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My call is to develop the mind of man for global impact – Pastor Olugbode

My call is to develop the mind of man for global impact – Pastor Olugbode

Joseph Olufemi Olugbode, presiding pastor, Lampstand Mission, Meiran, Lagos, in this interview spoke about the church’s revival programme for the year tagged, ‘Saliva Covenant,’ scheduled to hold every last Friday from January 27 till March 31, 2023 at the church’s Zion Cathedral. Excerpts by SEYI JOHN SALAU:

Could you please, share with us the church’s programmes for the year in line with the ministry’s mandate?

In line with our mandate of connecting the minds of people to God, for instance, we are starting a prophetic prayer study of the Book of Ephesians on the riches of glory in Christ Jesus. It’s going to be an in-depth teaching with powerful prophetic prayers every Friday from February 2023.

Our Sunday services will also be devoted to teaching the Book of Ephesians in February 2023. We have great testimonies from our programmes. Most of the youth I ever pastored are now graduates. The light shone upon their hearts by the reason of their coming under the grace of this ministry. Also, we are starting a 3-month programme, Saliva Covenant, every last Friday vigil in January, February and March 2023. It’s going to be partially teaching and prophetic priestly unction released from above. These are some of our programmes for this year 2023.

Looking back at 2022; what are some of the testimonies you took into the New Year?

The year 2022 is one year that the members of Lampstand Mission can say ‘O we belong to a church where we saw God in reality.’ Previously, they only saw the handwriting of God. But last year 2022, it was not just about God’s handwriting, there were physical testimonies and realities of utterances that God honored instantly. I can confidently say that our church members are now more convinced of God’s presence at Zion Cathedral (the church building). God’s angels are working in the cathedral.

The members see God and His angels working in the cathedral. Almost all the church members including me have one testimony or the other to say, O, it’s marvelous in our eyes! I thank God for His call and honour upon us. I can say 2022 is one year that the Lord specially honoured me. I saw God’s honour upon my life. I saw God’s honour upon His word. I saw grace worked for me. I also thank God for revelations in 2022. On many occasions I saw what people couldn’t see.

Even in politics, on many occasions I received and shared revelations that challenged a lot of people as to the realities of the present politics in Nigeria. Let anyone stand out and confidently say this is what the Lord said. I have spoken the mind of God on the coming elections and waiting for the outcome of the elections to prove us.

What should people expect from the ministry for 2023?

This year 2023 we are going to be more evangelical at Lampstand Mission. We are going to hold more outreach programmes for more souls. We are going to work more outside the four walls of the church. There are lots of souls perishing out there because the gate of the church has been closed against them. The gate of the church may seem opened but some philosophies that we operate in churches today never allow unbelievers to come in.

Some are even chasing away believers. So, we will embark on more evangelical outreaches in different forms to bring both the sinners and the backsliden Christians back into the fold of Jesus Christ. We are going to encourage our members to evangelise more souls for God’s kingdom this year.

What strategy are you adopting to achieve your goals for the year?

One thing is people may not be able to come when they do not know about it. So, we are going to advertise our programmes. If you keep good things from people you cannot blame them for not partaking in them. We will make the good news available online and on other media for people to be partakers of the good news the Lord has prepared. We have the mandate to unlock the storehouse of unclaimed blessing. We will open the storehouse for those awaiting their testimonies.

Testimonies of miracles, connection to the right spouses, children to the barren, healing to the sick and promotion among others will be released from the storehouse locked against people. If Jesus tarries, our target this year is to multiply our church attendance and organise outreaches to bring souls out from the cage of Satan into the kingdom of God. Our focus is to multiply the kingdom citizens from outreaches to cities, villages and other places that the Lord opens the doors for us.

As a prophet to the nations, what is your message to Nigerians?

I have stated the truth on the Nigeria’s 2023 general election on my social media platforms, and said I am not going to speak again on it until after the election. Whoever wants to know the truth or my stance on the 2023 general election, particularly the presidential poll should go to my Facebook page, Olufemi Olugbode. On the All Progressives Congress (APC)’s Muslim-Muslim presidential ticket in next month February, 2023 Nigeria’s presidential election, I said emphatically without any iota of doubts that God has His hand in the APC’s Muslim-Muslim ticket. I challenge whoever that would say he heard the opposite from God. I challenge people to go to God and ask questions on the APC’s Muslim-Muslim presidential ticket. Is of God’s mind? Is it of God’s programme?

Unfortunately, nobody has been able to take up the challenge. I repeat emphatically, God has His hand in the APC’s Muslim-Muslim presidential ticket. I don’t believe in the prophecy of doom. This is the beginning of the year we have been waiting for, especially for those who have been waiting upon the Lord; for those who are long waiting for the Lord’s glory. I say this emphatically and with authority. Isaiah 64:4, “For since the beginning of the world, men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him.”

Read also: The Church, the state and the post-Covid revival of 2022

For those reading you for the first time; briefly share with us about your background and upbringing?

I had a very rough upbringing; even right from birth. I was believed to be an Abiku because none of the children that my parents born before me stayed. My parents thought I wouldn’t stay too. Perhaps, those who were born before me but never stayed didn’t have any assignment on earth unlike me who stayed. Right from birth the Lord gave me an assignment, and He has been keeping me healthy till now.

I began my walk with Christ as a member of an evangelistic youth group of Christ Apostolic Church (C.A.C) Yaba, Lagos. As a youth group of singles, we regularly fellowshipped together, yet most of us had issue with being born again. So, despite being a member of that group I was still living in sin. But the righteousness of some of the brethren encouraged me and I eventually surrendered my life to Christ.

What is the ministry’s mandate and how did you receive the call to ministry?

Our mandate is targeted at the mind of man. Our slogan is developing the mind of man for global impact. We are called to connect the minds of people to God. I received the call to ministry from what I saw in those that the Lord used for me. When I was having afflictions some prophets and other men of God stood with me. Through the grace of God upon their lives I overcame those afflictions and became victorious. On one particular day I saw in a vision one hand writing on the wall. I didn’t understand it but kept it to myself until a particular woman in the Redeemed Christian Church of God that we call Mama Alawo interpreted the vision to me. She is a mother in the Lord to me and many other pastors that also attended her fellowship. She interpreted and explained the vision to me as a calling to ministry.

Finally, how long have you been in ministry, and how will you describe your experience over the years?

I was ordained a minister about 30 years ago. About my experience in ministry over the years; we have experienced some devastating effects of ministry, but to God be the glory, the one who called us is helping us. When you are particularly called into deliverance ministry you will experience severe challenges. But in all of the challenges we have experienced over the years God proved Himself wonderful. Today, those challenges are what many people testify of, or make boast about us. We have had many challenges and difficulties. We have also suffered reproach and mockery. All these are experiences one has to pass through in ministry. The Lord has helped us to ride through stormy times and we are better now to His praise.