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More Nigerian women now freezing their eggs to pursue their goals – Khalifeh

More Nigerian women now freezing their eggs to pursue their goals – Khalifeh

Joe Khalifeh is the maternal-foetal medicine specialist at One Wellness Center. In this interview with Josephine Okojie, he speaks about Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment in Nigeria and how the clinic is dealing with the current brain drain in the country’s healthcare industry.

Can you tell us about the One Wellness Center?

One Wellness Centre is a cutting-edge women’s health clinic located at the prestigious 1 Akin Adesola, Number One Building, VI. Our clinic is a true trailblazer in the realm of reproductive health, equipped with state-of-the-art medical technology and staffed by a dedicated team of highly trained globally experienced professionals.

Our comprehensive range of services includes gynaecology, obstetrics, regular check-ups, aesthetic gynaecology, fertility treatment, and prenatal care. Our unwavering mission is to consistently deliver the highest standards of medical care and compassionate support, all tailored to meet the unique healthcare needs of women throughout their life journeys. Our commitment to innovation and excellence makes us a beacon of hope for women seeking specialized healthcare.

What informs the choice of fertility treatment given to a particular patient?

The choice of fertility treatment is a meticulously crafted decision, guided by thorough consultations with our fertility experts. Our approach is comprehensive, taking into account an intricate assessment of the patient’s detailed medical history, the underlying cause of infertility, age, duration of infertility, and the specific preferences and circumstances of both the patient and their partner. This holistic evaluation ensures that we recommend the most suitable and personalized treatment options, which are not only medically sound but also crafted to maximize the potential for success.

Read also: What to expect on the path to conceiving with IVF

What are the factors that affect foetal development?

Foetal development is an intricately orchestrated process influenced by a myriad of factors. These encompass genetic influences, including inheritance patterns and chromosomal abnormalities; maternal factors, which may include the impact of advanced maternal age and maternal health conditions; and environmental factors, such as the critical role of nutrition, potential exposure to infections, or radiation. Hence, the importance of meticulous prenatal care, comprising regular check-ups and prenatal tests, cannot be overstated. This comprehensive approach ensures that we promote and safeguard a healthy pregnancy journey for both mother and baby.

What is the current trend of IVF in Nigeria?

In Nigeria, we are witnessing a growing emphasis on social egg-freezing driven by significant societal changes where women increasingly prioritize higher education and careers before starting their families. Additionally, at One Wellness, we have introduced a pioneering trend known as ovarian rejuvenation, setting us apart in the field of fertility treatments. This innovative procedure aims to enhance fertility and extend the reproductive timeline for women, offering them more flexibility and control over their family planning.

Are there differences between IVF treatment in Nigeria and other African countries?

No, when it comes to IVF treatment, there are no significant differences between Nigeria and other African countries. Standard procedures and protocols in IVF are generally consistent across the continent, ensuring that patients receive the same level of care, expertise, and access to advanced technology in various locations.

Read also: When going for IVF, the 3-cycle plan may be your best bet

What is the success rate of IVF in Nigeria and why does it fail for some persons?

IVF success rates can vary due to several factors, including a woman’s age and the underlying cause of infertility. It’s important to understand that IVF, while highly effective, does not guarantee success, and multiple treatment cycles may be necessary.

Failures can be attributed to various factors, such as the quality of eggs, uterine issues, and the psychological stress endured during the process, which can impact outcomes. At One Wellness, our commitment to maximizing success rates includes advanced techniques, cutting-edge expertise, and comprehensive support for our patients throughout their IVF journey.

What is the cost of IVF treatment in your clinic and are there any intervention funds to support low-income Nigerians?

As I stated previously, IVF treatment is highly individualized and varies based on an individual’s needs and medical history. As a fertility specialist, my job is to provide a treatment plan tailored to their unique needs and circumstances.

You can’t generalize the cost of an IVF. In our Clinic, we have initiated collaborations with several Banks, offering intervention funds aimed at ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder access to quality fertility treatment. These initiatives are designed to support a broad range of patients, including low-income Nigerians in their pursuit of parenthood.

IVF success rates can vary due to several factors, including a woman’s age and the underlying cause of infertility. It’s important to understand that IVF, while highly effective, does not guarantee success, and multiple treatment cycles may be necessary

Read also: What you need to know before you do IVF

There are several fertility clinics in Nigeria. What do you believe sets yours apart from others?

Our clinic takes immense pride in our exceptional healthcare delivery. This pride is founded on the confidence we have in our highly trained team, which operates on international standards, consistently pursuing excellence. The unique experience that our expatriate doctors bring to our practice is a notable factor. These doctors have worked in various countries, including Europe and the Arab world, and their diverse perspectives enrich our services.

Additionally, One Wellness is housed in an extraordinary, state-of-the-art facility, creating a compassionate and welcoming environment for individuals embarking on their journey to parenthood. Our Clinic is a symbol of hope and innovation in the field of reproductive medicine, offering the latest technology alongside premium materials, setting a new standard for patient-centred care.

There is brain drain pressure on the country’s healthcare industry. How is your clinic dealing with this problem?

While brain drain poses a significant challenge to Nigeria’s healthcare sector, we consider ourselves fortunate at One Wellness. Our clinic boasts a qualified team of both Nigerian and expatriate healthcare experts who are deeply committed to delivering top-notch services to our patients.

Our team operates as a closely-knit family, united by a common mission: to provide the best healthcare to our patients and elevate the standards of healthcare in Nigeria. When you visit us, you will witness the unwavering commitment and dedication of our team, transcending the challenges posed by brain drain and ensuring that our patients receive world-class care.

You have worked across countries, some in Africa. What is your evaluation of the healthcare sector in Nigeria today vis-à-vis the country’s counterparts in the West African region and Africa?

While my experience has primarily been in Nigeria, I have worked in several countries, including those in Europe, the UK, and Arab nations such as Lebanon. The healthcare sector in Nigeria undoubtedly stands to benefit from more clinics like One Wellness.

What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to high standards, our expertise, and the cutting-edge equipment we employ. Nigeria’s healthcare sector has immense potential for growth and improvement, and our goal is to play a significant role in raising the bar for healthcare standards, not only in Nigeria but also on the continent. We aim to provide healthcare that rivals international benchmarks, ensuring Nigerians have access to world-class medical services.