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The Best Food Photography Backdrops

The Best Food Photography Backdrops

When I started photographing food, I had many struggles, and one of them was finding the right backdrops to aid my photography. I remember buying a regular wallpaper then I switched to using my dining table surface. I also went to Mushin, Lagos, to buy tiles, and hoped it was the solution to my problem, but I was wrong. The day I discovered all the essential types of backdrops for food photography, my photography game changed. In this write-up, I will be sharing the best background surface for food photography.

DIY Background Surface

DIY (Do-It-Yourself) background is super easy to make as long you follow a guide step-by-step. There are several videos on YouTube on how to make a food photography backdrop in the comfort of your home. Making your surface will save you from spending more if you’re a newbie. I’d advise creating color shades you can use for more versatility in your portfolio.

Wooden Surface
The wooden surface is one of the best options for food photography, and they come in different types. Depending on your style or mood board, you can acquire a variety of wooden surfaces that will help elevate your food photo. It is necessary to pay more attention to the color tone reason being that not all wooden surfaces will fit every dish you intend to photograph. A dark and light grey wooden surface will go a long way in terms of versatility for photography. One disadvantage is its weight, and depending on the type of wood, it can be hard to carry for a location shoot.

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Vinyl Backdrop
A vinyl backdrop is one of the cheapest options you can find in the food photography background market. They are easy to use and store for long usage. The vinyl backdrop is made by taking pictures of different textured surfaces like wooden doors, old house walls, the concrete floor then, printed on a material called vinyl. While some are printed correctly, others could appear fake in photos, and this is inappropriate for photography. It is best to have every element in the image be as original as possible. If this is your most preferred option, go for it.

I would recommend buying tiles if you intend to keep them in one location because they are heavy to carry around and uncomfortable. Marble tiles are the go-to option for versatility and texture, and they are expensive. However, they are durable.

These are my top four, and I have every one of them. If you need more clarification, kindly send me a direct message on Instagram @pastryboystudios.