• Monday, June 17, 2024
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Sanwo-Olu: The philosopher icon of Lagos leadership

Sanwo Olu pledges support for economic growth initiatives

More like a fine artist, life presents before each and every one of us with different canvasses to paint our vast and varied daily experiences, personal principles, philosophies, ambitions, values, dreams and desires on.

And of course, we are free to paint them in our chosen colours. At the end of the day, each of us presents a brand-either negative, to be rebuffed and disdained by many, or positive to be an attractive factor facilitating good character, competence, confidence and candour to be admired by all and sundry.

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. – Winston Churchill

As it is with the image maker and marketing guru, so it plays out in the tricky, murky and effervescent political landscape, more so the intrigue-fuelled Nigerian variant. That brings us to the subject of our interest here, who is none other than the affable, meek, and goal-getting Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu of Lagos State.

 There the questions arise.

Up until now, many Nigerians still wonder how someone, hitherto not an attention-seeker though a politician suddenly came up to take over the baton of political leadership as the successor to erstwhile Governor Akinwunmi Ambode.

That was back in 2018. What marks him out as a person? What defines his persona, out of the hundreds of those, who back then thought they stood a better chance of clinching the much coveted political platform than his humble self?

One does not need rocket science to ponder a while and proffer the answer to this question. All it shows is that you might be the most hardworking, creative, resourceful person, all of which attributes act as steps up the ladder to success but the most dependable facilitating factor of them all is none other than character. Yes, good character!

That is what takes you to the pinnacle of your chosen career. That perhaps, explains why John Hammond aptly puts it that: “Character is the real foundation of all worthwhile success.”

A close perspective at the life trajectory of Sanwo-Olu therefore, shows that it is character and a good one at that which assists one to be at the right place and at the right time for one’s destiny to be fulfilled. Even then, a righteous man and a sinner both located at the wrong place are but the same.

For him, right from the basics he was connected to the former Deputy Governor of the state in the person of Mr. Olufemi Pedro. He was the Destiny Helper who brought him into the political landscape as a Personal Assistant, a post from which he rose to become a Special Assistant on Commerce and Industry.

But then, something drastic happened. That was when Pedro decided to carpet cross away from the Alliance for Democrcay (AD) to the Labour Party (LP) which was the brain-child of Asiwaju Bola Tinubu.

That defection of Pedro became a veritable opportunity for Sanwo-Olu to exhibit the sterling character of a peace maker in him. He acted as a mediator, doing all he could to broker peace. But when he did not succeed, he decided to stay with Tinubu instead of pitching his tent with Pedro.

And he strengthened the bond of affection between him and Tinubu by giving all his support to Barrister Babatunde Raji Fashola.(SAN). That was in 2007 when he emerged as the party’s gubernatorial flag bearer. Subsequently, he became the Commissioner for Training and Establishment during the first tenure of Fashola.

Ever since then, Sanwo-Olu became constant catalyst, image maker and always making himself available as a solution-provider to various political challenges, and beaming brightly in the state’s political firmament like the northern star.

It was not a surprise therefore, when he rose to become the Managing Director, Lagos State Property Development Corporation (LSPD). Building on his wealth of experience he deployed dynamism, innovation bringing to bear more effectiveness in the area of economic development.

As fate would have it, and in recognition of his support as a party faithful and a dependable shoulder to lean on he eventually became the successor to the then Governor Ambode.

And in spite of all the mud-slinging, aspersion casting against his person he remained unfazed as a man of peace and a dependable shoulder to lean on in times of trouble.

Worthy of note is that the exalted office of the state governorship has not changed his person. He remains humble, insightful and accessible to all.

That brings to bear the wise saying that: “People are interested by talent. But God is impressed by character” as Rick Warren. He is also the one who advised that: “We should not be impressed by charisma but we should look out for character.”

That is one great and profound lesson for us all to glean from.
By his simplistic approach to life and as one who never allowed the paraphernalia and apparatchiks of office to lose the common touch he has brought in a new philosophy to the art of governance. He has keyed into the servant-leadership mantra of late president, Umar’ Yar Ardua of blessed memory and remains therefore, a beacon bearer of selflessness, openness, compassion and altruism all shown in the sphere of governance.
For instance, Sanwo-Olu’s kindness was shown to all civil servants in year 2020 as they worked from home for over five months yet they were paid their full salaries all through the duration of the COVID-19 lockdown.

Also, the governor approved the payment of a 30% tax-free End-of-the Year bonus for the state’s workforce, paid with the December salaries to every staff.
It remains remarkable when out of his milk of human kindness he compensated families of six police officers killed in the Lagos state during the #EndSARS violence with N10 million each.

The governor presented cheques to the wives and children of the slain officers at the 14th Town Hall meeting on security held at Civic Centre, Victoria Island, describing the slain officers as “heroes.”

Similarly, Sanwo-Olu approved the release of funds from the equity of Lagos State Health Scheme (LSHS). It was meant to provide free healthcare for 50,000 orphans, elderly and the vulnerable in the state.

Also, parents of two set of quadruplets, Mrs. Ibeh Maureen Anayo (Nee Anyaegbu) and Mrs. Abosede Akinola, were presented with undisclosed sums of money to assist in giving adequate care to their newborn babies.

They disclosed that the governor stood by her and offered assistance from the 6th of August, 2020 when the babies were born at the Federal Medical Centre, Ebute- Metta. On her part, Mrs. Abosede Akinola, mother of the second set of quadruplets appreciated the governor’s gesture of reaching out to them.

Not left out of his generous spirit was his reaching out to a robbery victim by the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) of the Ogudu Police Station in Lagos, Mrs. Celestina Kalu. She was invited by Sanwo-Olu, who handed her a cheque containing undisclosed sums of money.

That reminds us of the minspiring words of Lou Holtz that: “Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.”

All said, whenever the history of Lagos state governance is written there is little doubt that the uncommon act of giving to the needy will be copiously mentioned, as performed selflessly by Governor Sanwo-Olu, the man who has redefined the science of leading by example, with the golden heart.

AJANAKU was a former Special Adviser on information and strategy to Lagos State Government