• Wednesday, September 18, 2024
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Nigerians seek concrete action amidst economic hardship

‘Breakdown in family values worsen Nigeria’s socio-economic challenges’

Recent protests across Nigeria reflect a growing discontent with escalating living expenses, ineffective governance, and a lack of opportunities. This unrest is part of a larger wave of discontent sweeping through Africa, which has already affected several countries on the continent. Nigeria has joined this movement, with citizens voicing their frustrations and demanding change.

President Bola Tinubu’s recent speech was intended to address these concerns and offer reassurance. However, the speech fell short in providing a clear and actionable plan to address the root causes of Nigeria’s economic challenges. While the president’s tone was conciliatory, the lack of specific measures to tackle the central issues left many Nigerians unconvinced.

The speech was expected to outline strategies for reducing the high cost of governance and easing the economic burden on citizens. Instead, it failed to deliver concrete solutions or demonstrate a commitment to meaningful change. The president’s address seemed to gloss over the crucial issues, leaving a gap between public expectations and the government’s response.

“While the president’s tone was conciliatory, the lack of specific measures to tackle the central issues left many Nigerians unconvinced.”

The 2024 budget, labelled the “Budget of Renewed Hope,” has further fuelled disappointment. It does not reflect the necessary sacrifices to address the economic crisis but rather continues to fund substantial recurrent expenditures. Notable examples include the allocation of $150,000 each for SUVs for over 450 lawmakers and approximately $38 million for the presidential air fleet and other related expenses. These allocations are seen as excessive, especially when the country is facing significant economic challenges.

Read also: Nigeria’s economic outlook uncertain despite CBN’s policies —PwC

In contrast, recent reforms in Argentina provide a valuable lesson. President Javier Milei, elected in 2023, has implemented substantial cost-cutting measures to address the country’s economic difficulties. Milei’s plan to cut $20 billion from public sector spending, reduce operating expenses, and eliminate political privileges has set a notable example. His decision to fly commercial instead of using the presidential jet demonstrates a commitment to austerity and transparency. Argentina’s approach also includes reducing subsidies and increasing taxes to achieve a fiscal surplus, offering a potential roadmap for Nigeria.

The Oronsaye Report, authored in April 2011, proposed comprehensive reforms to reduce governance costs by merging agencies, eliminating redundancies, and streamlining operations. Despite some steps towards implementation, progress has been limited. Challenges such as bureaucratic resistance, political interests, and funding constraints have impeded the full realisation of these recommendations. More than a decade later, the report’s objectives remain largely unmet, highlighting a persistent struggle for meaningful reform.

Nigerians are now looking for substantial actions beyond symbolic gestures. Key issues requiring urgent attention include the management of the oil and gas sector, a major source of foreign currency. The Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL) and the overall management of oil revenues are areas in need of transparent and effective solutions.

Additionally, the ongoing insecurity in the agricultural sector continues to impact food production and prices. With food inflation at 40.87 percent, contributing to an overall inflation rate of 34.19 percent, there is a pressing need for concrete measures to address these economic pressures.

In summary, Nigerians are calling for clear and actionable plans to address the country’s pressing challenges. While some demands may seem difficult to implement, it is crucial for President Tinubu to provide a detailed and comprehensive strategy for tackling these underlying issues. Transparent and decisive action is essential to rebuild public trust and demonstrate a commitment to meaningful progress. This involves not only setting clear objectives but also outlining specific steps and timelines for achieving these goals. By fostering open communication and ensuring accountability, the government can work towards restoring confidence among the populace. Ultimately, it is through dedicated and sincere efforts that the administration can drive forward positive change and create a more prosperous and stable future for all Nigerians.

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