• Sunday, September 29, 2024
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I will end the ugly experience of Lantang people who still drink water from the ponds – Nbin

I will end the ugly experience of Lantang people who still drink water from the ponds – Nbin

Nanfa Alhassan Nbin is the People's Democratic Party (PDP) chairmanship candidate for the October 9th election in Lantang South Local Government Area Council of Plateau State

Nanfa Alhassan Nbin is the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) chairmanship candidate for the October 9th election in Lantang South Local Government Area Council of Plateau State. In this interview, he spoke with Nathaniel Gbaoron on the reason for his aspiration and what he intends to do to bring development to his people. Excerpts:

You are a successful businessman; why did you join politics?

Well, thank you very much for this good question because many people have asked me this question as well, but I want to tell you now that I joined politics in 1999 when the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) was formed as a political party. I have been in politics since then with the most popular political party in Africa, the PDP. Also, I have been a businessman, contractor and a miner, relating with my people at the grassroots. And I joined politics to serve my people well. So, my joining business and politics together is not strange to me because I have always been man of the people that work with them in the bush as a miner. So far, so good, because politics is not affecting my business as I have joined the two successfully together to the glory of God.

You know that I have not held any political position before; so, the motivation is people-oriented because as a philanthropist I extend my hands to the people but I discovered that doing it outside will not be enough because the reach is not wide; so, I feel motivated to join the grassroots and I decided to run for the Chairmanship position of Lantang South Local Government Area Council in order to touch them directly, serve my people well, mainly with the resources that is there.

So far, how has your campaign been since you started reaching out to the people of Lantang South?

It has been very wonderful and great because the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) is Plateau State and Lantang South. You know that since the creation of the People’s Democratic Party as a political party in Nigeria, it has never lost one ward to any party in any election since 1999 in Lantang South. In fact, my party the PDP advised that I should not disturb myself too much with campaign for the forthcoming election. And being the party leader in the local government during the last general election in 2023, I have done my campaign a long time ag; we are waiting for the election day to be affirmed as the Honourable Chairman of Lantang South by the special grace of God.

What will be your area of focus if you are elected the chairman?

Yes, like I said, my local government is one of the most disadvantaged local government areas among the774 local governments in the country. The only local government in the country that is still drinking water from the ponds and without treated water. The ponds were created during the military era for ranching, and dams for water storage for cattle. So, it’s very unfortunate that, that is the situation the Lantang South people has found themselves in the 21st century sharing and drinking water with animals, and I cannot wait to see my people stop drinking water from the ponds. So, my priority is going to be to change that narrative or my administration as local government chairman will better the lives of my people through the provision of clean water. I will also tell you that Lantang South is one and the only local government in this country that doesn’t have a branch of a commercial bank; so, the reach of the people doing business is very difficult by going to neighboring local governments to get cash and bring it back and people have lost their lives in the process. And so, one of the things I will do as a matter of urgency by the grace of God is to see how one or two of the commercial banks can bring their branch in Lantang South headquarters so that it can reduce the risk people are taking going to other local government areas for cash withdrawal. In the area of agriculture, yes, Lantang South is like the food basket of Plateau State because we cultivate a lot of yam, groundnuts which you know is exportable, and also rice which is of high value.

We have plans to see how we can process such crops and make them exportable if need be for it. And we have a lot of plan also of what we intend to do which I cannot tell you here. Also, we are planning on how to introduce new method of farming. We are also looking at dry season farming through irrigation and bringing partners from abroad and talking to fertilizer plant owners where we can procure fertilizers for our people so that we will not go through the hectic ways to get fertilizer for our farmers because our lands are so fertile and so blessed for farming. People travelled from Abuja and neighbouring states to come and farm in our place because of our blessed fertile massive acres of land.

If we can harness and prioritise our agricultural potentials very well, it can increase our internally generated revenue (IGR).The other one is in the area of education because it will also be pathetic to know that we are the only local government in the state that doesn’t have a boarding secondary school; so, we have mapped out a lot of educational programmes that can enrich our people and see how we can improve from where we are now.

In the area of youth development and empowerment, we want to introduce a lot of programmes within the state, and outside the country that can help them to be productive and making good use of themselves rather than what the youths are known for these days- drug abuse, banditry and security challenges caused by youth idleness and other things youths are involved with; but we will try to change that if I am elected. We will try to engage them through ICT, sports and a lot of things to discourage them from engaging in negative activities. We will try to build a good future for our youths under my watch as the chairman of Lantang South of Plateau State.

What will be your starting point having known the challenges facing your people and the local government area?

You know that very soon we will enter into the dry season period and you know how much our amiable governor spent through tanks in providing water for our people in three months. So, my priority is going to be provision of water, water and water by the grace of God. Honestly, I will seriously focus on provision of water.

How will you rate the performance of the governor of Plateau State in the last one year in office?

Well, my take on the performance of the governor in the last one year he assumed office is that he has performed well so far. And I will start by praying for him and continue to pray for him so that God will continue to strengthen and empower him the more. This is because the mandate was given to him by Plateau State people; the people of Plateau State voted en masse for him. We believe in him and to be honest with you, this administration has not disappointed our people. And going by what people are saying, the last administration never achieved in eight years what this administration has achieved in one year which is very visible for everybody to see. You can walk through the streets of Jos or the local government areas and see for yourself. In fact, this administration is touching every part of our people’s lives. In agriculture, you can hear Gidan, Gidan everywhere; fertilizer everywhere and it was virtually shared free of charge.

The governor looks very prepared for governance and we continue to pray for him to succeed for the good and development of Plateau as he continues to pioneer the affairs of the state.

By October 1st Nigeria will be 64 years old as an independent nation. Where and how do you think we have got it right or wrong?

Nigeria as a young democracy compared to father of democracy like America of two hundred and something years to sixty four years is not the same. Well, our democracy is becoming strong and you know how the military interrupted our democratic movements but the little we have done is commendable especially in the area of ICT. Though we are still a young democracy and I give ourselves credit for how far we have reached. It has not gone to the point of being a failed state. We are also still learning and there are also places we need improvement especially our electoral process. It needs serious improvement that will build the faith of our people and the international community. And economically, we are passing through one of our most difficult periods and so, government should do everything humanly possible to bring down the prices of goods. I think so far so good; we will get there through good governance and putting in place people-oriented programmes.

What is your message to the people of Lantang South as October 9th local government election draws nearer and Nigerians as a whole as they celebrate the 64 years of independence?

My message first is to congratulate the president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Bola Ahmed Tinubu and the amiable governor of plateau state as Nigeria mark and celebrate 64 years of independence because there is more for us to achieve as a nation. I hope his message on October 1st will say what the government is intending to do to better the lives of ordinary Nigerians.

Again, my message to the good people of Lantang South is to continue to believe and have faith in this government of our amiable Governor, Caleb Mutfwang. I also want to congratulate my local government people as we mark and celebrate Nigeria at 64 because in my local government we celebrate Independence Day even more than Christmas. So, we are going to celebrate that day together and I want them to come out en masse to express themselves and give me their votes. Once again, I congratulate all Nigerians as we celebrate our 64 years of Independence.