• Saturday, June 15, 2024
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New NACCIMA President makes first touchdown in PH; feels at home, bags life VP slot in PHCCIMA

NACCIMA tasks FG on policies to drive energy sufficiency

Port Harcourt has become the first city to play host to the newly elected President of the Nigerian Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (NACCIMA), John Udeagbala since he emerged the new president of the national chambers. His visit has been termed ‘home coming’ to the Port Harcourt Chamber of Commerce (PHCCIMA).

His delegation also toured some industry locations in the Garden City to see huge technological and industrial advances made by PH so far.

The PHCCIMA thus, once again, showed it has a special place in the comity of city chambers in Nigeria as Ide paid his first official visit to PHCCIMA.

In his welcome remarks, the President of PHCCIMA, Saleh, said Rivers State is home, and that it is an honour to be host of Ide’s first official visit anywhere. “My National President, we supported and worked with you alongside, Bonny, Egi and Eleme Chambers of Commerce and we will continue to support your administration. We are deeply grateful for your role in making one of our own the National Vice President.”

The head of the organized private sector (OPS) in Port Harcourt said: “On a final note, as a Chamber, we know you have the capacity, and we have great confidence in your leadership abilities, to make robust strides before you leave.”

In his response, the National President corroborated the speech of Saleh, the Honorary Life President of NACCIMA, saying indeed Port Harcourt is a homecoming for him. He expressed gratitude to all for turning out to honour him despite the Independence Day celebration. He wished that despite Nigeria’s challenges, the world should focus more on the nation’s strength.

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He stated: “PHCCIMA is special to me, so I am not surprised this is the first official visit I am making since I took over the reins of leadership in NACCIMA”. He showed reasons why there is the need for the region to close ranks to achieve set goals.”

He particularly called out the Bonny Chamber of Commerce, saying they need to do more as a chamber located in a very strategic area in the country with economic significance. “We must reap the benefit from Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas NLNG. Same for the likes of Ogoni to use the chamber to project and call for adequate compensation for the oil spill that has affected businesses and Egi to get value from Total. According to him, all these are necessary because the goose that lay the golden egg cannot be sidelined.”

He commended PHCCIMA Past President, Vincent Furo, for his continued support for every PHCCIMA administration; and also assured the incoming President, Mike Elechi, of his support. “I have always supported PHCCIMA like my own and I will not relent,” he said.

Udeagbala also congratulated Saleh for his achievements during his tenure that saw PHCCIMA attain a permanent seat as NACCIMA Life Ex officio, a position he said that will be enjoyed by every sitting President of PHCCIMA. He also used the occasion to congratulate Emi Membere-Otaji for his election as National Vice President.

He added that the Chamber movement is a basis for government relationships globally, saying there is more to chamber movement than most persons can see, hence the need to be committed and to work together to reap real benefits.

In his brief remark, Furo advocated the need for the OPS to be strongly represented in the green chamber in the states and federal to help direct business and economic concerns.

In his remarks, Membere-Otaji said; “We count it lucky to be the chamber to host your first visit here National President”.

He emphasized the need for the chambers within the southeast and south-south bloc to work closely to let their voice be heard.

For PHCCIMA 1st Deputy President, Elechi, “The national President is our brother that has always watched our back and championed our cause.”

The highlight of the visit was the presentation of a plaque and electronic membership card to the NACCIMA President as Honorary Life Vice President of PHCCIMA. The NACCIMA 1st Deputy President, Otunba Dele Oye, was also honoured for his various contributions to the unity, peace, and growth of PHCCIMA.

The NACCIMA president and his delegation were led on a facility tour of two strategic member-companies of PHCCIMA, Princess Medical Centre and Weco Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd, where the delegation was taken round to mind-blowing facilities and services providing systems.