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If ‘The Milkmaid’ wins the Oscars, it would help in resolving the insurgency issue in Nigeria – Sowemimo

If ‘The Milkmaid’ wins the Oscars, it would help in resolving the insurgency issue in Nigeria – Sowemimo

Seun Sowemimo, executive producer of The MilkMaid, a film that has been nominated for the Oscars. In this interview with ZEBULON AGOMUO, he explains the reasons for the nomination, and expressed the optimism that the movie would not just stop at nomination, but win at the Oscars eventually. Excerpts:

A lot of movies have been written and shot on the Islamic insurgency in northern Nigeria, and it has been same narrative. What makes The Milk Maid different from others?

With The Milkmaid, what we are trying to do is to give people a portrayal of an angle that has not been looked at in terms of the insurgency. This is the effect on the victims, especially the women and the girl child. Often, we get statistics of how many people have been killed; but we have not looked at certain aspects, like those people and their personal lives; how their families have been impacted; how their loved ones have been impacted; how this has changed their lives in multi-dimensional ways; their emotion from being held captive against their will; are the things that give personal effects like having to marry some of those people who are insurgents and even having their children. These are sorts of very deep personal effects that we don’t get to hear about the movie. Take for instance, I wondered why Her Excellency, the Deputy Secretary-General (DSG) of United Nations, Amina Mohammed took an interest in this movie and she took the movie all the way to the level of Spotlight Initiative, which is a collaboration between the UN and the European Union; to end violence against Women. But at some point, I had to recall the conversation I had with her when I screened the movie for her personally.

She told me that she has met every Chibok girl that has been released; this means that she has spoken to them personally; and found out what they went through personally in terms of going through this insurgency. So, she knew their stories; she recognised these stories in our movie. So, this is a different angle that we are presenting to the world about the insurgency, and that’s why it is important.

In reality, The Milkmaids have never been the target of the Boko Haram insurgents; why using them to tell the story instead of the school girls that have always been abducted?

The Milkmaid, even though based on events that are real and tangible is an imaginary fiction story; so, as a creative tool, we are using the imagery of these two milkmaids that are portrayed on ten naira (N10) note to tell this story. Milkmaids could very well be part of; or could be involved in the insurgency; yes as a group, milkmaids have not been targeted. If you think anybody in the village somewhere in Sub-Saharan Africa can be targeted by the insurgents, you have to think that the people from all walks of life can be targeted and this include the milkmaid who earn a humble living from selling fura de nunu. So, the creativeness of the movie is to tie some of these interesting pieces together and form a cohesive movie which is entertaining has hash (#) point that people can relate to like the image of two Fulani girls on the back of ten naira note and that increases their engagement of the movie.

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Feature film project. Why in Hausa Language, bearing in mind your growing global audience?

Well, the Milkmaid was made fit-for-purpose, to be able to do well internationally and compete in international competitions like the International Feature Film which was previously called the Foreign Language Film. That is one reason why we decided to make this movie in Hausa. Another reason is for a more sort of immersive experience that is true to life. We thought to use the language or local dialect of the people that are actually involved. And that is Hausa and for the Fulani we involved Fulfulde, also there is also Arabic.

Read also: We are determined to emerge as the eventual winner with The MilkMaid at the Oscars; Ovbiagele

What do you think made the film to scale through Oscars selection amid hundreds that applied for the screening?

The first thing I think is the language again; especially as Nigeria was banned on the first attempt to submit a film at the Oscars last year, Nnaji’s ‘Lion Heart,’ which was disqualified because it did not have the requisite foreign language box checked. So, there’s no doubt that the Milkmaid fulfilled this criterion. As I said, the fact that we took the pains to make the fit-for-purpose movie that will do well at the Oscars is one of the reasons the people in the Oscars committee recognised that Milkmaid is the best movie to go for, for this purpose. Take for instance, we had seen that the Arri Alexa Camera Series were used in movies that had won the Oscars over the last seven years; that prompted us to ensure that we got that camera to shoot the Milkmaid. We had to import this camera. Also, the details paid to every department in this movie; I think is part of what ensured we were selected. This movie has a score, that’s the music that accompanies the movie; that was made for purpose; taken into consideration the culture-setting the movie is shot in. So, those attention to minor details, I think was part of the reasons those Oscar Committee members, who are movie makers themselves, recognised in the Milkmaid and allowed them to select the Milkmaid as their choice.

Do you see your movie emerging as the overall winner at the Oscars?

I pray that the Milkmaid will make a deep run at the Oscars and I also dare to dream that the Milkmaid will actually win the Oscar in this category; because of number one, the quality of the film; number two, this is a true African narrative that is done in a unique fashion that is African and it shows the beauty of the landscape; the beauty of the Nigerian Fulani Culture, exposes the world to it. It is also talking about an issue that is present. This is a true life issue that is going on today in our lives.

As Michelle Obama in 2014 brought attention to the insurgency going on with holding up a sign ‘#Bring Back Our Girls’, we know the truth today is that the girl are still being taken; many lives are being lost and affected by this insurgency; because it is a hot-button, topical issue today. I think, it stands a chance, and I think if it should get the Oscars, this would be a way the entire world would become sensitised to this issue and it would help in resolving the issue itself.

The movie has also been nominated in eight categories for AMAA 2020, including Best Director and Best Film. Do you think the movie will clinch the awards and why?

Well, there are lots of good movies also in those categories. My hope and prayer is that the Milkmaid movie will do very well and possibly win a number of these competitions. We are very strong in terms of the acting from the characters in the movie; I think it is good enough to win.