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#EndSARS: FG calls panel report triumph of fake news

#EndSARS: FG calls panel report triumph of fake news

The federal government on Tuesday rejected the report of the Judicial Panel of Inquiry that investigated cases of police brutality and the incident of October 20, 2020, #EndSARS protest at Lekki Toll Gate, describing it as a mere rehash of unverified fake news.

At a press conference – the first since the leaked report which has been circulating since last week – Lai Mohammed, Nigeria’s Minister of Information and Culture, said the report has been riddled with so many errors, inconsistencies, discrepancies, speculations, innuendoes, omissions and conclusions, which according to him, are not supported by evidence.

“Without mincing words, let me say that never in the history of any Judicial Panel in this country has its report been riddled with so many errors, inconsistencies, discrepancies, speculations, innuendoes, omissions, and conclusions that are not supported by evidence,” he said.

“What is circulating in public space is simply a rehash of the unverified fake news that has been playing on social media since the incident of October 20th, 2020.”

“It is simply incredible that a Judicial Panel set up to investigate an incident has submitted a report laden with allegations, the same allegations it was set up to investigate in the first instance. Instead of sitting for all of one year, the panel could have just compiled social media ‘tales by the moonlight’ on the incident and submitted, saving taxpayers’ funds and everyone’s time,” he further said.

“That report is nothing but the triumph of fake news and the intimidation of a silent majority by a vociferous lynch mob,” he added.

According to him, “there is absolutely nothing in the report that is circulating to make us change our stand that there was no massacre at Lekki on October 20th, 2020.

Read also: Why I can’t act on #ENDSARS reports now – Buhari

For us to change our stand, a well-investigated report of the incident that meets all required standards and will withstand every scrutiny must be produced and presented to the public. The report in circulation does not meet those requirements,” Mohammed insisted.

He stated that the panel only succeeded in wasting taxpayers’ money by submitting a report laden with allegations instead of investigating such allegations it was set up to do in the first instance.

“Instead of sitting for all of one year, the panel could have just compiled social media ‘tales by the moonlight’ on the incident and submitted, saving taxpayers’ funds and everyone’s time. That report is nothing but the triumph of fake news and the intimidation of a silent majority by a vociferous lynch mob,” the minister stressed.

He further alleged that the report is calculated to embarrass the Federal Government and its agencies without foolproof evidence, adding that critics who read the report said it raised more questions than answers.

The minister therefore also appealed to the families of those allegedly killed in Lekki to speak out.

“It’s untenable to say that some families did not come out because they are afraid. Any parent who is afraid to testify about the death of his or her child is not worth being called a parent,” he said.

“We reject the notion that our soldiers and policemen massacred innocent Nigerians at Lekki on October 20th, 2020. That conclusion is not supported by the weight of available evidence. Indictment for murder is a very serious issue that cannot be done on the basis of allegations and corroborations, as the panel did. Such allegations must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt”, he added.

Meanwhile, the report has since received commendations from local and international agencies including the United States who have urged the Nigerian government to act on the findings of the report.

He said that CNN hurriedly celebrated the leaked report of the Lagos State Judicial Panel of Inquiry before the global news organization even read the report.

“In its rush to claim vindication, CNN apparently didn’t even read the report before rolling out the drums in celebration. By that action, CNN has celebrated prematurely and has now committed a double faux pas: First, by relying on unverified social media stories and videos to carry out an investigation of the October 20th, 2020 incident at Lekki, where it did not have a correspondent on the ground.”

According to him, “CNN goofed in its report on the findings of the panel, which fell below the main standards of journalism. Secondly, CNN rushed to the air to celebrate an unsigned and unverified report that is riddled with inconsistencies, errors, discrepancies, innuendoes.

That’s double faux pas by a news organization that is eager and willing to compromise standards just to claim vindication.”

The minister also called out a section of the Nigerian media that has also joined the lynch mob. Honestly, in an attempt to vilify the government at all costs, they have done themselves a great disservice.

Asked whether he would resign as many have recommended since the panel report went public, Mohammed said he would not, but would rather take the “call-in its stride.”

He, however, said the government was saddened that anyone died at all during the #EndSARS protest as the life of every Nigerian and indeed every human is sacrosanct and commiserated with their families.