• Sunday, June 16, 2024
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The Private Sector Coalition Against COVID-19 has joined efforts to fight against Coronavirus

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The Nigerian Private Sectors under the umbrella body of the Coalition Against Coronavirus (CACOVID), on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, confirmed their joint efforts to fight the virus and minimise its negative socio-economic consequences.  The initiative is led by industry giants, such as Access Bank Group, Dangote Aliko Dangote Group, Zenith Bank, Guaranty Trust Bank, MTN, KPMG and many others.


According to a statement released earlier by the group, it’s mission and objectives were born out of its collective desire to protect and preserve humanity and to fight the spread of coronavirus in Nigeria. These will be achieved by raising public awareness, supporting healthcare professionals, institutions and governments, and by mobilizing private-sector leadership and resources. Also, as part of the measures they’ve put in place to flatten the curve, CACOVID will continue to build fully-equipped medical tents as testing, isolation, treatment and training centres. These centres are equipped with medical equipment, supplies and trained personnel to support sick patients. Work has since commenced in ensuring the facilities are completed in time to serve the growing need of the population during this critical period.


In addition to the safety measures they have put in place, they are also extending support to complement the Nigerian government’s efforts in the fight against COVID-19. They have created CACOVID, tasked with the responsibility of mobilizing the private sector through leadership and resources, creating public awareness, and directing support to private and public healthcare institutions. They are pulling together resources across industries to provide technical and operational support while providing funding and building advocacy through aggressive awareness drives.


As widely reported, the novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) is spreading like a wild-fire worldwide. However, with the commitment and efforts from the Nigerian Private Sectors alongside the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control and our individual co-operation to stay at home and observe all the necessary prevention measures, the end might just be near for COVID-19.


To play your part in the support of this worthy cause, please contact CACOVID via phone on 09045531044 or email at [email protected] and also follow on Twitter, Instagram and  Facebook for daily updates.