• Monday, June 17, 2024
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Legislative aide burgles Reps offices


Security at the National Assembly Complex, Abuja is getting porous as a Legislative aide identified as Kabiru Lawal on Friday burgled offices of Members of the House of Representatives.

Lawal, a native of Offa in Kwara State who is a Legislative Assistant to Mustapha Saidu (PDP, Adamawa)
was apprehended with the aid of closed-circuit television (CCTV) app.

According to an eyewitness, Lawal has at different occasions paraded himself as Journalist, extorting unsuspecting visitors from Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs), and politicians.

Speaking briefly on how his office was burgled, Chairman of House Committee on Civil Society Organizations and Donor Agencies, Kabiru Idris disclosed that Lawal broke into his office after using several keys, barely 15 minutes after he left the office.

“Fortunately for him, he shut the light of my office but I was able to on it, I set my cameras. Live I can see him online…he used different keys but I can see from the camera, he was struggling to open the door.

“And this was less than 15 minutes when I closed from the office. Basically, he was monitoring my movement. There and then we now saw how he came into the office. We have all the videos,” Idris said.

While noting that Lawal’s employer, has been contacted and expected at the National Assembly to have first-hand on the incident, Idris stated that: “It will be unfair for me to take any action or allow anybody to take any action without the consent of his principal.

“I have already invited him, he’s on his way coming. Thereafter, we will give a brief of what happened. “The Chairman of the Press (Hon. Benjamin Kalu) is with us, whose office also was burgled two weeks ago. Chairman Civil Society, and Chairman of Press, we were all burgled, so we don’t know what is happening,” he stated.

He disclosed that the issue has been handed over to the National Assembly Management for further action while some Officers of the Sergeant-at-Arms handling the case at Office Room 0.59 New Building of the House of Representatives, prevented journalists from accessing the office where Lawal was detained.