The whopping amount of money fashion-crazy people spend on daily basis, globally, on sundry cosmetic brands just to look beautiful or attractive to their spouses, family members, friends and fans is mind-blowing. According to Colleen Kratofil writing for PeopleStyle online platform, the average woman will spend $43 or about N16, 000 on a shopping trip for makeup, as revealed by a new video.

In fact, researchers on beauty products have revealed that “a woman spends an average of $15,000 or to the tune of N6million on beauty products in her lifetime! Out of that money, $3,770 is spent on mascara alone. Another $2,750 is allotted to eyeshadows. And $1,780 is dedicated to new lipsticks. And that’s not even including all the products you need to buy to keep your beauty tools clean”.

Similarly, statistics have shown that in 2016, the global cosmetics market grew by an estimated 4.0 percent compared to the previous year’s sales. That is according to Global Cosmetics Market.

Yet, this writer feels and strongly so that it is sheer vanity for men, or more so, women to spend (or better put, waste) so much valuable money on beauty products when God in His infinite grace and mercy has made the needed sources of beauty cheap and available to most of mankind.


Agreed, most of us are entrapped by physical beauty. It may be in the eyes of the beholder but it can never be hidden. It is a God-given gift. Beauty, as it manifests in physical form is an asset of great value. Everyone cherishes it. Though some are born with it, others have acquired it through a carefully chosen lifestyle that assists to enhance its valuable attributes(shape, size and colour).
First, they appreciate and then take good care of what they have.
To the human eye, beauty is in that glowing skin, that pure white, well-set teeth, that comely, beautiful smile with the twin dimples, the starry eyes, the well-rounded legs, the well-tended hair, nails and even the poise; the way one carries his/her body.
The truth however, is that most of the physical attributes that contribute to beauty could be enhanced and sustained in the wise choice of the food we eat combined with the right form of regular exercises.
It is also evident in the stress-free lifestyles we live; devoid of excesses in the taking of alcohol, cigarettes and even harmful food itself. Even quality sleep could improve on beauty.

Now, let us take a closer look at food items that enhance your beauty

To maintain your great shape and avoid adding excess weight take honey as it uses and burns fat for energy instead of getting it stored.

Glowing skin: Sweet potatoes possess anti-oxidants such as Vitamins A, C, E which mop up skin-aging, free radicals.
Vitamin C produces collagen that enhances elasticity to keep the skin supple.
Vitamin D controls your body’s use of calcium. About 15 minutes exposure to sunlight every day normally produces all the Vitamin D you need.
To look forever young, rub your face with coconut oil just before going to bed. Or make a paste of raw carrots, apply to your face and wash it off after an hour.
Cook oat meal and apply on your face for 15 minutes, then wash. This helps to remove pimples.
Rub orange peels and garlic to remove acne and pimples.
Apply orange juice to your face regularly to get rid of marks and for making your skin smooth.
To prevent wrinkles and soften your skin, use pure castor oil, it is known to slow the ageing process of the skin. Regular sex also assists.

Also, olive oil helps in preventing wrinkles. It removes the oil from the skin and takes away the stress in your face or body.
Take 50ml of raw milk. Mix a pinch of salt and two teaspoonfuls of lime to it. It helps to clean the deep pores of the skin.
Drink carrot juice every day to prevent wrinkles. It will show after three weeks.
Apply left-over white of egg against acne and wrinkles. Also apply 30ml of cabbage juice with 1 teaspoon of honey to the face to keep the wrinkles away.
Dried orange peels mixed with curd help reduce blemishes and scars. Wash off this mixture with cold water after 15 minutes.
Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water every day to plump up the skin cells, flush out toxins and prevent spots.
Drink a mixture of lettuce juice and spinach juice to induce hair growth. Juice of carrot mixed with lettuce is good.
To reduce hair loss, boil 1 cup of water, add a teaspoon of mustard seeds, cook for 5 minutes, cool and drink.
Avocado pear prevents hair loss and promotes smooth skin.

Bright eyes, clear vision

The intake of Vitamin A-rich foods such as milk, butter, tomatoes, red palm oil, cod liver oil and carrots would improve vision.

Clear, shiny skin
Eat foods rich in Vitamins A, C, E, sweet potatoes, red ball peppers and eggs. Almonds, avocados, dark leafy vegetables. Drink lemon grass tea.
Consume milk and honey daily in the morning for a smooth, glowing skin.
Carrot – prevents wrinkles.
Smooth face,
mash banana, mix with honey and apply to your face.
Facial mask for dry skin.
Also mix 1 egg, 1 teaspoon of honey and a drop of rose water as a facial mask.

Facial mask for oily skin.
1 teaspoon of milk powder, ¼ mashed avocado pear. Leave till it dries.
Facial mask for normal skin
Mix ½ teaspoon of milk powder, ¼ teaspoon of egg white, ½ teaspoon of lemon juice. Leave on the face till it dries.
Facial mask to remove pimple marks
Mix ½ peeled cucumber, 1 egg white, ½ cup of vinegar, 2 cups of dry oat meal, 3 teaspoon of honey and ½ cup of flour. Wash your face before applying. And the beauty will show!

 All said, we need to conduct more researches to identify, increase the production of, and locally process some of the natural sources of beauty products which are abundant in the foods and beverages that available to us all.

Ayo OyozeBaje

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