugural events on Wednesday. Meaning that in his new role, he is acting deputy Senate sergeant at arms.

Honour truly well deserved. I am glad he was duly rewarded and quick too. The applause and ovation that welcomed him as he walked into the venue spoke volumes. What a way to be known…for good, and by your name ‘Goodman’.

Seeing Michael Richard Pence and his wife Karen Pence at the venue put a smile on my face. He showed what true democracy is all about. I might not like you but my country chose you therefore, I submit to the decision of the citizenry and will uphold her honour and dignity therefore, I will show up! He did just that…now, that is how leaders should behave. I respect him!

I must add that seeing him in company of his wife in conversation with Kamala and her husband was lovely to behold. At some point, they all laughed, somebody needs to share with us what they heard them speak about that necessitated the communal laughter…I am curious…just curious.

It was good to see Bill and Hillary Clinton. They have been through the ups and downs but they have got each other’s back and surely know how to support themselves. Seeing both of them arrive at the inauguration was pleasing to the eyes. I flashed back at when she wasn’t declared the winner during the time she contested, nevertheless, she showed up, another example of patriotism.

George and Laura Bush also made a grand entrance to the event. If there is one thing I admire about George, it is the fact that even if you are his party member and he doesn’t identify with your goals, he will not agree with you. Though a Republican, he is all about supporting what he believes is right and good for the nation.

Then, the graceful, stunning, intelligent, former First Lady of America, Michelle Obama in company of her handsome, loved, hardworking, resilient and endearing husband, Barack Obama arrived at the venue. The applause was intense, such show of love…always…never ending!

If you thought I wasn’t going to speak on Michelle’s outfit, sorry, I hate to burst your bubble but permit me to furnish you with details of what this enigma wore.

When your stunning hair is done by Yene Damtew and you are styled by Meredith Koop, and you are adorned in a merlot-homochromous appearance consisting of harmonised palazzo trousers, turtleneck, striking belt and an overcoat from a Black American designer from South Carolina called Sergio Hudson, then you better be a Michelle Obama. QED!

Accompanied by her husband, the second gentleman of the United States, Douglas Craig Emoff, the Vice President, Kamala Harris looked lovely in her purple outfit. The dress and jacket were both designed by Black designers, Christopher John Rogers and Sergio Hudson. Rogers hails from Baton Rouge and Hudson is from South Carolina. Who knows, perhaps her choice of purple, aside being a colour of royalty, may also align with that fact that the suffragettes often wore same in the 1900s while campaigning for women’s right to vote. She topped it up with beautiful pearls.

I was love struck when I looked into her eyes and could virtually see her eyes doing the smile behind the mask, as she placed her hand on her chest while exchanging pleasantries with Pence. I loved this particular moment.
Joe and Jill Biden’s reception as they walked in was lovely to behold. There is something lovable about Joe. His fatherly figure and demeanor, the way he relates to everyone, never looking down on you no matter who you are, just warms the heart. The way Jill looks at him with assurance that says “I’ve got you my man…you can do this” is so beautiful.

The way he walked up to Obama and how they greeted each other at the inauguration venue…in pidgin English parlance in Nigeria, we will say that is “chop knuckle!” greeting.


Their friendship is truly lovely. I admire their ‘bromance’. The way Obama campaigned for him; you would think he was running for office again because he campaigned with everything in him. Joe certainly was loyal…now that is how you reward loyalty. I am glad it all paid off.

The national anthem as sang by Lady Gaga was soul stirring. Singing the national anthem of your nation in front of dignitaries is an experience that cannot be expressed in mere words. I remember when I was opportune to render the national anthem at the World Economic Forum (Africa) when it took place in Nigeria, before various African Presidents in 2013. I still have butterflies flying in my tummy till date whenever I remember.

Interestingly, beyond her rendition, the internet went agog with her outfit which is being described as a Hunger Games-inspired outfit. The flowing, bespoke Schiaparelli red gown, with a long-sleeved black top highlighted with a huge gold peace dove brooch and black leather gloves was indeed a lovely sight to behold. Lady Gaga is always about the ‘extra’ in a way that suits her and is peculiar to who she is.

Did you see that Black firefighter lady, Andrea Hall? I loved how she led the Pledge Of Allegiance, spoken and in sign language.

Oh ! Jlo…can we ever get enough of her? Her beautiful voice filled the air as she rendered ‘This Land Is Your Land’ and ‘America, The Beautiful’. What a beautiful performance it was!

The unforgettable highlight for me was when Amanda Gorman, The National Youth Poet and activist from Los Angeles, California, delivered a poem titled ‘The Hill We Climb’… goodness!! I just had a Goosebumps moment now as I write this.

Being a poet too, I love when words are written and said in ways that pictures the stories in your mind even without seeing the words, draws your heart to the message simply because the reader drew us in, cause a consciousness to arise deep within and captures the essence of the tale. If you do this, I am in and trust me when I say Amanda drew me in. No words! I am still in awe.

It is indeed the beginning of new things for America and a lot for Joe and Kamala to do.

In his words as the current President, he says “Before God and all of you I give you my word. I will always level with you. I will defend the constitution. I will defend our democracy. I will defend America. I will give my all in your service thinking not of power, but of possibilities.” He said.

So shall it be. God bless America!