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How to declutter your heart, mind, and home

How to declutter your heart, mind, and home

In a life of excessive stimuli, tasks, and responsibilities it is common to be overloaded emotionally and mentally. It makes life challenging leading to stress, anxiety, and feelings of being out of control. This affects your productivity, decision making abilities, and overall well-being in all areas of your life. A cluttered mind wastes your time and mental energy.

It leads to disorganisation which is a lack of structure, order, or systematic arrangement. It manifests as physical clutter, a disarray of thoughts, unexpressed emotions, and an inability to manage time and tasks effectively. It is typically a result of internal factors and behavioural patterns. Living or working in a disorganised environment causes unnecessary stress, frustration, and a constant feeling of being overwhelmed by the chaos. You cannot be present with what causes you to lose connection to yourself, your environment, your relationships, and the moment you are in.

“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary, so the necessary can speak.”

-Hans Hoffman

Decluttering the mind refers to the process of clearing mental clutter, such as excessive thoughts, worries, and distractions, to create a sense of clarity and focus. It involves adopting strategies to manage overwhelming thoughts and create mental space for priorities. Its purpose is to promote mental well-being, improve concentration, reduce stress, and enhance productivity. When you declutter, you will gain a better understanding of your thoughts and emotions, make better decisions, and cultivate a more positive mindset. There are many benefits like reduced anxiety, increased creativity, enhanced problem-solving abilities, improved memory, and better emotional regulation. It also contributes to increased self-awareness, mindfulness, and overall life satisfaction.

Are you exhausted from the mental confusion, distraction, and disorganisation that prevents you from living the life you desire and deserve? It is time to let go of the mental habits keeping you from reaching your full potential. Pay attention to how you spend your time and energy:

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Practice mindfulness by observing your thoughts without judgment. This awareness allows you to identify patterns of overthinking and mental clutter.

Identify and prioritise what truly matters which helps you allocate your mental, emotional, and possessions more effectively. This involves setting clear goals and focusing on activities aligned with those priorities. Delegate when possible and identify what is unnecessary and let it go.

Write down your unexpressed emotions, thoughts, concerns, worries, and what needs to be done which can provide a sense of release. It allows you to not have to remember it all by externalizing your thoughts and gaining perspective to make better decisions.

Meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga, or other relaxation and exercise techniques can calm the mind, reduce stress, and create space for clarity.

Structuring your time effectively and organising important over urgent tasks can reduce mental overload. Breaking down goals into smaller, manageable steps and utilising action lists or digital tools can help streamline your thoughts and increase productivity. Allow for breaks during your day. Focus on one task at a time to avoid mental overload. You can set a timer.

Get some sleep to avoid brain fog which is the general inability to think straight or remember anything.

Limit exposure to your digital devices and social media to reduce information overload and distractions. Set boundaries around technology usage.

Stop procrastinating and decide. Decisions can be difficult stirring up an uproar of emotions avoiding the decision-making process completely. Procrastination is one of the greatest culprits of mind clutter because it causes your brain to become overwhelmed by the decisions you have put off.

Negative self-talk can be debilitating and take up a lot of room in your mind. Feeling sad and disappointed is healthy, but toxic self-talk magnifies your misfortune, skewing your perceptions of reality. Become aware of how you talk to yourself, i.e., “I’m not good enough.”

Confide in someone you trust when feeling mentally overloaded to gain perspective and clarity.

Clutter in your home or office creates chaos that competes for your attention and restricts your ability to mentally focus and process information. Whether you realize it or not, having clutter in your surroundings occupies a part of your mind and blocks your ability to think and act clearly. If you want to improve your mental state, you need to organize and clear out physical clutter.

“Let go of the heaviness that is weighing you down. Make your life simple but significant.” -Maria Defillo


You must commit to create a sense of order and calm in your environment. Decluttering is a continuous process that requires practice and self-awareness. The goal of decluttering is not to remove every thought, feeling, idea, dream, or item. Simplify your life and build new habits that increase your productivity, clarity, awareness, organization, and well-being.