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Kwavi Agbeyegbe, empowering women in their 50s and above

Kwavi Agbeyegbe, empowering women in their 50s and above

Kwavi Agbeyegbe is a certified life coach for women 50 and beyond, an author (50 Questions to Answer When Your Reach 50), speaker and a lifelong member of Team Have Fun. She’s on a mission to empower a million women in their 50s and over to create the life of their dreams and change the world for the better.

She uses powerful tools and empowering knowledge to help them take control of their lives on their own terms and embrace this next chapter as a fascinating and exciting journey.

Agbeyegbe uses her private coaching program – Becoming HER, her online community – Flourish and international retreats to inspire women all over the world to transform their lives. She also hosts The Simply Vibrant Life, a 7-day international retreat which she has hosted in Phuket, Thailand, Bali, Indonesia and Marrakech, Morocco. Her next retreat is in September, 2022 and will be hosted in Greece.

She’s the host of the YouTube show titled, ‘50 Shades of Over 50’ on her channel KwaviTV. A show she created to make an impact in the lives of women and change the negative narrative surrounding women in their 50s and beyond. She is currently Ms. Classic Georgia Global Continental 2022.

Clients have praised her “motivational, fun style” and “simple, yet practical suggestions” which inspire women to take action and in the process thrive and shine in midlife.

Kwavi received her B.Sc. in Information Technology from the Thames Valley University in the United Kingdom, and obtained a Master’s in Medical Informatics degree from Northwestern University in Chicago. She is a Certified Life Coach through The Life Coach School.

She supports several local charities each year, including the efforts to end sex trafficking.

She is a wife and mother to 2 teenage boys. She is a blogger with the Huffington Post and Thrive and has been featured on CBS, NBC, ABC, Best Self Magazine and the Atlanta Journal Constitution.

Tell us about your years of growing up

I grew up in a family where I was encouraged to strive to become whoever I wanted to be. My father especially instilled in me from a young age that I can achieve any goal and that foundation has helped me to this day.

Why the decision to be coach for women 50 and above?

A few years ago before I turned 50, I interviewed women in their 50s and over to get some advice. Unfortunately, I was disappointed because 80% of the women I interviewed described themselves as invisible. It was heart breaking to hear that. These women had accomplished a lot and know they were at an age where they can share their knowledge and they felt they were no longer seen in society.

Tell us about Team Have Fun

Team have fun is all about doing what you love and adding fun to it. It’s giving yourself permission to go back to your childhood memories and remembering what you enjoyed and finding ways to bring that back into your life. Your personal and business relationships improve when you add fun.

Why and how are you on a mission to empower a million women in their 50s?

We live in a youth obsessed society that isn’t kind to women in their 50s and beyond. I decided to empower a million women after I did those interviews and learnt about how women feel after they hit 50. I did some research and found out that it’s not uncommon for women to feel invisible after 50 and there are loads of researches on the topic. I knew that I had to do something about it one woman over 50 at a time. That was one of the reasons for writing my book, 50 Questions to Ask When You Reach 50. I’m doing it through my social media platforms – TikTok (where I have most of my followers 56K) @kwavi_tv and on Instagram @kwavi_tv. I’m also using my YouTube show 50 Shades of Over 50 to share the stories of women 50 and over to inspire other women and through my online program – Becoming Her (private coaching program), my retreats (Greece in September) and Flourish (my online global community)

Tell us about ‘Becoming Her’ and ‘Flourish’

Becoming Her is my signature program where I help women to become themselves through my private one-on-on online coaching program. ‘Her’ is whoever my client wants to become. They have given themselves permission to become and I help them by asking the questions to help them get them where they now begin to think differently and realize that the possibilities available to them are endless. It’s a beautiful journey albeit challenging but so worth it. Essentially, they are on a path to regret-proof their life. Flourish is my online global community where we grow as a group on different levels. I cover your core self, relationships, health and wellness, sleep, sex and finances. I share with the women how to essentially create a future more exciting than their past. The women are from all over the world.

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What is The Simply Vibrant Life about?

The Simply Vibrant Life (SVL) is my 7 day retreat program. I’ve held the SVL in Thailand, Bali and Morocco. The next retreat will be held in Greece in September 2022. I created SVL to offer women a pampered retreat where they focus on themselves. It’s always held in a private villa with magnificent views, a private chef, group coaching and fabulous local adventures. The goal is for them to take a break from their normally hectic lifestyle and focus on themselves and what they want.

Share with us on ’50 Shades of Over 50′

I created the show ‘50 Shades of Over 50’ to showcase the voices of women in their 50s and beyond. I want the show to inspire women in their 50s and over, and also inspire the younger women to see that we are doing amazing things and not letting our age stop us from going after our goals.

How important is taking health seriously especially at midlife?

It is more important now. You might have gotten away in your younger years, but midlife is nature’s way of saying it’s time to be serious. As we get older, we are more susceptible to certain diseases however, I believe in the saying ‘genes load the gun but your lifestyle pulls the trigger.’ No matter what runs in your family, your lifestyle can make a difference to the outcome.

When did you decide to take your health seriously and what are the results so far?

I started my health journey when I was 18 and have not looked back. I’ve seen the results in my life especially the way I feel.

What are you in Nigeria for?

I’m here to see my mum and also for a talk at GAIA Africa Women’s Club. My mum lives in Benin and it was her birthday on Friday but I am in Lagos to give a talk about Living Your Best Life After 50.

Why should we take healthy living seriously?

We are more susceptible to certain diseases as we get older.

Is it ever too late to take health seriously?

No. There is an old Chinese saying “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago the next best time is now.”

Among your numerous clients, is there a particular inspiring story you would want to share?

There a numerous inspiring stories. One I’d love to share is my 64 year old client, who felt like her life was over. She had retired from being a principal. She had just lost her mother and felt she was in a dark hole. She felt stuck and that life was passing her by and she wasn’t sure what to do next. She has since lost more than 40 pounds and has gone on to create an online business. She works out regularly and constantly tells herself “I can’t believe this is me.” She is now inspiring other women through her work.

Tell us about being Ms. Classic Georgia Global Continental 2022

When I was 16, I wanted to participate in a beauty pageant but didn’t. Fast forward to 37 years later and I decided to compete in a pageant. The title Ms. Classic is for women aged 45 and up. Last October, I decided to go for it even though the odds were against me if you looked at the stats. Most pageant participants are white (I’m black), have long hair (I have short hair) and are in their 20s (I’m 54). I finally decided that I was going to compete and be an example of what’s possible. I won the Georgia title and will be competing for the national title in June 2022.

What is your unforgettable day?

The day I met my husband for the first time at Atlanta airport. We were introduced by friends and had spoken every day for a month after meeting over the phone. We made a decision not to send photos. Well, I suggested it. After a month of speaking daily, he booked a flight to come see me in person in Atlanta from New York. We had a great rapport over the phone but yet to meet. This could be great or plain awkward. Fortunately, it was over the top amazing and we’ve been happily married for 22 years.

Why the choice of campaigning against sex trafficking as your choice of charity support?

I choose to become an advocate to end sex trafficking after watching a video from the Mirabel centre that someone sent to me.

I couldn’t sleep for days. I kept thinking about the Kids. I contacted the owner and told her I was interested in raising money for the organisation. I created a 5k race called The Kwavithon Global in Lagos and raised money. I did this in 2017 and 2018. I was unable to do it in 2019 and then in 2020 I was unable to do it because of COVID. I plan on continuing the Kwavithon race to help the Mirabel centre.

I also had an all white event to help a local charity that provides housing for runaway teens. Runaway teens are normally easy targets for sex traffickers.
Currently, I’m working with a local organisation in Atlanta called ‘Out Of Darkness’ to prevent sex trafficking.

I’ve also adopted a local orphanage in my hometown of Benin city.

Final words

It’s not too late and you’re not too old to go after your goals.