• Monday, October 07, 2024
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OLABISI ADAMU, living purposefully in ministry, business and family

OLABISI ADAMU, living purposefully in ministry, business and family

Olabisi Adamu is an ordained prophet of God, a life coach and a successful businesswoman.

She is the Creative Director of Pro Thirty One Designs, an interior design showroom in the heart of Abuja and the founder of Ignite Intercessors Ministry, a prophetic prayer ministry for men and women all over the world. She also founded a fast-growing online Bible school for children in 2020 and is on her way to building a full academic school for children in the nearest future.

In 2017, she started her ministry formerly called The Queen Esther Banquet, she also served actively under notable ministries in Lagos and Abuja before she fully established Ignite Intercessors Ministry, where she now leads thousands in prayer every weekday as early as 5am. This she started since February 2021.

As a businesswoman, Olabisi Adamu has put in equal amount of passion into her business. Asides her furniture and interior decor showroom in Abuja, where she carries luxurious imported and locally made furniture pieces, she also owns a production company where she produces her own line of beddings called ‘REST by Pro Thirty One Designs.’

Her ministry and business has grown in leaps and bounds in the last two years, and her belief that men and women can prosper and be whole in every aspect of their life drives her to keep pushing and pouring into the lives of thousands of people.

Through the gift and calling in business and ministry, she has ignited so many thousands of men and women to develop a passion for prayer and the zeal to excel spiritually and physically in their marriages, businesses, career, relationship and finances.

On Sundays, you will find her teaching the word of God at Ignite Abuja where she recently opened a six hundred seating capacity hall for people to come and be taught the pure undiluted word of God.

Olabisi Adamu emphasizes on obedience to God’s written and spoken instructions, and she tells everyone that this is the foundation of her life and all she has been able to achieve in her ministry, her marriage and her business.

Share your childhood story with us

There are so many phases of my childhood and upbringing that has shaped and impacted me positively today.

One of them is the story of my conception. There was a strong contention for my life right from my mother’s womb.

My sweet mother was a young teenager when she conceived me, and my loving father was a fresh university graduate just trying to start his life.

The plan was to abort me, but it did not work. Weeks after, my parents were disappointed to find out I was still alive and well in my mother’s womb.

When she narrated the extent to which they went to take me out, I knew for a fact that somebody stronger than them wanted me alive, and that person is God.

Having this understanding has always made me feel so connected to God, so loved by Him and above all, so indebted to Him.

This is why today, everything I do and everything I am, and will ever be, is and will be centered around God.

He saved my life when I couldn’t defend myself, when I couldn’t talk, when the world thought I was a mistake, He spared my life, He had a purpose for me to fulfill and a destiny for me to accomplish, and so, He made a very beautiful thing out of a very ugly situation.

Another aspect of growing up that served as a good foundation for me was the first 7 years of my life living with my father In Ibadan. My father and I moved to Ibadan where he got a job and because he had found Christ shortly after my birth, he was so involved in religious activities, I mean church-going, prayers and Bible reading.

He taught me how to study scriptures made me memorise Psalm 91 and 23 at age seven, took me to church every now and then and sometimes spent hours praying beside me.

Although, I was not actively or fully participating because of how young I was, I did not quite understand the gravity of what I was seeing my dad do at home, but something was happening to my life spiritually, because shortly after I turned 8 years old, my father moved to the United States, while I remained here in Nigeria, but no matter where I found myself, secondary up until university I could not backslide. Even when or if I was about to lose my way, it was as though an invisible string was around my legs and neck that just pulled me back to God.

I believe that through proximity and constant exposure to my father’s religious activities, I received an impartation that sustained me up until the time I started to know God for myself.

This is why I strongly believe children learn not only by what you tell them to do or not do, but by what they see you do consistently.

Tell us about Pro Thirty One Designs

Pro Thirty One Designs was coined from the scripture Proverbs 31, which speaks of a woman who had strong faith in God, had multiple streams of income and still managed her home and family excellently. This was the inspiration for the name of my business.

But this was not my first time in business. I used to own a well-established baking and catering business called Posh Cakes, which later evolved into Deluxe Bakery from 2012 up until 2017/2018, when God called me and instructed me to leave the business and spend time waiting on Him for the next phase of my life which had to do with going into ministry. After two years of waiting and doing ministry, little by little, God released me to start my interior design company. Interior designing for me has always been a passion. I remember when my husband and I got wedded newly, I don’t think six months ever went by without me renovating some part of the house or rearranging some part of our home. I would change the cabinets like we owned the home, meanwhile, the house was rented.
Until recently, I used to spend more money making my home than on myself at my own level of course, but now, I am wiser, and God has taught me self-control and balance. So, I was very glad when God released me to turn my passion to profit.

It started as a bedding line and when I saw it was profitable, I started to trust God for a physical store, God came through and I rented a store in Abuja where I live.

After renting the store, God told me to go into interior designs fully instead of renting a place for beddings only. I discussed with my husband, and it made sense to him, and I made plans to travel, order online and bring in furniture, ornaments and a little bit of everything a person will need to beautify his or her space.

It’s been a huge blessing to me since I started it, I have no regrets at all, I enjoy shopping for my business, but it is very capital intensive, this is why by the wisdom of God, at Pro Thirty One Designs, we have not limited our supply to imported furniture only, but we also source for furniture that are locally made in order to serve the general public. This includes those who for one reason or the other cannot afford the imported ones.

I am especially very intentional about sourcing from within to meet the demands for carpentry and furniture in homes, because this is my own way of building our great country Nigeria.

We have a lot of skilled artisans and architects who need projects from companies like ours to perfect their art, gain more experience and earn a living. Which is why plans are already in motion towards opening our own wood factory, where we can employ more artisans, train them and employ them to produce furniture pieces that are of the same standard with imported furniture.

When I relaunched my bedding line, I employed more hands to produce them, a sense of fulfillment swept my feet seeing how many tailors we employed to produce those beddings.

God is so passionate about Nigeria, and he keeps giving me ideas that will directly improve the economy of our country.

By the grace of God, we are in the process of concluding the registration of our business in Ghana and London. This is because God wants the beddings we make in Nigeria to be exported to other countries too. Of course, this requires a great deal of supervision for excellence on our part and with time and patience, we will get there.

Pro Thirty One Designs is also God’s business as He told me two years ago that He was empowering me financially with multiple streams of income so that I can finance kingdom projects and agenda on His behalf.

God has made me a channel of distribution here on earth, and I see myself as a major kingdom financier in these last days.

We had that agreement from the get-go and so long as I keep my own side of the deal, God is committed to keeping to his own side of the deal.

This is why, even in the midst of recession and economic instability, God sustains my business because a lot of His projects, big and small, locally and internationally are being funded and pushed by Pro Thirty One Designs.

What is it about interior design that people to know?

A lot of people need to know that interior designing speaks a lot to your mental well-being. How well you design your space will always have an effect on your mental health. A well-designed space can serve as therapy to a weary soul, this is why sometimes people leave the discomfort of their homes to check in to the comfort of a hotel. Sometimes, people check in to a hotel just for a change of environment, this doesn’t mean their home is uncomfortable, but truth is, the feeling is different, and this feeling can either tense you up or ease your tension. So, when designing a space, either for yourself or for a client, have this in mind. Beyond the budget and financial implication of interior designing, probe more into the personality of your client. It is not about how much has been spent or budgeted, a home can be furnished with expensive furniture and still be lousy.

The owner will still check in to a hotel with white bed sheets and plain grey walls.

You always want to build a place where you or your client will be eager to return to. In this craft, client’s comfort is essential.

Tell us about the Queen Esther Banquet

The Queen Esther Banquet was the name of the ministry when I first started in 2017. It was targeted at raising Esthers for God in the marketplace.

It still has a meaning in what I’m doing today, but on a deeper and larger scale.

Because I have been faithful to the best of my ability, God has also increased my authority, jurisdiction and influence, so it has now evolved into Ignite Intercessors Ministry. And it’s for men and women, no longer for women only.

Share with us on Ignite Intercessors Ministry

Ignite Intercessors Ministry is a prophetic prayer ministry inspired by the Holy Spirit, with the aim of igniting and reawakening men and women spiritually in the place of prayer and intercession.

It was post covid, and I just had my third child when I sensed a leading to return to ministry after staying away for a whole year because of the pandemic and pregnancy, but this time, God said He wanted me to teach people how to pray.

Personally, I love to pray, it is a grace God gave to me and I developed it through consistency and diligence, but I did not quite understand how important prayer was until the enemy started to deal with me after I got married. It was as though the devil thought marriage qualified me for the battles of life.

I faced so many spiritual battles and warfare, and this pushed me to pray like my life depended on it.

It was then I noticed I had a very strong grace for prayer and intercession, I could pray for hours nonstop and not even feel tired, and the more I prayed, the more my prophetic gifts waxed stronger and stronger.

From a very young age, I was already dreaming and seeing visions that came to pass, later on in life, it came with more intensity, it was stronger and clearer, and it drew me into a deeper level of intimacy with the Lord Jesus.

Little did I know that while God was building my muscles in the secret place, He was also using that spiritual exercise to train me in the place of prayer before sending me to raise an army for Him in our generation today.

I struggled with that instruction to start online prayers because I had just had a baby in November 2020, and the tension from the pandemic was just gradually easing off, it just felt like the wrong time to start anything new and rigorous. But the nudging would not stop coming, the dreams would not stop coming, and the people who came across me, even strangers randomly mentioned it.

So, on the 7th of February 2021, I said Yes to God, my baby was only three months old, so I told God I would do it once in a week for one month only. By the third week, people were already asking me to increase the number of times we meet online to pray.

After one month, God convinced me to make it twice a week, I did, then later she said thrice a week.

By the third month, God said to do it every weekday and He would give me grace you for it.

Long story short, I obeyed, and I have been hosting the ignite prayer meeting every weekday by 5am since then.

God has been so faithful, He shows up on the altar even before I show up, lives are being changed, people have grown spiritually, it has grown so big, so popular and highly prophetic!

Today, we have people tune in from Nigeria, London, America, Canada, Ireland, Dubai,Ghana, Tanzania, South Africa, Cotonou, Benin Republic, Cairo, Australia, and so many other parts of the world for the prayers.

The most common testimonies from Ignite Intercessors Ministry are the baptism of the Holy and personal prayer lives being ignited afresh. It shows that God cannot be limited by space, and anything that can transmit waves can actually transmit the anointing.

God has really been faithful, this year, we hosted monthly prayer meetings in Lagos at the Federal Palace Hotel, we have recorded countless testimonies signs and wonders from Ignite Lagos Prayer Meeting, the same Lagos I used to come to host prayer meetings and we will have just ten people show up every month, now, we are booking a thousand-seater capacity hall and still, numerous people still stand.

I am grateful for those seasons of silence as God used it to train me and increase my capacity.

Ignite Intercessors Ministry also hosted a meeting in London and Ghana this year to touch base and make physical contact with people who live outside the country but tune in to the 5am prayers. This was another instruction we had to obey by faith, and the testimonies remain the same, the hand of God is so evident on the morning prayers at our physical meetings, and I am so humbled that He chose me to carry out this assignment for Him.

The Lord crowned the year 2022 for us at Ignite Intercessors Ministry by empowering us to build a 600-seater capacity hall for our Sunday meetings and 150-seater capacity hall for the prophetic children school to also have their Bible Sunday school simultaneously.

I’m looking forward to another year of obedience and acts of God in the year 2023.

Share with us on your online bible school for children and why it was established. Also, what have you observed amongst children in doing this?

One day, I was having a conversation with a sister of mine who is of another faith, and then she mentioned to me that she was going to pick up her children from school and then take them to after-school that belongs to her religion, and this is where they teach them all they need to know about their spirituality and who they serve.

Her son was only six years old, and he was already immersed in their religious belief.

When I got home that day, the conversation continued between myself and The Holy Spirit and that was when he told me to start the Prophetic Children School.

Most of the battles we adults face today would have been avoided if we started our walk with God early in life, as a child.

The average man today will tell you his mother is praying for him, or his wife is the prayer warrior. This is because from childhood, some parents prioritised academics over spirituality, not all but some.

So now, we are grown, and we realize that some of the gaps in our lives today especially the struggle in the area of hearing God for ourselves is as result of us not being grounded enough or trained early enough in the art of prayer and hearing God even as a child. It’s an imbalance in Christianity, and by the grace of God, prophetic children school is part of the solution God is raising in these last days to bridge the gap.

The world, Hollywood to be precise, is doing a fantastic job at creating distractions all over the airwaves and media to lure our children and sensitise them wrongly in the doctrine of devils. Witchcraft and homosexuality are sold to them in their movies, cartoons and toys, and we Christians must arise in the same boldness to combat this by teaching our children sound and balanced doctrines. Letting them know that God is interesting and not boring, and that they can hear God, they can have a real relationship with Him, and above all teach them that they are prophetic in nature.

God told me every child is prophetic, we just have to help them stir up the gift that He has placed on the inside of them.

With the little time I have spent with these children, either when I teach or just conversing with them, I realized that we don’t give them enough credit, we are actually ignorant of how much these kids know. They are curious they are sensitive and they’re full of faith.

So, we must take advantage of their curiosity, their interests and their unadulterated faith, and sell the real gospel to them, this is the only way they will not depart from the faith when they grow up.

The Prophetic Children School presently is an online bible school with Sunday School available every Sunday by 3 pm, we have put measures in place to ensure that children all over the world can watch every Sunday by 3 pm via their YouTube channel.

This is why we set up their own venue in the same premise with Ignite Abuja, so children can come with their parents to learn and be blessed.

By the grace of God, we will evolve into a full-blown academic school, and we will not leave the knowledge of God out of their academics.

What advice do you have for parents regarding the importance of effective communication with their children?

It’s time for us as parents to prophetically and spiritually raise our children, we cannot borrow methods from the world, the world needs to borrow methods from us.

You may have four children, but they don’t all have the same assignments in life, gone are those days parents wanted their children to become lawyers engineers and doctors, the children of this age will tell you they want to be a YouTuber or an actress when they grow up, which is not entirely wrong but we must listen to them because even in their comments that may sound silly, there are clues in it for us, pay attention to what catches their eye, their gifts and hobbies there are pointers to where they are going in life.

As parents, let us ensure we discover the calling and purpose of our children before the enemy discovers it, hijacks it and uses it to propagate his kingdom.

Share with us on meeting your husband

I met my husband in 2008 in the city of Abuja when I was preparing to go for my youth service.

He was mature, gentle and straight to the point. I liked the fact that he knew what he wanted from the very first day we spoke, and he seemed very grounded in godly family values, he wasn’t as religious as I was, but he was raised in the Baptist Church.

I didn’t grow up with my parents and I missed that, I longed for that, and I didn’t want to raise children under the same circumstances in which I grew up, so having someone who had that, was a plus for me. He is a family man, and God wanted him for me.

What was your husband’s reaction to your ‘call?’

When I told my husband about going into ministry, he was quiet. I remember the letter I wrote to him explaining what God told me to do and how I’m stepping out by faith. He never responded, he just carried on like nothing was happening. I expected a negative response, but he was just quietly supportive, but I knew he was watching. He shows concern whenever he feels I’m out of line, but he never stands in my way of obeying God.

So far, the fruits of the journey are showing, it’s easier now to believe in what God called me to do, but even before the fruits, he was very supportive, emotionally and to be honest, financially.

Being a woman in ministry, how are you managing the home, work and ministry?

Honestly, I am learning as I grow, totally depending on the wisdom of God to help me create that balance, so that no aspect of my life will be found wanting or will suffer for the other.

God doesn’t want us giving up marriage for ministry, or ministry for marriage, so I am learning to walk closely with Him and be flexible and easy to be corrected.

It’s a dimension of God I am gradually learning to become, you know the Bible says God is the multi-breasted one, God is God, father, mother, saviour, friend, counselor, teacher and all of these things, yet, He is so perfect, and the Bible says we are created in His likeness and after His own image. So, it means we have that capacity in us to be all that God calls us to be.

The more I allow God work in me and the more I walk with Him, I am able to fulfill my responsibilities excellently.

It’s a process but we must never think it’s unattainable.

What are the peculiar challenges with women in ministry and how are you surmounting yours?

The major thing is the fear of failure, and the fear of what people will say. Ministry is male dominated and it’s so easy to get intimidated by that, but God told me He is raising women in these last days, and He is giving us a voice that will speak to the nations on His behalf.

Most times, women are in the shadows and hiding behind our husbands or men generally, but we are in a coming-out season, and God is calling us to take over territories for Him, raise giants, build institutions, go into politics, do what He says we should do, so He can legislate through us.

I have been able to surmount those fears by constantly praying for courage and soaking myself in His presence.

I don’t look at what others are doing, I don’t replicate other people’s vision, I maintain my focus. That is the way to stay grounded, focused and to be greatly used by God.

What advice do you have for women who feel called to ministry but are scared, those who are in already and those who have spouses who are called in ministry?

If you sense the call of God on your life, and you are afraid to step out, it’s very normal, but you need to understand that the vision is for an appointed time, this means what God is asking you to do is time sensitive, and God’s plan must be fulfilled, it’s the people that may be replaced.

Bearing this in mind, you don’t have till forever to do what God has called you to do, like David, you must serve your own generation by the will of God.

It’s your time, Woman ARISE let your light so shine before men that they may give glory to our father in Heaven.

You are the Deborah this generation is looking for, the Elizabeth someone is praying for, the Esther we are all waiting for, it’s your time to arise and shine.

To those who are in and are overwhelmed or discouraged, I want to remind you that although men may forget what you have done for them, but God is not a man, and He is not unjust to forget your labour of love and sacrifice that you show to the brethren for His name’s sake. Like David, I charge you to encourage yourself in the Lord and do not be weary in well doing.

A season of back-to-back reward is upon you, get ready to be remembered for good like never before.

To those who are standing behind men who are in the fore front of ministry, and you feel invisible and yet over-burdened by the constant sacrifice of your time together, God sees you! You are not invisible, you carry something, something the people need, you need to stir up the gift on the inside of you.

Joseph must have felt invisible when the whole world had their eyes on Mary as she carried the saviour of the world, at some point, He must have gotten jealous hearing and seeing the pampering Mary received from the crowd, but thank God Joseph was prophetic and his gifts of dreams and visions were active, because he had that gift, God revealed the plan of the enemy concerning Jesus to him.

If it wasn’t for Joseph, our saviour Jesus would have died as a baby in the hands of Herod.

God knew what He was doing when He paired Mary and Joseph together, He knew Mary didn’t have everything and Jesus still needed a father to instruct him.

Find that gift and receive the courage to maximise it. You have a role to play in all of this, you have a destiny to fulfill. Arise, we are waiting for your manifestation.

Share on the importance of submission to each other in marriage

Submission is a very powerful thing to do. I believe only broken people can truly submit to each other. Broken in the sense that they have allowed God to break their selfish will, ambition and pride. When God’s authority is the final say in your home, you are in a good place.

Until a couple submit to one another, their submission to God is questionable.

You can gauge your submission to God by how well you submit to your husband and your wife.

The need to prove you are the one with a higher authority or you are the one who is right dies when you are in submission to one another.

Submission in marriage creates room for agreement, because two cannot walk unless they agree.

What the world calls submission today is control. Your spouse does not want to be controlled, control leads to witchcraft and manipulation, all these can create an atmosphere of bitterness anger and strive in marriage.

But when you submit to one another, you lose control over your spouse, but you gain influence over them.

Yes, submission eliminates control but increases the influence you have on your other half, and until you both submit to God, you cannot submit to one each other.

Aside God, what has been your sustaining factor in your home?

Aside God, my husband has been my sustaining factor in my home, with his attributes and qualities, there is balance and harmony at home. He is a very mature and committed person, and it really solidifies our family ties.

What are your personal and professional challenges?

My personal challenge, hmm.. honestly, I struggle with exercising and resting, and anyone who knows how fickle life is must take bodily exercise seriously.

I have my gym equipment at home, but I just seem to walk past it like it’s not there, and it’s funny how I thought having these things at home would make it easier for me, but no, it’s a big challenge for me, I find it hard to just make time out and use the treadmill consistently, but I will do better in the coming year by God’s grace.

Professionally, it’s two things, people and Nigeria! When I say Nigeria, I mean the federal government.

People who spend months believing God for a job or a contract, God answers that prayer and when it’s time to deliver they fall short. Lack of preparation!

Also, people who want something but never want to go for it or get their hands working to achieve desired results they are praying for.

It’s very rare to find an artisan you will contract a job to and go to sleep, you must be ready for warfare, and this is why I want to get my own factory for better supervision, and it will afford me direct access to the entire production process, that way, there would be no room for ugly surprises. Finally, the government policies in Nigeria are not making it very easy for entrepreneurs to do business and reap their profit.

Every business owner needs extra prayers and extra efforts to sustain their business in Nigeria.

Day never to be forgotten
Day never to be forgotten? Wow! that’s easy, that’s the day of my ordination.

It was divinely orchestrated by God.

So, on the 9th Of October which was meant to be the opening of our Abuja Prayer Hub facility, I had no guest minister, no one was specially invited to do anything, no gospel artist, I just wanted to come and minister to the Lord and His people and thank God for the new space.

That morning while I was making up and getting dressed, I got a text message from a pastor friend of mine who said Dr Kayode Ijisesan said he will stop by at the opening today to celebrate with you.

I was surprised because I had never met this great man of God before except that I follow him on Instagram and I see all he does for the body of Christ, and I know he is loved and honored by many. So, I happily received the message. An hour into the service, my personal assistant rushed to my seat to inform me that he was coming up with a group of people.

I got up to welcome them in and he sat down with other great ministers and prophets.

I was too surprised, but I knew that visit was not ordinary, so I took the stage and honored them and asked him to come up as well and say what God has laid on his heart.

He commended the work of God in my hands and said when he saw my post the day before, God told him that He wanted him to come to the opening, so he asked Pastor Bimbo to inform me.

While he was speaking, I heard a loud noise from the audience, he paused his speech and looked back, they went quiet. I was wondering what they saw that made them scream like that.

He continued, and the audience went loud again, and this time around, I got up to go to the back and see what was going on and to my surprise, I saw Minister Dunsin Oyekan walk into the meeting.

The audience went wild at this point, and I literally froze in confusion. I hugged him and welcomed him, deep down I was so confused.

Who invited him? what’s he doing here? Did Dr Kay invite him? Apparently, no.

So, we invited him up stage to also give a speech, and he said he came to get a haircut downstairs and he saw a lot of cars parked outside, so he asked what was going on in the mall and they told him Ignite Prayer Meeting.

So, he went on to get a haircut and the Holy Spirit told him “I want you to go upstairs and be at the meeting” He was also surprised because he had to tell God “I don’t know who or what this meeting is all about, I was not invited, I only came to get a haircut, how can God be telling me to just walk in to someone’s prayer meeting?”

But after he (Minister Dunsin Oyekan) got his hair cut, he obeyed the voice of God and came upstairs to our meeting.

It was after this narration I remembered a dream I had about two years ago, in that dream, I was celebrating an event that looked like my birthday and Minister Dunsin Oyekan walked in, in a black and white shirt, and everyone was shocked, and I was surprised. I even wrote it down that it was a surprise visit, and I asked him to please sing for us and he obliged. This was all in the dream.

After he spoke, I took the stage with tears rolling down my eyes, a dream I had two years ago had just played out in-front of me. I had only met Minister Dunsin at the airport last year in real life, we were not friends, nor did we have a relationship prior to that day, you can imagine how the audience felt hearing all this and then I brought out my phone and pulled out the dream I had two years ago from my notes and read it out for everyone to hear.

Because I write my dreams down, and no matter what, I always have them saved on my iPhone notes.

So, it’s there with the date and time I recorded it. When Minister Dunsin saw the date on my phone, he said he will sing and minister to us, in order to complete the vision.

Before he took the stage Dr Kay intercepted and said God just told him that he sent him to my meeting to ordain me as a prophet. He said this is the day of your ordination.

So, he called me forward and ordained me a prophet, prayed for me and prayed for me family. It was truly divine. I will never forget that day. Simply unforgettable!

What does Christmas mean to you and how are you celebrating it?

Although the Bible does not record a specific date in which our saviour was born, but we have grandparents who don’t remember their birthdays and family members still pick a day out in the year to celebrate them.

If we all celebrate our birthdays, how much more the birthday of my Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.

Yes, Christmas day is really special, it’s all about honoring the birth of the saviour of the world. He deserves to be honored every day, but publicly, we took a day out of 365 days in a year to let the whole world know that on this day, thousands of years ago, the King was born.

I am going to be spending it with my family and close friends, resting and having fun at a location far away from home.

To anyone out there not in a good mood this festive season, and are discouraged, what do you want to say to them?

The year 2022 was indeed an interesting year, not just for you but for everyone.

You may have lost a loved one this year, got your heart broken again, didn’t carry your baby after all the prayers, moved out of your matrimonial home, lost your business or job, got betrayed by your closest friend, couldn’t secure that relocation visa, still in debts, and you’re wondering, God when? God why?

God says to you “This is not your end, I have not forgotten you, I have gone ahead of you and even from now, you will begin to experience love peace and joy again. I am able to bring something good out of something bad, something so beautiful out of that ugly situation.”

Do not cast away your confidence my brother my sister, God is still working even though you don’t see it, God is still working even though you can’t feel it.

Rise up again in courage and stir up yourself, shake off that weight of depression and heaviness from your shoulders, receive joy on the inside of you, put on some nice clothes, go out and celebrate.

You may have lost some, but God is the reason you have not lost everything. That you are alive and well to read this message is a sign and proof that God is not done with you yet.

Right now, I want you to smile and say these words to yourself, say it like you mean it, “God loves me!”


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