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Discipline or Downfall: Can Nigerians choose order over chaos?

2023 aftermath: The far-reaching consequences for Nigeria’s stability

The human mind is like a band playing tunes – the kind of music it plays depends on our thoughts. Those thoughts turn into things we do, and those things show the world what’s inside us, just like a big painting. You can really see this difference between countries that are rich and those that are still growing, and one big reason is something called “discipline.”

Imagine a business person just landing in Lagos: his car ride to the hotel becomes a quick lesson in how things work there. Drivers swerve everywhere, not caring about rules or being nice. People on foot dodge cars and fight for space on crowded sidewalks with people selling things. Buses zoom through red lights, and nobody seems to mind. These aren’t just annoying, they show a country figuring out what’s important.

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The sting of inconsistency cuts deep. When “what goes around comes around” applies selectively, a bitter resentment takes root. Orwell’s Animal Farm comes to life, where some animals are more equal than others. The law, meant to be a unifying force, becomes a twisted garment, ill-fitting and discriminatory. How can one reconcile the protection granted to an alleged drug baron with the swift hand of justice that falls on lesser offenders? The confusion and disappointment are really loud and clear. People not following rules and thinking, “Can I get away with it?” just adds to the chaos. Investors, who help make progress happen, stay away because businesses need things to be predictable. But in Nigeria, things are uncertain and unclear.

Even though it looks messy and noisy, there’s still a little hope. It’s not about the big speeches politicians give, but about the choices we make every day. When we decide to be patient or follow the rules, it’s like joining a song of order. It might seem small, like throwing a pebble in a pond, but those small actions can make things better for everyone.

 Even though it looks messy and noisy, there’s still a little hope. It’s not about the big speeches politicians give, but about the choices we make every day. When we decide to be patient or follow the rules, it’s like joining a song of order. It might seem small, like throwing a pebble in a pond, but those small actions can make things better for everyone.

We do not need all geniuses to fix things in Nigeria. We just need normal people like you and me to be strong and honest in our own lives. Imagine doctors charging fairly, mechanics fixing cars properly, and students studying hard – THAT’s how we build a better future for everyone, one small step at a time. These everyday choices become the real heroes, the builders of a brighter tomorrow.

Imagine Lagos traffic moving smoothly, like a band playing in perfect harmony. People walking on the streets wouldn’t have to worry, like dancers knowing exactly where to step. Think of laws being fair for everyone, like a warm blanket of justice covering us all. It wouldn’t be perfect, but it would be a big step forward, showing the power of us all working together and doing the right thing.

Nigerians, we have a choice: things can be organised and growing, or messy and stuck. Will we break free from thinking only about ourselves and instead work together with discipline, like a beautiful song? Will we rebuild our country one step at a time, making ethical choices every day? The answer isn’t in speeches from others, but in what we do ourselves, even small things, all the time.

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Nigerians, the power is in our hands. Every time we choose patience instead of pushing, honesty instead of cheating, we add a note to the song of order, like voices joining a chorus. It might seem small, like one pebble in a river, but together, those choices create powerful waves that change everything.

So let us start the symphony of order, not with big speeches, but with small steps. Let it begin with you, choosing the right path each day. Together, we can build a brighter future, brick by honest brick, note by hopeful note.