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A financial operating system built for Africa by Africans, is Appzone’s vision – Emetarom

A financial operating system built for Africa by Africans, is Appzone’s vision – Emetarom

OBI EMETAROM, the chief executive officer of Appzone Group, a Nigerian digital core banking solutions provider, in this interview with BUNMI BAILEY, explains what impact the company’s newly acquired $10million funding would have on the business and how it is assisting financial institution in providing their customers access to unique digital banking service. 

Your company seeks to deliver solutions to Africa’s banking sector, what is this unique value you are adding?

Appzone is the only company that provides the full stack of digital infrastructure for banking and payment using proprietary technology.

This means that our offerings cut across the entire spectrum of digital solutions that enable banking and payment, from the touch points through which customers initiate payment transactions to the switching infrastructure that processes these transactions, to the back office that hosts account balances and runs internal operations of the financial institutions.

Furthermore, because we build the proprietary technology that powers this stack, we are able to guarantee worldclass quality and deliver innovation that is relevant to the local environment at a fraction of the typical cost to banks

As a Business to Business (B2B) company, what is your strategy to support financial institutions in providing better access to unique banking solutions?

Essentially, we have focused as part of our full stack strategy on providing solutions that enable Banks transition away from the obsolete branch- based delivery model to a fully digital approach.

Some of these include selfservice apps on smart phones and Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD), agent banking functionality on Point of Sale (POS) devices as well as instant card issuance through self-service kiosks and through same-day delivery to customer locations.

The idea is to empower customers to take complete control of their entire banking experience thereby enjoying speed and convenience while allowing banks to significantly reduce operating cost and expand their reach.

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What are some of the critical challenges your business aims to address in streamlining the banking sector’s payment process?

There are three major challenges that we think we can address within the payment space. These are reliability, dispute resolution and cost.

For reliability, the unique architecture of our new payment infrastructure builds in redundancy that enable the network achieve 100 percent uptime and transaction success.

Dispute resolution processes are required when customers are debited for transactions that failed at a terminal.

Today, these processes are manual, inefficient and can take anywhere from several weeks to months.

We are working on systems that can completely automate this process and guarantee customer refund within minutes. Finally, because our technology platforms are home-grown so they do not require licensing expensive foreign solutions and because our offerings mostly by-pass unnecessary middlemen, we are able to significantly reduce cost within the payment value chain.

Can you take us through the key factors which informed your desire to raise funds?

First of all, I can say that our fund raise was delayed by the out- break of the pandemic because in the first few months there was a lot of uncertainty and investors all over the world were generally cautious about making new investments.

We also realised that as a Fintech Infrastructure company executing an ecosystem strategy with primary B2B focus, it has been generally easier for local investors to relate to the business model and potential.

Even though we have a number of foreign investors that participated in our round, we believe that the share obscurity of the Fintech infrastructure value chain in Africa plus the significant divergence from business models in the West created this gap in understanding which we are now closing through proper education.

You were able to raise funding from Cardinalstone Capital Advisors Growth Fund ( CCAGF), how has this impacted your operations thus far?

In the short period since we closed the round, the fund injection has enabled us tell our story a little better and positioned us to showcase some of the innovative stuff we have been working on in stealth mode over the past decade.

We have done a brand refresh and also completed a number of key hires into executive leadership roles critical for us to ramp up growth and accelerate execution of our strategy.

What can we expect in the future from your company with the support of the funds from CCAGF?

Regarding utilisation of funds raised in our recent funding round, our short-term plan is to build engineering and operational capacity to scale existing products in Nigeria and into Africa while delivering at quality levels beyond world class.

Our specific immediate plan for Africa expansion is to extend our footprint within countries where we already have presence like Ghana, Tanzania, Gambia, DRC, while establishing presence in others like Kenya, Uganda, and South Africa amongst others.

We are also working on launching a couple of innovative new products currently in pilot phase in Nigeria.

Subsequent investments will be directed towards our long-term plan to incubate all the innovative product components and develop all the geographical market segments required to deliver this full stack digital infrastructure for banking and payment on a PanAfrican scale.

How do you ensure that your company’s business strategies are aligned with the current operating environment in Nigeria which many have characterised as challenging?

We stay very close to our stakeholders like clients, partners, and regulators and incorporate real-time feedback from them into our product management and strategic planning process.

In addition, we have built a nimble organization where rather than have one large monolithic structure, we have several entrepreneurial startup teams that are smaller, agile, dynamic and responsive to change.

What can we expect in the future from Appzone with the support of the funds from CCAGF?

Regarding utilization of funds raised in our recent funding round, our short-term plan is to build engineering and operational capacity to scale existing products in Nigeria and into Africa while delivering at quality levels beyond world class.

Specific immediate plan for Africa expansion is to extend our footprint within countries where we already have presence like Ghana, Tanzania, Gambia, DRC, while establishing presence in others like Kenya, Uganda, and South Africa amongst others.

We are also working on launching a couple of innovative new products currently in pilot phase in Nigeria.

Subsequent investments will be directed towards our longterm plan to incubate all the innovative product components and develop all the geographical market segments required to deliver this full stack digital infrastructure for banking and payment on a Pan-african scale.

With what you have achieved thus far, how do you ensure that your company stays ahead of the innovation curve?

First of all, we have a rich and innovative product road-map with quite a number of additional firsts in the pipeline and on our radar.

We have also established a culture of innovation and evolved a mature systematic approach for incubating new products and businesses within our ecosystem that allows us to determine where the gaps are, assemble the required resources and execute with speed and precision.

What are your plans for expansion especially in the area of talent and operational services?

Our talent strategy is to find and work exclusively with the top one percent who have the superior abilities required to cope with the level of complexity and creativity demanded by the type of heavy engineering work we do in Appzone.

We will continue to work with the brightest local talent on the continent to build innovative local technology content that surpasses world class standards until we actualize our vision to have one dominant financial operating system built for Africa by Africans.