• Monday, June 17, 2024
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Nkereuwem Onung, acting president of FTAN, pays homage to Father of Tourism in Nigeria

Nkereuwem Onung, acting president of FTAN, pays homage to Father of Tourism in Nigeria

Chief Mike Amachree, the Father of Tourism in Nigeria, was excited to receive a delegation led by Nkereuwem Onung, acting president of FTAN at his hotel and museum in Port Harcourt. The delegation included; Gani Tarzan Balogun, president, Boat Operators Association ( ATBOWATAN), who came in from Lagos, John Likita Best of Association of Tourism Practitioners of Nigeria (ATPN), who came in from Jos, Plateau and Ikechi Uko of Akwaaba African Travel Market, who came from Lagos to join Steve Isokariri, former BOT chairman of NANTA, who is based in Port Harcourt.

Onung thanked chief Amachree who was the founder of ATPN, a former board member of Federation of Tourism Associations of Nigeria (FTAN), and leader of CEPTAC for hosting the team. He informed chief Amachree that he came to find out about his health and is happy to note that he is hale and hearty. He told him about the death of Rabo Saleh, president of FTAN and the plans to hold a memorial for him on May 28, 2021. He told the chief that he brought along his old friends and children to greet him.

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Chief Amachree, who had with him members of CEPTAC, professors Bell Gam and Okoroafor thanked the team for the visit. He told the group that he specifically requested the presence of Ikechi, Tarzan and John Best because he has known them for over 20 years. He has watched them grow and is proud of their achievements. He welcomed them to his museum, hotel and zoo.

He said that the death of the FTAN president is a sad thing but it should not demoralise the members. They should be encouraged and seek to honour the memory of the president by sustaining and strengthening the association. He thanked them for recognising his contributions to tourism. He recalled that the late Saleh presented him with the plaque as the Father of Tourism in Nigeria.

“He is a Good Man”, Chief Amachree said.

After praying for the team, he took them on a tour of the zoo and the museum. While thanking Chief Amachree for his support and encouragement over the years, Gani Tarzan Balogun reminded Chief that he was the person that brought him into tourism during the formative years of ATPN. The delegations were treated to Brooklyn Hotel hospitality by the management of the hotel before they departed to the airport.