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NBC fines Arise TV, AIT, Channels TV over ‘unprofessional coverage’ of #EndSARS protest

NBC fines Arise TV, AIT, Channels TV over ‘unprofessional coverage’ of #EndSARS protest

The National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) has fined Channels Television, AIT and Arise TV N3 million each over what it tagged their “unprofessional coverage” of the EndSARS protests and the crisis that followed it.

Armstrong Idachaba, acting director-general, NBC, announced the sanction at a press conference in Abuja on Monday. He accused the stations of airing unverified images of the alleged Lekki toll gate shootings.

According to Amnesty International, at least 12 people were killed when the army opened fire on peaceful #EndSARS protesters on October 20, attracting local and global condemnation.

Idachaba said that if the commission escalates the violations that emanated from the misuse of social media sources by broadcasters and sanctions according to the provisions of the law, it can comfortably shut the stations down.

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The DG said the stations’ offence was capable of leading to a breakdown of law and order but the option of the fine will serve as a warning to the stations and others.

Despite video evidence of soldiers firing at protesters, the army has denied any involvement, describing it as “fake news”. Lagos and other parts of the country have been in chaos following the incident.

The #EndSARS protest which was initially peaceful went violent after it was hijacked by thugs to perpetuate looting, killings, and arson in different parts of the country.

The #EndSARS protesters staged days of nationwide protests calling for an end to police brutality, kidnappings, and extrajudicial killings. Despite the disbandment of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), the protests have continued with calls for police reforms, compensation for victims of police brutality, and the prosecution of indicted officers.