• Monday, June 17, 2024
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2021 as a renaissance year


Last year sent to us to places we did not think possible. The death of close friends and some family members due to a raging pandemic turned the news media to a cycle of body counting narratives that challenged our mental health. Then there was the end of many businesses and the strain all of this put-on marriages and relationships. Health cost, economic cost and the cost of being stranded in far away countries due to the lockdown, emotional, physical and just a tear jerk realisation that north, west, east or south, home is best. These are the obvious costs and the not so obvious ones tucked into the shadows of the year unseen but traumatic. Among the latter is the statistic and research that showed that Gender based violence had risen significantly in the lockdown. That men being bored and brutish took out their frustrations on their wives and partners and there was nowhere to run to. At least before the lockdown you could escape to your neighbours or to a relative’s house. These truths and more were our 2020 diaries.

But we have come out at the other end, lucky to be alive, our testimonies being our waking, breathing selves. We are thankful. We look out the window and see on TV that there is a new strain, more virulent, more difficult to treat. This virus will not undo us. It may not be over but we survived and survivors always make good their opportunities. They rise like a sphinx and begin to do things they did not think they had it in them to do. Once you have crossed over, it is time to see 2021 as a year of second chances. Your renaissance year. A year for gratitude.

This is our gift in 2021 that in spite of all, we are here to even forgive another, to give people a second chance, to free ourselves of bile

In remembering the tragedies of 2020, we become sharpened in our focus for humanity, we work harder to be better, we become more compassionate and understand above all things that life is a journey and a legacy.

It is time to make peace with that neighbour with whom you have had altercation for years even if the original issue was not your fault. Put your pride away and make the first move. The neighbour may even scoff at you. Do not let that deter you. Show some love. You would have done your bit even if he/she decides not to reciprocate. Maintain your geniality. Do not let them rob you of living by turning you into a bitter unhappy human being.

It is also the year of forgiveness. This is our gift in 2021 that in spite of all, we are here to even forgive another, to give people a second chance, to free ourselves of bile.

This is the year when we can be grateful for good health by paying what we can of someone’s hospital bill and putting a smile on someone’s face. You do not have to have it all, a little bit of your contribution goes a long way.

It is the year when you smile at strangers and see how keen the colours of the rainbow are and how the morning is more beautiful than ever and the sun is dazzling in its hue. Go and watch a play, go to a concert, go to a museum. Love life.

This is when to finally put pen to paper and write that book. No one knows tomorrow. Embrace that son that you have called names in the past, love your daughter hard no matter her mistakes. And you, yes you, no matter who you are, it is time to reconcile with your parents. It is not when they die, then you throw a big party. Give them their love now. Make up.

Nothing is more beautiful than making up in a loveless marriage. It no longer matters who is at fault. This is 2021. Make amends, make the effort. Go on holiday together. Travel in the same car. Chat about her dress, his haircut or be silent in each other’s company. There was a time when you could not do without each other when one’s absence nearly killed the other. Think about those times. Think about why you fell in love. Rekindle it. Give each other a chance. Don’t rebuff the trying party. Be open to resolution.

This is 2021. Spend more time with the kids and your family. Love e yourself. Be good to your guard. Speak gently. Treat subordinates with more warmth. Do not cheat your Boss or your establishment and describe it as “being sharp”. Be loyal. Give your employers their due. Share your borehole. Give your neighbour a light point from your generator.

This is the year to spread love, be grateful, reach out. This is the time to cut out all those things ruining our nation. Like fake news and spreading lies about one and everything. Be circumspect. Be selfless. Give your time and talent for free. This is the best revenge as the year opens up in great allure to all who believe that we will thrive and Coronavirus will eventually go away and allow us live our lives. This is the time to take the pandemic seriously and not put others at risk by throwing needless parties that are super spreaders. And refusing to wear a mask/ Young people should realise that if they are careless and selfish, they can kill their parents. The guilt, trust me, will haunt you forever. This is when to invest in that business and stop procrastinating or take that visit to a Nigerian city or have a massage or a pedicure for the first time.

This is when to go to art school, finish the books on your shelf, fall in love, get married and watch the sun set.

This is the year to reboot your faith and dwell more in the spirit, take your prayer life seriously, no matter your faith. There is a reason why you are not among the dead. Be grateful for your life and spread joy in thankfulness, not acrimony. Do not be the first to bad mouth another, beat your wife or partner, start a quarrel, be the Chief Gossip, destroy someone emotionally, engender wickedness and fan the embers of envy. Be content. Take one day at a time. Breathe… smell the coffee.

Roll up your sleeves. It is our year to claim what the locust destroyed. This is our year of opportunities and our year of selflessness. It is time to say thank you by giving of ourselves. May 2021 be kind to you… Amen.