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Ibidunni Ighodalo Foundation unveils ‘Project 40at40’ to assist couples with fertility issues

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More couples who need reproductive intervention through In vitro fertilisation IVF, a process of fertilisation where an egg is combined with sperm outside the body, can now heave a sign of relieve as Ibidunni Ighodalo Foundation, IIF has planned to grant 40 couples the opportunity to become parents.

Ordinarily, the process which “involves monitoring and stimulating a woman’s ovulatory process, removing an ovum or ova from the woman’s ovaries and letting sperm fertilise them in a liquid in a laboratory” costs about N3 million per treatment, according to experts but Ibidunni Ighodalo Foundation is footing the bill for 40 Nigerian couples in dire need of this reproductive intervention but cannot afford it.
This was the last wish of Ibidunni Ighodalo to assist 40 Nigerian couples as a gesture to mark her 40th birthday which supposed to come today, July, 19, 2020. Unfortunately, she passed away on Sunday, June 14, 2019 but the foundation is not stopping with her wish. “The board of IIF is determined to ensure that her last wish is fulfilled”, the foundation said.
Therefore, the foundation is seeking for a budget of N150 million for all the logistics involved in treating 40 Nigerian couples and bringing happiness in such homes.
It is therefore appealing to spirited corporate organisations and individuals for assistance in this social intervention.
Since the foundation was established in 2016, it had made similar interventions, but this time it is raising the bar with 40 couples.
Speaking during the launch of the initiative, Chairman of the Foundation, Pastor Ituah Ighodalo, Ibidunni’s husband, said “We understand the emotional, psychological and financial strain that comes with pursuing fertility treatments and having gone through that pain herself, Ibidunni in her lifetime made it her life’s work to help desiring but struggling parents; we are committed to Ibidunni’s vision to give joy and keep hope alive.
Since her demise, IIF has enlarged and strengthened its board, governance structures have been put in place all in a bid to ensure capacity to deliver on her last wish and more. A transparent application and selection process has been put in place and we actively seek the support of everyone to keep this dream alive.
To qualify for the assistance, the couple must apply online to avoid interface, couple must ensure evidence of legal marriage for five years without a child, couple must show evidence that they cannot ordinarily afford the cost of IVF on their own, evidence of income to sustain the in-coming baby, the couple must be responsible, and the lady must be below 50 years of age.
There are also other conditions such as healthiness of the couple. The foundation will apply all the conditions including non- liability agreement on any major issues that may arise after treatment. Interested applicants and donors are encouraged to visit the foundation’s website www.ibidunnifoundation.org
As with most grants, the chairman noted that certain technicalities must be met by applicants to ensure that the grants are made available to those who need them the most.
The Executive Secretary of the foundation, Adedayo Richard also added that the annual activities the foundation was known for will continue, – The flagship IVF annual grants, the Mothers in waiting conference, the babies day out, hospital visits amongst many others.  IIF, also known for its advocacy against stigmatization will continue their active sensitization programs, he said.