Coordination in English
Coordination generally means the act of making all the people involved in a plan or activity work together in an...
Coordination generally means the act of making all the people involved in a plan or activity work together in an...
I discussed focus as an instrument of prominence in my last column. Another way to spice up a speech or...
Beyond the mastery of grammar and possession of a wide vocabulary, language use, especially spoken language, can be characterised by...
Linkers are words or short phrases that are used to connect words, phrases, clauses or paragraphs together. Linkers are used...
It is in place to extend my felicitations (not, felicitation) to the citizenry of Nigeria over a peaceful and successful...
I have pursued the intricate aspects of nouns for two weeks, yet this wide-word class leaves us with much more...
My last column x-rayed some complications with the pluralisation system of English. Such complications are inevitable because the noun is...
Word classes such as nouns and pronouns exhibit plurality as one of their features in English. Different languages account for...
Conflict is generally described as active disagreement and argument between persons, organisations or nations. It is important to note that...
Naming is a universal experience which has been with humankind from the start of the world. It is a phenomenon...