• Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Business promotion: Spectranet nurtures sustainable partnership, rewards dealers

Spectranet unveils SpectraRx Internet Device Repair Centers

As part of its commitment towards ensuring Superior Customer Satisfaction, Spectranet rolled out its carpet to reward its B2C Dealers across the nation for their excellent and commendable performances during the Spectranet Jara Dealer Promotions, and especially throughout the 2023 financial year.

Over Fifteen Dealers were rewarded with various household electronic gadgets ranging from Power Generating Sets, Washing Machines, Refrigerators, to Standing Fans, Shopping Vouchers and Cash Gifts for surpassing the target.

Speaking at the presentation of the awards which was held at various locations within Abuja, Lagos and Ibadan, Raja Ramaswamy, Regional Head of Sales commended the dealers for achieving the set goals within the stipulated time as well as upholding the brand’s value and essence to its customers across the nation. He went further to state that “the Dealer’s Reward Program is part of our commitment to nurturing sustainable partnerships. It is also our way of saying thank you to our dealers for being at the forefront of servicing our customers with utmost dedication and ensuring that customers remain satisfied with the service offering of the brand”.

Abah Ezekiella Ihotu the Managing Director of Beeps, Abuja and a beneficiary of the Spectranet Jara Dealer Reward went home with the Star prize of a Power Generating Set. During the presentation, she expressed her gratitude and commended Spectranet for the gift. “This was almost unexpected but very welcome. This gift will go a long way to support our business for more growth. Thank you!”

Speaking on behalf of the dealers, Jovita Ezinne the Managing Director of PREPLAZE who won a washing Machine, said that the Spectranet Jara Dealer promotion is commendable, as it has brought out the best in everyone involved. Our joint efforts in this way will continue to ensure that the Spectranet brand gets the right appreciation and market acceptance it deserves.”

She added that more of such initiatives should be introduced as we are getting added benefits from the points.

As disclosed during the launch of the program, Maneesh Kulshrestha, Chief Executive Officer of Spectranet disclosed that…“the Spectranet Jara Dealer Reward Program is about Point Acquisition on every Customer recharge – where Dealers who accumulate the most points from data renewals done in their outlets gets rewarded with valuable gift items and Cash Prizes”.