• Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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#Endsars anniversary: Police allow ‘peaceful walks’ but bans gatherings


The Lagos State Police Command has warned that it will not tolerate any form of gathering for the #endsars anniversary.

The warning comes amidst plans by various activists, including popular comedian Adebowale David, known as Mr. Macaroni, to mark the solemn occasion with a peaceful walk.

Mr. Macaroni has said that he will be participating in the peaceful walk to honour those who lost their lives on October 20, 2020, during the #EndSARS protests.

“3 Years now!!! We will Never Forget!!! #EndSars!!!! We will be walking peacefully to honor all those who lost their lives on 20/10/2020!!! We also walk for all those who have lost their lives as a result of police brutality in Nigeria!!! We walk in peace!!! We will never forget!” Mr. Macaroni tweeted on Thursday.

Read also #EndSARS: 15 protesters still behind bars, 3 years later-Amnesty

Police spokesperson, SP Benjamin Hundeyin, said in a statement on Thursday that no gathering or convergence whatsoever would be allowed anywhere around the toll gate.

“Buses at/by Oriental Hotel suggests stopping/waiting of buses and gathering of passengers. For the avoidance of doubt, no gathering/convergence whatsoever would be allowed anywhere around the toll gate,” Hundeyin said.

Hundeyin, however, added that the police would be fully on the ground to ensure security for all persons participating in a peaceful walk, as long as they are not obstructing traffic.

The warning from the Lagos State Police Command comes at a time when the country is still grappling with the aftermath of the #EndSARS protests. The protests, which erupted in October 2020, were sparked by public outrage over police brutality and impunity in Nigeria. The protests were met with a crackdown by the Nigerian government, which resulted in the deaths of dozens of protesters.