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Top 10 destinations for business trips in Africa

Top 10 destinations for business trips in Africa

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, business travel has undergone significant changes.

However, Africa is rapidly emerging as a powerhouse of economic activity, offering a wealth of opportunities for business travellers. With its diverse markets and vibrant economies, the continent is home to numerous cities that are becoming prime destinations for corporate engagements.

From tech hubs to financial centres, these top 10 African cities stand out for their business-friendly environments, robust infrastructures, and dynamic growth prospects, making them essential stops for any discerning business professional.

Read also: Top 10 destinations for business trips globally

Analyzing data from one million Instagram posts featuring #businesstrip from October 2022 to February 2024, Givetastic provides insight into the latest trends in post-pandemic business travel by focusing on geotagged city locations.

Here are the top ten destinations for business trips in Africa.

Marrakech, Morocco

Marrakech, Morocco

Leading the list is Marrakech, with 1,221 geotagged posts. Known for its vibrant culture and rich history, Marrakech is not only a major tourist destination but also an attractive location for business travellers. The city’s blend of traditional and modern influences makes it an appealing place for researchers and business executives alike. Additionally, Morocco’s efforts to become a prominent player in the global business world, particularly through Casablanca’s financial sector, are paying off.

Lagos, Nigeria

Lagos, Nigeria

With 935 geotagged posts, Lagos comes in second. As a major economic hub, Lagos holds significant importance not only in Nigeria but across Africa. The Lagos Financial Centre houses the headquarters of many international banks and investment firms. Additionally, Lagos is home to the Nigerian Stock Exchange and a hotspot for young tech companies. This thriving economic environment makes Lagos a top destination for business travellers.

Read also: Top 10 African countries emerging as investment hotspots

Cape Town, South Africa

Cape Town, South Africa

Cape Town secures the third spot with 572 geotagged posts. The city’s economic landscape is diverse and ever-evolving, with significant contributions from tourism, hospitality, renewable energy, and film/media sectors. Cape Town’s unique blend of natural beauty and business opportunities attract a steady stream of business travellers.

Nairobi, Kenya

Mombasa, Kenya

Nairobi ranks fourth with 396 geotagged posts. As Kenya’s capital, Nairobi is a crucial business and financial hub in East Africa. The city hosts numerous international organisations and companies, making it a prime destination for business travellers. Nairobi’s vibrant economy and strategic location contribute to its popularity.

Read also: Top 10 African countries with the largest intra-African exports growth

Cairo, Egypt

Cairo, Egypt

Cairo, with 383 geotagged posts, takes the fifth position. As Egypt’s capital, Cairo is a significant cultural and economic centre. The city’s rich history and strategic location at the crossroads of Africa, Europe, and the Middle East make it an attractive destination for business travellers.

Mombasa, Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya

Mombasa is sixth with 341 geotagged posts. Known for its beautiful coastline and historical significance, Mombasa is also an important commercial and industrial hub in Kenya. The city’s port is one of the busiest in Africa, contributing to its appeal for business travellers.

Read also: Best 3 destinations to visit in Africa and others in 2024

Casablanca, Morocco

Casablanca, Morocco

Casablanca, earning the seventh spot with 339 geotagged posts, is Morocco’s economic capital. The city’s financial district is home to numerous multinational corporations and financial institutions. Casablanca’s strategic location and robust infrastructure make it a key destination for business travellers.

Abuja, Nigeria

Abuja, Nigeria

Abuja, with 297 geotagged posts, ranks eighth. As Nigeria’s capital, Abuja hosts government offices, embassies, and international organisations. The city’s planned infrastructure and central location make it an important destination for business travellers.

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Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Dar es Salaam comes in ninth with 275 geotagged posts. As Tanzania’s largest city and economic hub, Dar es Salaam plays a crucial role in the country’s trade and commerce. The city’s port and industrial sector make it a significant destination for business travellers.

Johannesburg, South Africa

Johannesburg, South Africa

Rounding out the top ten is Johannesburg, with 269 geotagged posts. Known as the economic powerhouse of South Africa, Johannesburg is home to numerous multinational corporations, financial institutions, and industries. The city’s dynamic business environment and strategic importance make it a popular destination for business travellers.

Chisom Michael is a data analyst (audience engagement) and writer at BusinessDay, with diverse experience in the media industry. He holds a BSc in Industrial Physics from Imo State University and an MEng in Computer Science and Technology from Liaoning Univerisity of Technology China. He specialises in listicle writing about profiles, business, finance, travel, and world affairs, leveraging his skills in audience engagement analysis and data-driven insights to create compelling content that resonates with his readers.