• Sunday, June 16, 2024
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Reps Speakership Race: Regional, religious or competence contest?

Femi Gbajabiamila

After the tension-soaked general election, the Nigerian political warfare has shifted to the search for leadership of the nation’s legislative arm of government, the National Assembly.
Shortly after the polls, several members-elect for the 9th Assembly, particularly in the House of Representatives did not rest from the rigours of election into the lower Chambers of the National Assembly as they joined the race for the Speaker of the House.

At the beginning, about 15 members-elect indicated interest to run for the exalted office of the Speaker of House of Representatives. They were Femi Gbajabiamila (Lagos), Abdulrahman Sumaila (Kano) Ahmed Wase (Plateau) Mohammad Monguno (Borno), Olusegun Odebunmi (Oyo), Abdulrazak Namdas (Adamawa), Khajidat Bukar-Ibrahim (Yobe), John Dyegh (Benue) and Yakub Buba (Adamawa).

Others were Alhassan Ado-Doguwa (Kano), Umar Bago (Niger), Babangida Ibrahim-Mahuta (Katsina), Nkiruka Onyejeocha (Abia), Suleiman Aminu (Kano), Abubakar Lado (Niger) and Muhammed Kazaure (Jigawa).

However, sequel to the adoption of Gbajabiamila by the leadership of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) the number has obviously dropped to four as only Dyegh, Onyejeocha, Bago and of course, the adoptee are still in the contest.

Lanre Issa-Onilu, APC National Publicity Secretary had disclosed that the decision to adopt Gbajabiamila was reached after deliberation with the APC’s House of Representatives members-elect at a dinner with President Muhammadu Buhari at the Banquet Hall of Aso Villa.
Be that as it may, one cannot precisely tell whether the contest for the Speaker of the House is hinged on zoning, religion or competence, more so that APC has not been able to tell Nigerians the basis for which Gbajabiamila is preferred to the other aspirants.

Nigeria is a country where ethnicity as represented by zoning and religion play serious role in the leadership recruitment exercise even above meritocracy or mission of those in leadership positions, though the former (religion) is almost always surreptitiously applied.
Retrospectively, at least in the last 20 years of Nigeria’s democratic rule (1999 – 2019), the leadership of the House is determined by the twin factors of region and religion depending on what is obtained in the executive as represented by the Presidency and the Upper Legislative Chamber, the Senate.

For instance, in 1999, Olusegun Obasanjo, a Christian from South-west Nigeria became President and the Vice President, Atiku Abubakar, a Muslim was from North-east and the Senate President, Evans Enwerem, a Christian was from South-east while the Speaker, Salisu Buhari, a Muslim was from North-west.

Though there were changes but the regional zoning was retained as Buhari was removed following the University of Toronto Certificate forgery scandal but Ghali Na’aba, also a Muslim from the same zone replaced him and was later succeeded by Aminu Massari, another Muslim while Enwerem was replaced first by the late Chuba Okadigbo who was succeeded by Ken Nnamani and they were both Christians.

At the expiration of Obasanjo/Atiku administration in 2007, the late Umaru Yar’Adu, a Muslim from North-west became President with Goodluck Jonathan, a Christian from South-south as Vice and David Mark, another Christian from North-central emerged President of the Senate and Patricia Etteh, a Christian from South-west was the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Though Mark retained his Seat from 2007 – 2015, it was not so in the House as Etteh was removed over allegation of appropriating the sum of N628 million for the renovation of her official residence and that of her deputy and awarding contract for the same purpose (though pundits considered it religiously induced) and was replaced by Oladimeji Bankole, a Muslim from South-west.

After the death of Yar’Adua in 2010, Jonathan became President and was re-elected in 2011 and Mark from North-central remained Senate President  and Aminu Tambuwal, a Muslim was elected Speaker against the then People’s Democratic Party (PDP) preferred candidate, Mulikat Akande-Adeola, another Muslim from South-west.

In 2015 when APC dislodged PDP, Muhammadu Buhari, a Muslim became President and Yemi Osibanjo, a Christian has being vice and Bukola Saraki (Muslim) from North-central emerged President of the Senate and Yakubu Dogara, a Christian from North-east became Speaker.

Now, in 2019, both Buhari and Osibanjo (Muslim and Christian) have been re-elected President and Vice President and APC has endorsed Ahmed Lawan, a Muslim from Noth-east for Senate President and Gbajabiamila also a Muslim from South-west for the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

The endorsement of Lawan and Gbajabiamila by APC further elicits the question whether the race for House Speakership is a regional, religious or competence contest?

As it is now, Gbajabiamila is from South-west and a Muslim, Dyegh is from North-central and a Christian, Bago is from North-central and a Muslim while Onyejeocha is from South-east and a Christian. Going by this, there are two Muslims and two Christians in the race.

While the other aspirants – Dyegh, Onyejeocha and Bago have made reference to zoning (region) and competence/mission as the cardinal motive for their ambitions, leaving the religious factor loudly silent, Gbajabiamila, the APC anointed candidate, based his ambition on competence/mission and completely left out the serious agitation for zoning to create balance, equity, justice and representation in the power sharing formula and in the spirit of federal character principle.

This is as Gbajabiamila while declaring for office of the Speaker, ahead of his adoption simply said:
“With all sense of humility, I seek this office with a rich legislative background and pedigree and having just won a historic 5th term mandate to the House. I have in the last 16 years dedicated my life to the service of my constituents and Nigeria. I have studied and understood the intricate workings of the legislature, a critical arm of government and I have come to understand the imperative of striking a delicate balance in the relationship between the Executive and Legislative arms of government without compromising the latter’s independence. Indeed there is an essential need for a symbiotic relationship between all arms and all tiers of government if we are to make progress in nation building.

“In these 16 years I have been a principal officer for 12 years. I have occupied the office of leader of the opposition and successfully moved my party from opposition to majority in the House and thereafter assumed the position of house leader, placing me in a uniquely advantageous position of understanding the nuances and intricacies of this very critical arm of government and the need for its independence and at the same time interdependence with the executive.

“It is this wealth of experience and a burning desire for good governance that I bring to the table. A desire to take the legislature to the next level, standing tall and shoulder to shoulder with the most advanced legislatures world over.

“I have spent the last 4 years in doing my best to stabilise the House, whilst exploring and studying now how best we as legislators can unleash the full potentials of this country. I have taken copious mental and physical notes and it’s time for implementation,” he said.
According to him, “I have tagged my campaign NATION BUILDING, A JOINT TASK because the task is onerous and can only be completed if we all come together, in line with the legacies of our forebearers and the labour of our heroes past. Our Speakership campaign logo embodies logos of all political parties represented in the House (9th Assembly) and I humbly invite each one of them to join me so that together we can build a more perfect union. I seek the buy-in of all my colleagues, political parties and Nigerians to this Joint Task.

“I seek the office of the Speaker to bring our tendencies together and unite us as country. I seek the office of the Speaker to bring governance even closer to the people. I seek the office of the Speaker to mentor the next generation. I seek the office of the Speaker so I can use the bully pulpit to galvanise Honourable members to make life more abundant for every Nigerian irrespective of tribe, religious background or political persuasion”.

But Dyegh during his declaration insisted that the APC National leadership should reverse the zoning of the Speaker to South-West which already has the Vice President, and instead, cede the position to the North-Central.

He argued that, “North-central brought in third highest votes to form the Federal government for the APC and it is not fair to take away the Senate President from the North-Central and take the Speaker to the South-west which already has a Vice President and that is why the North-Central collectively said we should go ahead and seek the party to have a rethink”.

Dyegh recounted that, “On March 19th, 2019, I addressed a press conference urging our party, the All Progressives Congress (APC) to zone the position of Speaker to the North Central geopolitical on the platform of the North Central APC Caucus of the House. I am here today to update you on the latest development regarding the contest for the office of Speaker of the 9th Assembly. My party the APC in her wisdom zoned the position of Speaker to the South West and even micro-zoned.

“I am a party man and my loyalty to the APC is 100percent, however, the North Central zone has not been convinced nor given reasons why their votes should not count and why we should not run and we feel very strongly that there is still room for negotiation because we believe ‘it is not over until it is over”.

“We are therefore, appealing to the party to have a rethink and rezone the Speakership to the North Central for Justice and Fair play. We pray to God Almighty to touch the hearts of our Leaders to reconsider us favourably.

“Ladies and gentlemen, my ambition is also a response to the clarion call by my Constituents, Honourable Colleagues in the Green Chamber across party lines, party faithful and other stakeholders in the North Central geopolitical zone and Nigeria in general, for me to offer myself for this office.

“I am most encouraged by the provisions of Section 14 (3) of the 1999 Constitution (As amended), which states that: “the composition of the Government of the Federation or any of its agencies and the conduct of its affairs shall be carried out in such a manner as to reflect the federal character of Nigeria and also to command national loyalty, thereby ensuring that there shall be no predominance of persons from a few States or from a few ethnic or other sectional groups in that Government or in any of its agencies.”

“It will only be fair, if the position of Speaker is given to the North Central, having taken away the seat of Senate President to the North East. It is instructive to note that the North Central has neither produced Speaker nor the Deputy Speaker since 1999. We are saying that reward in politics is based on what you bring to the table and the North Central brought the third highest number of votes in making President Muhammadu Buhari’s second term a reality and enabling the APC to form Federal Government”.

On his mission for the 9th Assembly tagged: “House Project for Harmony”, the Gboko/Tarka Representative said, “I am ready to offer my time and talents, and make sacrifices for the good of every Nigerian. The decision to join this race is based on my unyielding faith in a united and prosperous Nigeria.

“We intend to initiate and implement a 7-Point Evidence-based Legislative Agenda which includes:
Amendment of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (As Amended) to ensure Legislative experience counts by extending the Four-year tenure to Six-year tenure for the Legislature.

“To ensure enhanced capacity of Legislators and Legislative support services through training and retraining to enable the 9th National Assembly pass National Priority Laws in critical sectors such as Security, Employment and Productivity, Power and Agriculture.
“To deepen oversight processes of the National Assembly to ensure value for money and project performance by MDAs in compliance with the Appropriations Act. To ensure openness in the financial operations of the National Assembly to guarantee accountability, transparency and responsiveness.

“To initiate Legislative measures and Laws that will promote and engender national unity, providing equal opportunities to all Nigerians irrespective of ethnic, political, social and religious affiliations; and work with Legislators in a multi-partisan manner for the stability of the House and Nigeria at large.

“To create effective collaboration with Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Civil Society Groups and Development Partners for active participation of all sectors of the Society in the Law making and Legislative processes.

“To sustain and deepen independence of the National Assembly and ensure harmonious interdependent working relationship with the Executive arm of Government without undermining the principles of Separation of Powers”.

Similarly, Onyejeocha, Member Representing  Isuikwuato/Umunneochi Federal Constituency of Abia State asked the party to rescind its zoning decision to South West and called on Gbajabiamila, the anointed candidate, to withdraw from the race.

She said: “I am appealing to them that it is not yet late to rescind their decision to include a woman to clip the two geopolitical zones that were left out ab initio. Also the leader of the House, Hon. Femi Gbajabiamila, there is time in somebody’s life that any leader should make sacrifice and that time is now for the leader of my party, and the leader of the 8th Assembly.
“He was Minority Leader and now Majority Leader, and so he is a leader in all rights and this opportunity comes once in a leader’s time when a leader will look at self and said it is not about me, it is about Nigeria and Nigeria needs healing and I think somebody has to sacrifice. Even if it means conceding that, let Speakership move to another zone so that the country will move forward”, she stressed.

According to her, “I know that my party has stated indications as to how it would like to see the distribution of key National Assembly leadership positions, it is however, important to point out the concerns of my people of the South East Geo-Political Zone. We are worried that an inequitable distribution of presiding officers’ positions in the National Assembly, would exacerbate the current deep divides in the country, worsen the sense of marginalisation of the South East in Nigeria and create a lopsidedness in the distribution of the top 6 positions in the country.

“With the North West and South West already taking the first two most important political positions in the country, of President and Vice-President, it would be equitable that the next four positions of Senate President, Speaker, Deputy Senate President and Deputy Speaker, be shared equitably among the remaining four geo-political zones of North East, North Central, South East and South-South.

“The message from my people of the South East geo-political zone of Nigeria is that they demand equity in representation.

“I also think that as a woman, who has distinguished herself and contributed immensely to the development of Nigeria and to the good political and electoral fortunes of my party, the APC, in the South East, leading to our emergence as the party of choice at the national level, the APC should use the opportunity of my expression of interest in the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives to fulfil its promise to Nigerians, that it would increase women participation in the governance of the country”.

On her competence Onyejeocha said: “In my over 11 years of being a member of the House of Representatives, I have served my constituents and Nigeria diligently and with distinction. I have sponsored several motions and bills, conducted oversight over multiple activities and initiatives of government, ministries, departments and agencies and helped deliver meaningful constituency projects to the people of Isuikwuato/Umunneochi Federal Constituency of Abia State that I represent.

“I have chaired very important Committees of the House of Representatives, including the Committees of Aviation and Women in Parliament. As the Chairperson of the Aviation Committee of the House for two Sessions now, I over sighted the successful building of the New International Airport Terminal in Abuja, as well as the remodeling and renovation of several other airports and runways across the country.

“I believe that I am very well equipped with knowledge, experience and the integrity needed to manage bigger responsibilities. It is in light of this, that I offer myself for consideration by my colleagues for a higher responsibility as a presiding officer and Speaker of the House of Representatives of the 9th National Assembly”.

Reeling out her blueprint, the fourth term member promised, “Improved communications with the general public, improved internal communications and members relationships and adoption of a legislative agenda with clear framework for compliance and monitoring, improved lawmaking,  and conclusion of outstanding Priority Bills from the 8th House of Representatives.
“A number of key reform bills were proposed, considered and passed in the 8th House of Representatives. Chief amongst them are the constitution amendment bills which contained significant amendments such as financial independence for our counterpart in the States i.e. State Assemblies. The successful adoption of these laws and their assent into law was indeed a milestone moment for the 8th Assembly, unfortunately, a number of some other constitution amendments were not assented to while some other key reform bills were not concluded or adopted by the 8th House with its term running out.

“Improved legislative oversight: Oversight is an important duty and power we have been given by the Constitution. Our oversight of executive programmes and activities is acknowledged by all as being critical to effective performance and good governance in Nigeria. While I believe the 8th NASS accomplished a lot with respect to oversight, more work needs to be done. For instance, our experience as members has been that often times, we have not performed this role optimally due to our ‘self-censorship’ in order to avoid rocking the boat.

“Strengthened House Committees and Processes.
If I am elected as Speaker, I would work collectively with my fellow members to ensure that our committees’ structure and processes are strengthened for better effectiveness and optimum delivery. I will begin by ensuring that members’ assignment to committees is based on competence, strength and knowledge, taking into cognisance their interest and appreciation of the subject matter or committee’s jurisdiction and their willingness to apply themselves to the task at hand. I will also work with members and the bureaucracy to ensure that Clerks and Committees are well matched, so that their skills are mutually reinforcing.

“To ensure that our chamber is truly a modern-day chamber; one that is comparable to other parliaments in advanced democracies, I will pursue the use of ICT in the daily conduct of legislative activities of the House, including developing the e-parliament platform that was promised in the 8th Assembly Legislative Agenda, but not fully delivered. I will aim to achieve an efficient and electronically based chamber that meets the expectation of members, staff and is in line with international standards”.

Also, Bago who represents Chachanga Federal Constituency of Niger State declared that he was coming out to slug it out this time around to correct the “injustice” the North Central zone has continued to suffer in the country’s balance of power, lamenting that the zone had never produced either the Speaker or the Deputy since advent of democracy in the country 20 years ago.
He queried, “What’s the southwest’s contribution to the party’s victory in the last elections compared to that of the North Central? The North Central zone had over 500, 000 votes higher; the records are there for verification.
“As such, we deserve the position, not only as a state but also as a zone. So, nobody can say he wants to expel us from this party. And no one will singlehandedly take over the structure of the legislature as well as the party.

“Apart from the zoning argument, if you say the South must get something, why insist on South West, why not South-South or the South East? But then, in terms of representation in the party and government, the South-South has the chairmanship of the party, and the Southwest has VP, what does North Central have? Nothing; so, in the interest of equity, justice and fair play, the party should allow the North Central to have the slot in the dispensation.
“North West, South West and North East have all produced 5 different speakers between them. The South-South, North East, South East and South West have also produced 5 deputy speakers among themselves since 1999. What does the North Central has in the entire equation, and they want us to keep mute? Who’s speaking for the zone that has never been recognised for keeping faith with the party”.


James Kwen, Abuja