• Sunday, June 16, 2024
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Access to clean water remains a lingering challenge in Nigeria- MD, Lasena Water

Access to clean water remains a lingering challenge in Nigeria- MD, Lasena Water

Musa Elakanma, managing director, OGC food and beverages limited, manufacturers of Lasena water, has said that access to clean water is a lingering challenge that needs to be fixed in Nigeria.

Water remains a major accessory to the positive development of people. Experts say its non-availability is a major source of concern to the health and wellness of a people.

According to the 2021 National Outcome Routine Mapping of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Service Levels (WASH-NORM) report, 23 percent of Nigerians do not have access to basic water supply services and only 10 per cent of the population have access to basic water, sanitation and hygiene services combined.

Elakanma in a statement explained that, “Access to clean water is a challenge that truly needs to be fixed. Lasena Anam Water is playing its part by piping water to neighboring communities, with plans to extend our reach to more households in the near future. Lasena’s Water commitment to improving water accessibility and sanitation initiatives demonstrates their dedication to uplifting underserved communities.”

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On the significance of drinking clean water and its profound impact on human existence, the Lasena Water MD said: “Water is the bedrock of all human existence. We spend the first nine months of our lives in water, and 60% of the average human body is composed of water.

“Without water consumption within seven days, the human body may not survive. It is essential that we drink clean water to ensure an optimum life, free of illness and with a body in its best possible shape.”

Maintaining transparency and consumer trust is of utmost importance to Lasena Water, he said.

In the event of a water quality concern or recall, Elakanma noted that the company has a dedicated task force team that promptly addresses such issues.

“In such event, we have a dedicated Task force team which attends to such issues. We also have a tight network with all of our depots and we can trace the products when needed.”