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Reduce stress, avoid weight gain this festive season, experts tell Nigerians


Stress and weight gain during Christmas might seem inevitable as people shop for the season and often put a pause on their healthy habits until festive seasons are over.

Health practitioners are counselling Nigerians to make the season a positive one by reducing stress and eating healthy.

They advised Nigerians to shun excessive consumption of high calories foods which is usually a key feature of festive seasons to reduce weight gain.

The Christmas/New Year holiday season is herewith many parties and office gatherings to share a few festive moments with family, friends, colleagues and lots and lots of food.

“During this period people experience anxiety and depression dues to some negative effect of what might have passed through in the year.it could be the experience of death in the family or are socially isolated, difficulty by the financial stress,” said Ojo Sikiru, medical practitioner based in Lagos.

Sikiru explained this particularly affects people whose family members spend time at festive season stating that at this period, these people become early stressed and might feel depressed.

The expert said that taking a few steps of walk and deep breaths is one of the best ways to lower stress in the body because it sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax.

“It is advisable to stay away from sugar; fluctuating blood sugar levels can really exacerbate feelings of stress,” said Sikiru.

While on the other hand, the expert also noted that during the festive period, a lot of people pile on weight with different arrays of delicious food on offer.

“Christmas Day eating is likely to clock up around 6,000 calories, some people can gain much more than that and unfortunately most people do not lose the weight they gain over the holidays,” Sikiru.

He added: “Reduce the calories in recipes; avoid drinking too soft drinks and much alcohol. Choose water wherever possible!

“Significantly reducing your calorie intake and avoiding alcohol the following day after a feast can help correct any excess energy intake consumed hence avoiding weight gain,” said Sikiru.

Doyin Odubanjo, chairman, Association of Public Health Physicians of Nigeria, Lagos Chapter, says evidence shows that once you gain weight, your body will work against you to keep it there.

“The festive season is a time for many of us to take a well-earned break and enjoy good food and good company, so it is only normal that we treat ourselves over the holidays,”

Odubanjo said that unhealthy eating is not an excuse, people should try as much as possible not to go out of your regular eating, especially on the sugar intake, the extra weight you might have noticed is not going anywhere.

However, Odubanjo counsels that there are a number of ways to limit the damage when it comes to food intake over the holidays.

“After your first plate of food, watch portion size, stick to low-calorie foods, watch what you drink, socialize with friends and family around, sit back and take a planned break to chat with friends and keep your regular fitness routine,” he said.

Odubanjo further said that while the festive season is a time to relax, have fun, spend quality time with family and friends, it is important that one’s health is not neglected.