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Five common practices that damage your hair

Five common practices that damage your hair

Hair breakage can sometimes be embarrassing because it could affect the general outlook for a woman. Breakage of the hair happen for a variety of reasons, including specific hair products, diet, and stress.

People can experience hair breakage that affects all types of hair from straight to curly. It can make hair look frizzy or coarse either at the ends or near the top, or crown, of the head.

Thankfully, hair breakage in most cases are temporary, and people can repair their hair and restore its strength by using products and home remedies.

In this article, by emediheath.com, it highlights some common practices that lead to hair damage. BDSunday will be looking at five of these common practices.

Tying your hair tightly

Wearing tight braids or using your hair for tight hairstyles, such as a ponytail or a bun, that pulls on your hair can result in hair damage. Such tight ponytails create stress and tension in your hair, often leading to breakage, especially at the hairline.

In some cases, constant use of tight hairstyles can subsequently cause traction alopecia.

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Hair washing routine

The number of times you need to wash your hair in a week depends on your hair texture and type. Washing your hair every day can strip it of its natural oils, resulting in dry, dull hair.

On the other hand, not washing your hair for a long period can lead to the accumulation of dirt, dust, dead skin cells, and oil on your scalp, which clogs the hair follicles, resulting in hair loss and impaired hair growth.

Wrong use of conditioners and shampoos

When washing your hair, you must make sure to apply the shampoo to your scalp. Shampoos are meant to clear the dirt and excessive oil off your scalp. When you lather your hair length with shampoo, it strips off the protective oil layer, making it prone to damage.

Conditioners, on the other hand, are meant to be used on the hair strands rather than the scalp. The hair length closer to your scalp is well hydrated and doesn’t require conditioning, as opposed to the dry hair shaft toward the ends.

Conditioning your scalp can lead to clogging of pores, which eventually leads to oiliness, follicular damage, and ingrown hair.

Frequent use of blow-dryers and heat styling tools

The heat from hairstyling tools, similar to hot water, can affect the keratin proteins that make up your hair. Moreover, it strips the hair of its natural oils, leading to hair breakage, dryness, and damage.

Hairstyling tools work by breaking the hydrogen bonds in the hair to achieve the style you want, be it straight, sleek, or curly. This can weaken the hair shafts and damage the hair follicles, resulting in hair brittleness.

Sleeping on cotton pillowcases

Pillowcases made of cotton fabric can absorb the oils in your hair, leading to dryness and increasing the chances of hair breakage. Moreover, cotton fabric is not as soft as silk and can cause friction and pulling.