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African institutions asked to embrace Public Relations to promote continent

African institutions asked to embrace Public Relations to promote continent

The President, African Public Relations Association, Yomi Badejo-Okusanya has reiterated the need for institutions in Africa to embrace public relations so as to help drive positive narratives and dispel the negative stereotypes about the continent to create better opportunities for its people.

Okusanya made this statement during his opening remarks at the 2021 APRA Conference themed ‘One Africa: March to Economic Integration and the Role of Public Relations in Covid-19 Era’, which held virtually on the 25th of May and was attended by several esteemed speakers and guests across various industries, including President, African Development Bank, Akinwunmi Adesina; Secretary General, Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA), Wamkele Mene; Executive Head of Marketing & Communications, Africa Region, Standard Bank, Nkiru Olumide-Ojo, among others.
The conference facilitated the discourse on how public relations can catalyze the growth of the African Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA), which is projected by experts to be the world’s largest single market, once fully operational.

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President, African Development Bank, Akinwunmi Adesina in his keynote address also emphasized the need to curate positive narratives for Africa, citing this as an intrinsic avenue to actualize Agenda 2063 of the Africa Union.
“There are great stories to be told about Africa, our beloved continent. We need you as partners in public relations and the media to help curate and disseminate Africa’s success stories. This is the path towards the actualization of the Africa we want as set out in agenda 2063 of the African Union.

Akinwunmi went on to announce plans of the African Development Bank to partner with the African Public Relations Association (APRA) in promulgating positive African stories of progress, resilience and steadfastness as a people to propel the continent to the forefront of global competitiveness.

Other notable speakers at this year’s edition include, Kerry Sheehan, Senior Communication Advisor, United Kingdom Government Communication Service; Philippe Borremans, President International Public Relations Association (IPRA); Paul Holmes, Founder PRovoke Media; Wynne Musabayana, Head of Communication African Union Commission (AUC); Carol Watson, Chief