• Friday, June 28, 2024
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Why wearing a face mask alone will not protect you from COVID-19 – NCDC

wearing a face mask

The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), has recommended the use of face masks as a preventive measure against the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), but has again stressed that wearing face masks alone will not protect one from contracting the disease.

This is the central message coming through from the new guidelines published by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), on the wearing of face masks.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) had recommended the use of masks “for people who show symptoms of the COVID-19 acute respiratory disease, in order to protect others from the risk of getting sick.

The WHO advisory goes on further to state that “The use of masks is also crucial for health workers and people who are taking care of someone in close settings (at home or in a health care facility)”. Surgical and medical masks play an important role in clinical settings, and should be reserved for the health care workers in daily contact with patients, especially given their limited global supply.

The wearing of face masks has been widely discussed in different countries battling the current outbreak of coronavirus. In many Asian countries, the wearing of face masks been the norm, especially after the 2002 outbreak of SARS.

In Ghana, the use of face masks is being advised as an optional addition to hand and respiratory hygiene, while in South Africa the Department of Health has recommended that cloth face masks be worn when in public to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

NCDC adviced Nigerians that face masks are recommended as an optional additional layer, in addition to other measures such as physical distancing, hand and respiratory hygiene, cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces and other advice from.

NCDC explained that COVID-19 is transmitted through nasal droplets, and the use of face masks is advised as people who may be asymptomatic (never develop symptoms) or pre-symptomatic (still to develop signs and symptoms) may transmit the virus.

According to NCDC, wearing of face masks alone will not protect against getting COVID-19, especially if not worn properly, but it can prevent the spread if someone is coughing and sneezing as their nasal droplets would have less chance of contaminating others.

The centre explained further that the use of a face mask would reduce people’s contact with the respiratory droplets, if a person sneezes or coughs. In line with the new advisory, the Director General of the NCDC commented that “the wearing of a face mask should not be at the expense of adhering to the public health advisory measures of physical distancing, and hand and respiratory hygiene”.

NCDC adviced Nigerians not get a false sense of protection because they are wearing a mask, but should be combined with physical distancing. In addition, when people wear face masks, cloth masks or other cloth covering for their face, the face masks should be carefully removed and if disposable, thrown away in a dustbin carefully or washed daily if made of cloth.

It warned that this is not the time to relax behind the cover of a face mask, rather people should take responsibility and ensure they also adhere to hand and respiratory hygiene measures.

The Centre adviced that the usage of face masks is advised while attending large gatherings, including but not limited to shopping outlets, markets, shops and pharmacies among others medical masks should be preserved for patients and healthcare workers who need them the most.

The advisory from the NCDC mentions the use of face masks in crowded areas where physical distancing may prove difficult. With the upcoming Islamic holy month of Ramadan, the use of face masks is advised during the obligatory call to prayer.

In addition, the advisory mentions shopping outlets and markets which are often busy. It is noticeable that some shopping outlets where staff members have frequent contact with the public, are putting in place measures like face masks and face shields to safeguard the health of their staff members.

Older persons (> 60) with existing medical conditions such as diabetes and other vulnerable members of society with ongoing respiratory problems are particularly encouraged to wear masks as they are at higher risk.