• Sunday, June 02, 2024
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A successful life (2)

successful life

God created you to do something that nobody can do quite the same way that He knows you can. This may not necessarily be in a way that the world regards as the best way but in the way God in His wisdom wants it done. Understand this because it’s critical, your purpose can never be for your benefit alone. God created us all to be a blessing to others. Like Ologundudu Abraham said, “If you fail to follow the plan, God can replace you. Go ask Saul, he is a witness.”

I’m sure most of us wouldn’t find it too hard to name a couple of radio personalities in this country who everyone would rate as highly successful. What term, however, would be most appropriate to describe someone who works for one of the more popular radio stations in Lagos; is unceremoniously asked to leave after barely a month at the job and is subsequently told by his boss, the proprietor, that he sees no future in radio for him; but is by God’s divine providence now the proud owner of not one, not two but three radio stations! One of them even happens to be the first and only pidgin English radio station in a state, Delta State, where that is for all intents and purposes, the lingua franca.

His destiny was not to remain a presenter or any manner of employee for that matter but to become an employer of men. He now finds himself advantageously positioned to propagate godly values in his own unique way. There are times when we must lose the valuable to gain the invaluable; after all, Saul and his family had to lose a donkey for him to gain a crown.

This is the story of one of my elder brothers, Ben. Instructively, Jorge Luis Borges once aptly said, “a writer – and I believe, generally all persons – must think whatever happens to him or her is a resource. All things have been given to us for a purpose and an artist must feel this more intensely. All that happens to us, including our humiliations, our misfortunes, our embarrassments, all is given to us as raw material, as clay, so that we may shape our art.”

The lesson that jumps right out at me from this story is this; as long as you know that you have a relationship with your God, no matter what happens, be rest assured that it’s part of His plan for you


How bros Ben was able to raise the very substantial sum needed to pay for the first licence and subsequently, to set the station up is a story for another day but one thing I’ve discovered is that once it’s God’s plan, supernatural provision will just appear. Come what may, the vision must be realised. God smiled on him when he found himself spiritually aligned to God’s plan for his life. His former boss had inadvertently pushed him to his place of good success.

This reminds me of my late father’s friend who my father always insisted was unfairly dismissed as the head of the Lagos State Development and Property Corporation (LSDPC) several decades ago. If memory serves me well, he was the pioneer head of the agency. Little did he know at the time that he was merely being pushed to his promise land. He would later thank his former bosses for doing him such a great turn by sacking him. This ebullient Niger Delta Chief would later become the doyen of the estate valuer’s industry in Nigeria. A highly celebrated and successful individual. Sadly, he too is late now.

Much like in bros Ben’s case, they may have meant it for evil but God always meant it for good. Bros Ben’s radio stations have since won more awards than I’m sure he can count.

The lesson that jumps right out at me from this story is this; as long as you know that you have a relationship with your God, no matter what happens, be rest assured that it’s part of His plan for you.

Most of us, and I’m no exception, lose our heads completely when something contrary to our plan happens. We’re just so comfortable with where we are or with where we plan to be. Father Abraham was by all accounts a great man. If all life meant to him was riches, he was doing just fine where he was but one day, he was told to leave everything and everyone he knew without looking back and he did. Did he have his doubts? I’m sure he did. Was he afraid? I can bet my life on it that he was, yet he did it. He didn’t allow the fear to cage him.

God may have been trying to lead you to a place of greater service to humanity which means a place of more usefulness to Him. Don’t allow the comfort and security of your present position cause you to miss God’s plan for you. God loves us so much that at times He forcefully yanks us out of our comfort zone. It may be painful and confusing but if we’re to get there and fulfil our destiny, we just have to learn to trust Him.




Changing the nation…one mind at a time.