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How Steven Ndukwu redefines Africa’s single story one video at a time

How Steven Ndukwu redefines Africa’s single story one video at a time

In the bustling realm of social media, where content creators strive for attention and influencers vie for engagement, Steven Ndukwu stands as a beacon of change, reshaping the narrative of Africa one captivating video at a time.

Niched in travel and tourism, Steven, with over 30 million views and 600,000 followers across various platforms, is not just a storyteller but also a revolution in motion.

In the words of acclaimed Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, the peril of the ‘single story’ weighs heavily upon Africa—a continent rich in diversity, housing 54 countries and an array of distinct cultures.

Drawing inspiration from Adichie’s cautionary tale of the ‘single story’ that has stereotyped Africa, Steven embarked on a mission to unveil the continent’s hidden beauty.

“Most things people hear about Africa paint a picture of struggle, poverty, and hardship,” Steven remarks. “My journey began with a desire to dismantle this narrative, to reveal the beauty and opulence often overlooked.”

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His storytelling journey started when he unveiled the luxury side of Lagos through a video that astonished viewers, opening their eyes to a facet of the city seldom showcased. “The response was incredible,” he recalls. “That motivated me to embark intentionally on a quest across the continent, capturing its enchanting cities and cultures through the lens of my passion for cinematography and video production.”

However, the path to redefining Africa’s story is paved with both triumphs and trials. “Achievements, for me, stem from enlightening viewers, offering them a peek into a different Africa, something beyond the stereotypes,” Steven explains. His accolades, from the “Best Digital Content Curator in Nigeria” award to nominations at prestigious events, affirm his impact.

Yet, challenges persist. “Being a Nigerian presents hurdles—visa limitations, currency fluctuations, and stereotypes. Some brands hesitate to collaborate solely because of my nationality,” he says.

Despite these obstacles, Ndukwu remains resolute in his mission to amplify Africa’s narrative globally. “Africa’s diversity is my canvas,” he says. “From encountering the Himba tribe in Namibia to understanding varying aspirations across African regions, each experience reshapes my perception.”

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In his globetrotting, Steven advocates for Africa’s untapped tourism potential. “Countries like Botswana, Mauritius, and Kenya are making strides, promoting their allure,” he states. “My videos aim to unveil these hidden gems, urging travelers to explore beyond conventional destinations.”

His vision extends beyond mere videos. “I aspire to bring these stories to television, reaching broader audiences,” Steven shares. “Establishing an academy to train aspiring storytellers is my next endeavour—to multiply voices championing Africa’s narratives.”

To budding travellers, his advice echoes wisdom and experience: “Remain open-minded, share the positives, and strive for continuous learning. And remember, evolving strategies often lead to transformative outcomes.”

As Steven Ndukwu traverses Africa, his lens captures not just picturesque landscapes but the heartbeat of a continent yearning to rewrite its story. A journey fueled by passion, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to paint a diverse, vibrant Africa—one story at a time.