• Sunday, June 16, 2024
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Wola Joseph-Condotti, astute business leader in energy, finance sector


Wola Joseph-Condotti is a highly innovative, result-focused, and commercially minded business leader with extensive experience in driving business and operational direction in the energy and finance sector.

Wola applies a wealth of transferable knowledge and management skills to enable optimised and seamless operations across multiple business functions.

She was appointed as the pioneer Chief, Legal, and Company Secretariat at Eko Electricity Distribution Plc (EKEDP) and at different times doubled as Head, Regulatory Compliance, Chief Human Resources Officer and Supervising Chief of the Customer Service Department.

Throughout her career, she has supported multiple projects and business initiatives, in accordance with board level direction and her own personal influence, to drive business growth opportunity, increased capacity, and maximised productivity. She is skilled with identifying issues, trends, and organisational exposure across customer centric environments, developing and communicating strategy to realise business objectives and deliver exemplary outcomes.

Joseph-Condotti is a renewable energy enthusiast and a recognised thought leader on the subject. She actively participates in policy engagements at both national and state levels, advocating for the development of sound legal, regulatory, and institutional frameworks to drive and accelerate Nigeria’s energy transition plans.

Academically, Wola attained a law degree from the University of Ibadan, an LLM (specialising in International Finance) from Harvard Law School, Massachusetts, USA, and an MBA from INSEAD Business School.

Tell us about your early years and how it has helped to influence who and where you are today

Once upon a time, there was a curious little child – that was me.

I was the kid who always asked, ‘How does this work?’ and ‘Why is that like that?’

My curiosity knew no bounds, and I was on a quest to find solutions to every problem that crossed my path. Little did I know that this innate inquisitiveness and sheer urge to solve problems would pave the way for a thrilling journey into the world of law and business.

I am one of six siblings, raised mainly by my extraordinary mother after we lost our beloved dad at a tender age. My mother, a beacon of inspiration, has been my rock and guiding light. Her unwavering support and love have been the fuel that propels, not just me, but all my siblings forward.

Growing up, my family placed a premium on education, discipline, respect, hard work, and making a positive impact. Surrounded by such values, I developed a strong sense of responsibility and a burning desire to excel in everything I set my mind to. My family encouraged me to explore my interests, nurturing my thirst for knowledge.

The sturdy foundation of education and core values instilled in my younger years have shaped the very fabric of my being, the trajectory of my career and all aspects of my personal life. They have moulded me into a leader who strives for results, with a keen eye for taking opportunities and conquering complex challenges with innovative solutions.

So, here I am, a curious soul turned resulted-oriented and ambitious leader, navigating the twists and turns of life with wit and heart-warming determination. I owe it all to God, and the unwavering support of my husband, children, amazing family, close friends, and team.

In particular, Hakeem Condotti, my lovely husband has been my rock, supporting me through thick and thin, and encouraging me to pursue my dreams relentlessly. He understands the demands of my career and has been a pillar of strength; always there to guide me, advise me, lend a helping hand and share in my triumphs.

As a mother to four amazing kids (Olaolu, Desiire, Olamide and Tioluwami), I find inspiration in their innocent curiosity and boundless energy. Their presence has taught me invaluable lessons about patience, empathy, and the true meaning of unconditional love. They remind me every day that life is about balancing work and family, and they motivate me to be the best version of myself.

Together, my husband and kids, we navigate the highs and lows of life, cherishing every moment and creating beautiful memories as a family. Their love and support continue to influence and shape who I am today, and I am forever grateful for the blessing of having such an amazing family by my side.

The pursuit of knowledge, excellence, and making a difference is my North Star, and I am just getting started on this thrilling adventure called life!

Tell us about being the pioneer Chief, Legal and Company Secretariat at Eko Electricity Distribution Plc (EKEDP), and at different times doubled as Head, Regulatory Compliance, Chief Human Resources Officer, and Supervising Chief of the Customer Service Department.

Being the pioneer Chief, Legal and Company Secretariat at EKEDP was both exciting and challenging.

From day one, I embraced the huge task of shaping the legal, regulatory, and compliance landscape of the company.

Picture me as the captain of a legal ship, charting our course to success. As trailblazers, I and my team navigated uncharted territory, ensuring our ship sailed in compliance with industry laws, regulations, standards, and best practices.

I established efficient and standardised processes that created a symphony of seamless operations across multiple business functions. The thrill of witnessing the gears of the company meshing perfectly was unmatched.

But that is not all. Talk about wearing multiple hats. I had the opportunity to don the roles of Head of Regulatory Compliance, Chief Human Resources Officer, and Supervising Chief of the Customer Service Department in addition to my role as Chief, Legal and Company Secretariat at various periods.

As Head of Regulatory Compliance, I felt the adrenaline rush of ensuring that we met every power industry regulation with pinpoint precision. And guess what? Our unwavering compliance earned us the trust and applause of regulators, propelling us to new heights.

Who would have thought being Chief Human Resources Officer could be electrifying? I embraced the challenge, turbo-charging our workforce with training and development programmes that shot their skills and capabilities to the stars. It was like watching our team transform into power-packed superheroes, ready to conquer any challenge that came our way.

The excitement did not stop there. As the Supervising Chief of the Customer Service Department, I was on a mission to conquer hearts. With customer-centric policies and processes, we blasted through barriers to deliver top-notch service despite the challenges posed by the industry.

The journey so far has taught me the art of adaptability and the prowess of multitasking. I have honed knowledge, experience and passion for the power/energy sector, igniting a fiery drive to push boundaries and conquer new horizons. I am ready for the adventure that lies ahead.

Why the passion for renewable energy?

My passion for renewable energy stems from its potential to revolutionise the energy landscape and contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

Climate change and environmental degradation have become critical global challenges, and the energy sector plays a significant role in addressing them.

Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydro power, offer cleaner alternatives to fossil fuels, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

As an advocate for renewable energy, I firmly believe that transitioning to sustainable energy sources is not only crucial for the environment but also presents significant economic and social opportunities for Nigeria.

Embracing renewable energy will lead to energy security, job creation, and improved access to electricity in both rural and urban areas.

As a thought leader in the energy sector, I am driven by the opportunity to advocate for the development of sound legal, regulatory, and institutional frameworks that accelerate Nigeria’s energy transition plans.

I believe that by promoting and implementing renewable energy solutions, we can make a tangible impact on the environment while improving the lives of communities across the nation.

In what ways do you actively participate in policy engagements at both national and state levels, advocating for the development of sound legal, regulatory, and institutional frameworks to drive and accelerate Nigeria’s energy transition plans?

I have been opportune to be invited to policy discussions, collaborating closely with government agencies, industry stakeholders, and non-governmental organisations.

Recently, I had the honour of being invited to a round table discussion organised by the Energy Transition Office, where we extensively discussed Nigeria’s Energy Transition Plan and ways to chart a way forward. I was also recently invited by the Energy Transition Office to policy discussions surrounding the E-Mobility industry. During both events, I emphasised the significant role women can play in shaping the future of the energy sector, as well as the benefits of gender diversity in achieving sustainable energy goals.

At the state level, I have been particularly engaged in energy sector policy discussions in Lagos State. I also made significant contributions during the legislative process of the Electricity Bill. As Chief, Legal and Company Secretariat at EKEDP, I played a crucial role in providing expert analysis and recommendations during this process. As a result of these efforts, the Electricity Bill, which is now enacted into law, includes robust energy transition provisions that promote the growth of renewable energy in Nigeria.

Furthermore, I have contributed to structuring contracts that facilitate the integration of renewable energy sources into power procurement portfolios and assessed legal risks related to renewable energy projects.

In addition to my policy engagement efforts, I am an active member of organisations that are at the forefront of advocating for a more sustainable energy landscape in Nigeria. I am a member of Lawyers in Energy Network as well as the Women in Energy Network, in which I am one of the founding members. These affiliations provide me with valuable platforms to collaborate with like-minded individuals and contribute to discussions on energy transition plans.

To stay at the forefront of renewable energy policy developments, I actively monitor and analyse regulatory changes, market trends, and international best practices in the renewable energy sector. This ongoing effort allows me to contribute to thought leadership initiatives and provide well-informed advice on development and investment opportunities in Nigeria’s renewable energy sector.

In what practical ways are you dedicated to nurturing the next generation of renewable energy advocates?

Nurturing the next generation of renewable energy advocates is not just a professional obligation; it is a personal passion that drives my commitment to making a lasting impact on the future of the power/energy sector in Nigeria.

One of my recent and proudest initiatives is sponsoring a national essay competition for undergraduate law students, on the critical topic of ‘The impact of the global energy transition on the Nigerian power sector.’ The competition was aimed at encouraging young minds to think critically about the role of renewable energy in Nigeria’s energy transition plans and foster a deeper understanding of its significance. More competitions are in the works as they are useful in sparking innovative ideas and ignite a passion for renewable energy advocacy among the future leaders of our power/energy sector.

Beyond the essay competition, I provide mentorship and guidance to young professionals and students aspiring to build careers in the power/energy sector. I firmly believe that sharing experiences and insights is invaluable in nurturing the growth of young talent. As a mentor, I invest my time and expertise to empower and equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the complexities of the energy industry successfully.

I go a step further in offering practical exposure by organising internship in my office for those who seek work-related experiences. This hands-on approach allows them to gain real-world insights and understand the challenges and opportunities in the power/energy sector domain.

I also make it a point to participate in speaking engagements and workshops at universities, where I can engage directly with students and faculty members. These forums provide an excellent platform to discuss pressing issues related to renewable energy and inspire the next generation of advocates.

How did you feel winning the 2023 MD/CEO’s award for cost optimisation/savings through negotiating a significant reduction in the company’s generation costs?

Winning the 2023 MD/CEO’s award for cost optimisation/savings was a proud moment for my team. Through strategic negotiation and careful analysis of contractual agreements, we were able to secure cost savings that made a substantial impact on the Company’s financial performance. Of mention is the tact we adopted in negotiating and structuring power contracts whereby, through efficiency in payments, we enjoyed some payment reliefs from our suppliers. This technique was keenly thought through considering the leveraged state of the electricity market. Hence, a good sell for us and a good buy for our suppliers. As a result, there was tremendous savings in billions which provided the company cash flow to attend to certain OpEx concerns. The award recognised the value of fostering a culture of cost optimisation and the importance of well-structured contracts in driving financial efficiencies. It also reaffirmed the importance of legal expertise in achieving tangible business outcomes and contributing to the overall success of the organisation.

How have you, through board level direction and your own personal influence, been able to drive business growth opportunity, increased capacity, and maximised productivity?

My team has been an asset in this regard, when I consider what I was able to achieve through strategic proposals that we put together and presented at both the Board committee and the larger Board level. These proposals address critical issues facing the company, and by actively participating in board-level discussions, I have been able to contribute to shaping the company’s direction towards success.

Furthermore, I often engage with directors individually, offering suggestions to shape their thoughts along the line of the direction that will help the progress of the company. These one-on-one interactions have fostered better decision-making and alignmen.t among the Board members, enhancing overall efficiency and productivity.

Driving business growth also requires a skilled and motivated workforce. As a result, I have advocated for capacity building initiatives and encouraged technology adoption to equip our employees with the necessary knowledge and tools for success, leading to improved productivity and efficiency.

Building strong relationships with stakeholders is fundamental to success. Leveraging my network and industry influence, I have facilitated strategic partnerships with government agencies, investors, and industry players. These collaborations have opened new avenues for business growth and provided access to critical resources.

Lastly, I have championed a culture of performance management and accountability within my own department. By setting clear objectives, establishing key performance indicators (KPIs), and conducting regular evaluations, we have fostered a results-oriented work environment that drives continuous improvement. And when you consider the calibre of directors we have at the board level, it is evident that being able to work with them directly provides invaluable experience.

You were appointed to the editorial advisory board of the Electricity Law Report (the first ever in Africa), share with us on this and what you do in this capacity

Being appointed to the editorial advisory board of the Electricity Law Report, the first-ever electricity law report in Africa, is a prestigious and humbling recognition of my expertise and contributions to the power/energy sector.

With Wale Irokosu as the Editor-in-Chief, the Electricity Law Report is inspired by the crucial role played by the electricity/power segment of the energy sector in driving Nigeria’s economic growth.

As the power sector undergoes restructuring, deregulation, and the introduction of various laws and regulations, there is an urgent need for clarity on these legal matters. The primary objective of the Electricity Law Report is to compile authoritative and relevant court judgments, both reported and unreported, as well as landmark decisions of the regulator, Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC), relating to the electric power sector.

As part of the editorial board, we meticulously review and sign off on the content of the Electricity Law Report before it is published. This process involves extensive deliberations, discussions, critical analysis, and thorough evaluation of cases being reported to ensure that the information presented in the report is accurate, reliable, and authoritative.

What can be done to improve electricity generation and supply in Nigeria?

Improving electricity generation and supply in Nigeria requires a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach. Here are some key actions that can be taken:

Instituting a sound tariff regime: A transparent and cost-reflective tariff structure is essential to attract investments and support sustainable energy generation. Tariffs should be designed in a way that encourages investment in the sector while ensuring affordability for consumers, especially low-income households.

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Closing the metering gap: Ensuring widespread metering of electricity consumers is crucial to tackling issues of revenue leakages and ensuring accurate billing.

Addressing the menace of energy theft: Combatting energy theft is vital to improving the overall financial health of the electricity sector. Law enforcement agencies should collaborate with electricity distribution companies to enforce penalties for energy theft, and public awareness campaigns should be conducted to educate citizens about the negative impacts of energy theft.

Instituting a sound tariff regime: A transparent and cost-reflective tariff structure is essential to attract investments and support sustainable energy generation. Tariffs should be designed in a way that encourages investment in the sector while ensuring affordability for consumers, especially low-income households.

Customer enumeration by electricity distribution companies: Conducting accurate customer enumeration by electricity distribution companies is crucial to understanding and meeting the energy demand in various regions. This data-driven approach will enable targeted infrastructure development and efficient service provision to customers.

Strengthening the institutional framework: Enhancing the capacity and effectiveness of institutions responsible for energy regulation and governance is essential. These institutions should be equipped with competent personnel and empowered with adequate resources to effectively oversee the sector, ensure compliance, and enforce regulations.

Diversification of energy sources: Nigeria should invest in a diverse range of energy sources, with a greater emphasis on renewable energy, such as solar, wind, and hydro. This will enhance energy security and reduce the country’s reliance on fossil fuels.

Investment in infrastructure: Upgrading and expanding the electricity infrastructure is essential to improve distribution and transmission capacity. Investments in smart grids and advanced technologies can enhance efficiency and reduce losses.

Addressing gas supply challenges: Given that a significant portion of Nigeria’s electricity is generated from natural gas, it is essential to resolve the issues related to gas supply. This may involve investing in gas infrastructure, improving exploration and production capabilities, and addressing issues of gas flaring and pipeline vandalism.

If you had the opportunity to effect any positive change in the power/energy sector, what would it be?

When I get the opportunity to effect positive change in the power/energy sector, my focus would be on fostering a holistic transformation that encompasses various aspects crucial to the industry’s development and sustainability. Here are the key areas I would prioritise:

Regulatory and institutional frameworks: To create an enabling environment for the power/energy sector’s growth, I would actively participate in shaping robust legal, regulatory, and institutional frameworks. These frameworks should be forward-looking, responsive to market dynamics, and supportive of technological advancements. A stable regulatory environment will attract investments, enhance transparency, and facilitate effective coordination among stakeholders.

Energy access for underserved communities: I firmly believe in the importance of energy access for all. Therefore, I would work diligently to bridge the energy access gap in underserved communities. This can be achieved through the deployment of off-grid renewable energy solutions, such as solar mini-grids and decentralised energy systems. In bringing electricity to these communities, we can uplift their socio-economic conditions, promote inclusive growth, and contribute to overall national development.

Implementing renewable energy incentives: Renewable energy holds the key to a sustainable and low-carbon future. I would advocate for the development of policies and incentives that encourage the adoption and integration of renewable energy sources into the energy mix. Through providing financial incentives such as tax breaks, feed-in tariffs, and grants, we can stimulate private sector investments in renewable energy projects, leading to a cleaner and more diversified energy landscape.

Research and development: To stay at the forefront of the global energy transition, it is essential to invest in research and development within the energy sector. I would advocate for increased funding and support for innovative research initiatives focused on energy efficiency, grid modernisation, storage technologies, and emerging clean energy solutions. In fostering a culture of innovation, we can drive the discovery of cutting-edge technologies and strategies that optimise energy production, distribution, and consumption.

Public awareness and education: Energy literacy is crucial for creating an informed and engaged citizenry. I would prioritise public awareness campaigns to educate citizens about the power/energy sector, its challenges, and the importance of sustainable energy practices. If we empower the public with knowledge, we can encourage energy conservation, behavioural change, and a greater appreciation for the implications of our energy choices on the environment and the economy.

Capacity building: Developing a skilled and competent workforce is vital for the growth and resilience of the power/energy sector. I would advocate for comprehensive capacity-building programs, including technical training, skills development, and knowledge-sharing platforms for energy professionals. Empowering our workforce with the necessary expertise will enhance operational efficiency, foster innovation, and position the sector for sustainable growth.

Cross-sector collaboration: Energy intersects with various sectors, including transportation, industry, and agriculture. I would emphasise the importance of cross-sector collaboration to promote energy efficiency and sustainability across all industries.

Through focusing on these key areas, we can collectively pave the way for a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient energy future for our nation.

What is your take on the global energy transition? Where does Nigeria come in here?

The global energy transition is a critical paradigm shift towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy solutions. As countries worldwide recognise the urgent need to combat climate change and reduce carbon emissions, the transition to renewable energy sources gains momentum.

Nigeria plays a vital role in the global energy transition due to its position as one of Africa’s largest economies and a significant energy consumer. The country has abundant renewable energy resources, including solar, wind, and hydro, which can be harnessed to power its development sustainably.

Commendably, Nigeria has already taken significant policy and regulatory steps towards supporting energy transition. The Nigeria Energy Transition Plan (ETP), unveiled by the then Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo SAN, on August 24, 2022, reflects the country’s commitment to adopting sustainable energy solutions. By aligning with Nigeria’s goal of achieving a ‘Net Zero-Target by 2060’, the plan sets a clear pathway for the country to reduce its carbon footprint and embrace renewable energy sources.

Furthermore, Nigeria has enacted the Climate Change Act of 2021, which underpins the country’s efforts to address climate change challenges. The inauguration of the National Council on Climate Change in 2022 further emphasises Nigeria’s dedication to implementing the objectives of the Climate Change Act.

The recently enacted Electricity Act of 2023 is another milestone in Nigeria’s energy transition journey. With provisions encouraging both the generation and purchase of electricity from renewable energy sources, the Act is designed to promote the adoption of sustainable power generation methods and reduce too much reliance on fossil fuels.

Nigeria has also put in place regulatory frameworks, such as the NERC Minigrid Regulations, that facilitate the growth of renewable energy power projects in the country. These regulations provide a conducive environment for the development of smaller-scale renewable energy systems, promoting decentralised and sustainable energy solutions.

By embracing renewable energy and transitioning away from heavy reliance on fossil fuels, Nigeria can not only contribute to global efforts to mitigate climate change but also unlock new economic opportunities, enhance energy security, and improve energy access for its population.

As a nation with a growing population and increasing energy demand, Nigeria has the potential to become a leader in the renewable energy sector. The country can attract investments and technological expertise, drive innovation, and become a model for other African nations transitioning to sustainable energy systems.

In all, Nigeria’s participation in the global energy transition is crucial for achieving a more sustainable and prosperous future for the nation and the African continent.

Why the choice to work at EKEDP? What makes them tick?

The choice to work at EKEDP was driven by various considerations.

Firstly, as a Lagosian, I felt that investing my knowledge and expertise in my home state was a good start to developing a better Nigeria. Also, at that time, my kids were very young and the fact that EKEDP’s operations were based in Lagos, held special meaning for me.

In addition, the prospect of assuming a pioneering role as the Chief, Legal and Company Secretariat was attractive. The thought of being at the forefront of such a transformative journey resonated deeply with my professional ambitions and ignited a sense of purpose.

Also, the invaluable guidance and encouragement from significant figures in my life, particularly my brothers, Kolapo Joseph and Eyo Ekpo, played a pivotal role in influencing my decision. Their insights bolstered my confidence that EKEDP would provide an ideal platform for my skills and expertise to flourish.

Additionally, the compelling bid submissions of the core investor of EKEDP, the dynamic dynamics of the Board, and the inspiring leadership at the time, collectively, painted a vivid picture of a company that was primed for success and innovation. I generally saw EKEDP as a place where I can grow and make a meaningful impact, and this has panned out to be the case.

Is EKEDP meeting the expectations of consumers?

Consumers of electricity want nothing more than a constant and reliable supply of electricity, and unfortunately, this has been elusive in Nigeria since the early 1980s. However, EKEDP has implemented several initiatives to improve service delivery to its customers. Some of these initiatives include:

1, Negotiating and concluding bilateral contracts to increase additional grid capacity to customers within the network. Currently, EKEDP is concluding the negotiation of bilateral contracts that will extend its grid off-take to over 513 MW. The conclusion of these contracts will translate to more availability beyond the tariff bands for customers within the network.

2, In the spirit of increasing power availability, EKEDP is concluding major off-grid power procurement projects to unlock additional capacity to augment grid allocation. Amongst these projects is the 30MW Embedded Generation Power Project which has been flagged off to ensure that there is increased capacity to serve customers within the network.

3, In contracting additional capacity, EKEDP is rehabilitating and upgrading key feeders across the network to reduce line tripping and outage. Improved supply and efficiency of service is hugely dependent on the strength of the distribution infrastructure. As such, EKEDP has undertaken the rehabilitation of over 150 km of feeders within its network to assure improved service to customers.

As a result of this upgrade, EKEDP has maintained its service level commitments to customers across key customer bands in the network. It has also engaged third-party contractors to undertake additional rehabilitation and upgrade of key distribution infrastructure to guarantee supply to customers.

4, Undertaking novel programmes such as Mobile Map, Meter Vendor Finance and Meter Acquisition Fund Programme to drive access to meters for customers. With these initiatives, particularly the Meter Asset Provider (MAP) Scheme, EKEDP has issued over 250, 000 meters to customers within the network. The meter roll out is continuing and the objective is to enlist more MAPs to further unlock and deepen meter access to customers within the network.

5, Strengthening internal complaint resolutions machinery to ensure optimal customer satisfaction. This initiative has earned EKEDP a recurring positive outlook by the regulator. In fact, for the 2023 regulatory assessment (Jan. – July), EKEDP has maintained an average of 96% customer compliant resolution. EKEDP is keen towards driving its success rate to a 100% and is currently exploring novel avenues to drive this objective. The goal is to ensure that complaints do not crystallize through efficiency in service and even when they do, are promptly resolved and customers left satisfied.

However, we must also admit that meeting consumer expectations in the power sector (and energy sector in general) is an ongoing process, and challenges persist. Continuous efforts to improve power availability, close the remaining metering gap, and address distribution losses are all targets that the entire management of EKEDP is continually striving to achieve to not only meet but also exceed consumer expectations.

What are your personal and professional challenges?

As a business leader, I encounter a mix of personal and professional challenges.

On a personal level, I often face the task of striking a balance between my demanding career and maintaining a fulfilling personal life. Managing time effectively to nurture relationships, take care of my well-being, and engage in hobbies can be demanding amidst the fast-paced nature of the power/energy industry.

Professionally, one of the major challenges I confront is navigating the ever-evolving landscape of policies, regulations, and market dynamics in the sector. Staying abreast of the latest developments, interpreting complex legal frameworks, and anticipating potential changes requires continuous learning and adaptability.

As an advocate for sustainable energy solutions, I encounter the challenge of promoting renewable energy adoption in a world still heavily reliant on traditional energy sources. Effecting a shift towards renewable energy amidst existing infrastructures and vested interests can be a daunting task that demands strategic persuasion and collaboration with various stakeholders.

Further, leading teams and managing diverse talents presents its own set of challenges. Motivating employees, fostering a cohesive work culture, and aligning individual goals with broader organisational objectives require adept leadership and communication skills.

Through resilience, strategic thinking, and commitment, I continuously seek opportunities for growth and learning to overcome obstacles and advance both personally and professionally.

What day remains unforgettable to you and why?

There have been many memorable and unforgettable days in my life, but three stand out above all others. The first is the day I gave birth to each of my children. Each birth brought an overwhelming rush of emotions – joy, love, and a profound sense of responsibility. Welcoming my children into the world marked the beginning of a new chapter in my life, filled with unconditional love and an unbreakable bond that continues to grow with each passing day.

The second memorable day is the day I met my husband Hakeem. His love and unwavering support have been a constant source of strength, providing me with the confidence to face any challenge that comes my way. Together, we have built and are maintaining a beautiful life and a loving family that I cherish beyond measure.

The third memorable day is my MBA graduation INSEAD Business School. Graduating alongside my younger sister made the day even more special, as we celebrated our accomplishments together.

The journey to earning my MBA was not easy, but it was immensely rewarding. Moving out of my comfort field of law, where I had excelled and felt at home due to my prestigious academic background, including studying for my Masters at Law renowned universities like the Harvard Law School, pursuing an MBA was an entirely different ball game.

Throughout my MBA experience, I encountered numerous hurdles that tested my perseverance and determination. The demanding coursework, coupled with the responsibility of managing a full-time job and a family, required tremendous effort and sacrifice. However, the unwavering support from my Board, of Directors, loved ones, mentors, and colleagues played a crucial role in my success.

Concluding words

My journey as a business leader in the power/energy sector has been marked by dedication, innovation, and a passion for driving positive change. I am grateful for the opportunities that have allowed me to make meaningful contributions to the development of the sector.

As the global energy transition continues, I remain steadfast in my commitment to advocating for sound legal and regulatory frameworks that support sustainable energy policies. I firmly believe that through collaborative efforts, innovative solutions, and a dedication to nurturing talent, we can create a greener, cleaner, and more prosperous future for generations to come.

I am honoured to have been part of EKEDP’s transformative journey in a c-suite capacity, aligning business objectives with operational and organisational advances while supporting key decision-makers with informed insight, analysis, and strategic planning.

I look forward to continuing the drive towards energy transition and shaping a more sustainable world both within the power sector, and in the wider energy space, while encouraging more women and younger people to look into this space for a rewarding future.