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The mindful leader: Finding balance between self-love and selfishness (2)

The mindful leader: Finding balance between self-love and selfishness

“By being present, leaders can better navigate the complexities of balancing their own well-being with the demands of their role.”

How can leaders practise self-love without tipping into selfishness? This is the point where mindfulness plays a crucial role. Mindfulness helps leaders maintain a balanced perspective, reducing the risk of becoming overly self-focused and enhancing their ability to respond to the needs of others. Also, mindfulness allows leaders to stay present and aware of their thoughts, feelings, and actions, fostering a deeper understanding of their motivations and how their actions impact others. By practising mindfulness, leaders become more attuned to their own needs and the needs of their team, making it easier to find a balance between self-care and leadership duties.

Mindfulness can reduce stress, enhance decision-making, and increase emotional intelligence. Leaders who are mindful are more likely to demonstrate empathy, understanding, and patience, which are critical traits for effective leadership. By being present, leaders can better navigate the complexities of balancing their own well-being with the demands of their role.

What are the strategies for practising self-love without crossing into selfishness?

As a leader, you must establish and communicate clear, healthy boundaries that protect your time and energy while being considerate of your team’s needs. This might involve setting specific times for uninterrupted work, meetings, or personal activities while ensuring they remain available for important team interactions. Communicating these boundaries openly can help maintain trust and respect.

Regularly check in with your team, either through one-on-one meetings or team discussions, seek to understand their challenges, and offering support is crucial. Make it a habit to listen more than you speak, validate your team members’ feelings, and provide help where possible. This builds trust, care, and a sense of belonging, showing that you value your team’s contributions and well-being, not just your own needs, thereby counteracting any perceptions of selfishness.

Incorporate self-reflection practices like journaling or meditation to evaluate whether one’s actions are aligned with their leadership values. Asking questions like, “Am I making decisions that benefit both myself and my team?” or “How are my actions affecting others?” can provide insights into maintaining the right balance. Use anonymous surveys or open forums for feedback. Reflect on this feedback and adjust your behaviours accordingly.

Leaders must model the behaviours you want to see in your team, including balanced self-care by demonstrating how to manage work and personal life healthily. Share your self-care practices with your team and explain why they are important. Discuss how activities like exercise, meditation, or time with family help maintain your focus and productivity. Take breaks, manage stress, and show that it’s okay to take time off when needed. Encourage your team to do the same. Transparency helps demystify self-care and shows that it’s not about neglecting responsibilities but about being a better, more effective leader. By showing that you value both your well-being and that of your team, you can inspire others to adopt similar practices, leading to a more resilient and engaged workforce.

Creating an environment where team members feel safe to express their needs and seek support is essential. Leaders can encourage open communication, provide resources for stress management, and promote a culture that values both individual and collective well-being.

A key strategy for leaders to practise self-love without tipping into selfishness is to align their personal goals with the goals of their team or organisation. By finding common ground where personal development and the team’s success overlap, leaders can foster a culture of mutual growth. For example, a leader who focuses on enhancing their leadership skills is not only investing in their personal development but is also directly contributing to their team’s performance and overall success. This integrated approach ensures that both personal and team growth go hand-in-hand, creating a collaborative environment where leaders and team members alike can thrive. By aligning personal aspirations with the broader objectives of the organisation, leaders can demonstrate that their self-care practices are not self-serving but are designed to benefit the entire team.

Another essential strategy is to balance task delegation with active involvement in significant projects. While it is important for leaders to delegate tasks to empower their team members and encourage their development, it is equally important to stay involved in key aspects of the work. Leaders should assign responsibilities based on their team members’ strengths, thus building a sense of trust and ownership within the team. At the same time, remaining accessible for guidance and support ensures that team members do not feel abandoned or neglected. This balanced approach to delegation demonstrates trust in the team’s abilities while maintaining a leadership presence that provides stability and direction. By being both mentors and active participants, leaders can foster a sense of shared responsibility and ensure that the team’s collective efforts are recognised and valued.

In conclusion, in an era where self-care is increasingly recognised as essential, it is important for leaders to ensure that their practices do not cross into selfishness. By understanding the fine line between self-love and selfishness, leaders can model balanced and ethical behaviour that promotes both their well-being and the success of their teams and organisations. As you move forward in your leadership journey, take time to reflect on your own self-care practices. Ask yourself: Are these practices benefiting both me and my team? How can I implement the strategies discussed to ensure that my self-care is enhancing my leadership rather than detracting from it? By embracing mindful leadership, you can create a positive impact that resonates throughout your organisation.

About the author:

Dr Toye Sobande is a strategic leadership expert, lawyer, public speaker, and trainer. He is the CEO of Stephens Leadership Consultancy LLC, a strategy and management consulting firm offering creative insight and solutions to businesses and leaders. Email: [email protected]