• Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Edo is not bereft of resources, but innovative ideas, transformational leadership – ADC guber candidate

Edo is not bereft of resources, but innovative ideas, transformational leadership – ADC guber candidate

Osarenren Derek Izedonmwen, a trained engineer, is the candidate of the African Democratic Congress (ADC)

Osarenren Derek Izedonmwen, a trained engineer, is the candidate of the African Democratic Congress (ADC) in the upcoming governorship election in Edo State, this September. In this interview, he unveils to Obinna Emelike his reason for joining the gubernatorial race, his agenda, especially plans to steer Edo to the path of prosperity, security, quality leadership, among others. Excerpts:

As an aspiring governor, what challenges do you see in Edo and hope to address?

In Nigeria today, we face a grave economic imbalance driven by a structural trade deficit, rooted in our reliance on imported food, energy, specifically refined petroleum products and manufactured goods. This reliance not only depreciates our Naira but also forces us into a cycle of subsidies and high-interest rates, increasing our national debt and stifling local economic growth. Recent policies from the federal government have only worsened these challenges, pushing more Nigerians into poverty. It is high time we broke this vicious cycle. In Edo State, we are not bereft of resources but of innovative ideas and transformational leadership, leaders who are prepared, ready to serve, and act decisively in the best interests of our state.

What is your vision and new course you are going to chart in Edo?

Edo State has a unique opportunity to chart a new course, as we navigate these turbulent economic waters. The vision is to transform Edo into an economic model of resilience and innovation, driven by strategic investments in agriculture, industrialisation, and infrastructure. These three pillars are interconnected and essential for holistic economic development.

Can you give details on how you intend to leverage agriculture as a goldmine to boost revenue earning and development?

Our vision for agriculture in Edo State encompasses two broad approaches. The first is to rapidly improve the agricultural productivity of family-based farms through affordable credit, technology, modern farming methods, and targeted government incentives designed to de-risk farming.

Secondly, we will be transforming agricultural produce into value-added products. By processing our cash crops such as palm oil, rubber, cocoa, and cashew nuts and food crops like rice, cassava, plantain, and grains into highly sought-after products such as high-standard flours, industrial starch, ethanol, sorbitol, chocolate, refined vegetable oils, and animal feeds, we can create a sustainable agro-based economy that feeds into our industrial sector.

Do you also have plans for reviving the manufacturing sector?

Industrialisation is the next logical step. By setting up processing and manufacturing industries, Edo State will create a demand for diversified agricultural products, thereby attracting more people into farming to supply a ready industrial market. Value-added processing of agro-products and mineral resources can significantly reduce Nigeria’s dependence on imports while boosting exports to earn scarce foreign exchange. This sector will thrive on the infrastructure developed, ensuring that products made in Edo reach local and global markets efficiently.

What about the huge infrastructure deficit?

Yes, because infrastructural development will support both agriculture and industrialisation. By improving roads, power, water supply and other utilities, we not only enhance the quality of life for our people but also attract investments that fuel further industrial activities.

If elected governor, what will be your approach to economic development?

I will adopt a mercantile approach to economic development. Despite the current economic hardship that has decimated the purchasing power in Nigeria, Edo State’s focus on production for export can rejuvenate our local economy. By targeting the export markets, we can generate revenue that can be re-invested into our local industries, fostering a sustainable cycle of growth and development. Given the importance of this export market to our long-term economic growth, we will prioritize government-led market creation, especially outside the shores of Nigeria.

With all these, it means Edo is going to be a leading light?

Yes. The transformation in Edo State can serve as a blueprint for other states in Nigeria. By demonstrating success in Edo, we can inspire a nationwide adoption of these strategies, potentially propelling Nigeria to achieve economic transformations seen in countries like South Korea, China, and recently Vietnam within a similar one-generation period.

What are your plans for security in Edo State?

Before delving into economic strategies, it is paramount to address security, which is the foundation of any successful policy implementation.

Our highest priority is to ensure the security of lives and investments in the state. Also, with sufficient resources and innovative technology, we will create a safe environment that encourages farming activities, pacifies our cities, and attracts Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Most importantly, without tackling insecurity head-on, our well-laid economic plans risk collapsing.

In a nutshell, why will the electorates vote for you and your party come September?

The vision for Edo State is clear. We are going to transform the state into a beacon of economic resilience through strategic investments in agriculture, industrialisation, and infrastructure, all underpinned by an unwavering commitment to security. Guided by visionary leadership, we are poised to steer Edo State towards a thriving future.

This comprehensive approach will not only stabilize Edo’s economy but also serve as a model for the rest of Nigeria. However, the realization of these plans demands not just any leadership but the right leadership. Edo needs leaders who are not merely content with understanding ‘what’ needs to be done, but are adept at knowing ‘how’ to execute these plans effectively. Edo needs leaders who are deliberate, focused, and steadfast in their pursuit of rapid development. As we approach the upcoming elections, it is crucial that the people of Edo look for these qualities in their next governor. By ensuring a secure and prosperous Edo, we pave the way for a secure and prosperous nation.